Why My Brother is Blocked?


Why My Brother is Blocked?
by salman farsi


I went away for few days and when I come back I see my good brother Freethought111 is blocked! I know  it is pointless to ask for reasons. The "admin" of Iranian.com is above the level to answer such questions! But in the short period that I have had the pleasure knowing Freethought111 I did not find anything objectionable in his writings that would make him a candidate for being blocked. He was posting evidence-based comments, so rich in content, so factual and in such a fluent English. He has shown the peace loving face of Islam like no other contributor on this site. Some may say that he has an issue with the Baha's faith. OK I accept that but then hundreds of contributers on this site have an issue with Islam and other faiths like Judaism or ideologies like communism.  The language that is particularly used against Islam is so vile and disgusting that had it been used against other faiths and ideologies, the abuser would have been hunted out of this site  in no time. I myself have been the subject of frequent and ferocious personal attacks and abuse as well as my faith been cursed and condemned number of times beyond I can count. And all these attacks because I have said that ISALM IS NOT REPRESENTED BY THE REGIME OF IRAN. I have shown facts and evidence for my words but there are still so many of you who hate me for even suggesting that the regime of Tehran is not Islamic. Why? Challenge me if you can but don't dismiss Islam without listening to the facts as presented by the other side.

Freethought111 has been saying the same thing in a much better lanuguage with irrefutable fatcs and figures. Each of his comments is like a well researched scholarly written paper worthy of appearing in quality journals and publications. Yet he is blocked but those who come up with frequent F-words against his or my belief system are protected under the meaningless motto of "Nothing is Sacred". It seems that to the "IC admin" there are certain things which are more scared than others. The chronic inconsistency and discriminatory policy in applying this empty motto is revolting. The case of Freethought111 and a few others give credibility to the idea that Iranian.com is promoting certain agenda to serve certain grouping and organization. That is fine. Please go ahead and do it but please don't claim that there is a consistent and impartial policy at work here. While there are bloggers (and I won't mention names) who are blogging anti Islamic pieces on a daily basis with total impunity and and are using harsh expletives against peace loving muslims, others are knocked off the website for coming up with rebuttals to such accusations.

I know that Mr Javid is no longer the owner of this site (sold it to a group of investers) but he is still the controller of the site. I also know that he calls himself an athiest. Fine! No problem! But even an athiest controller can be fair unless there are other hidden agendas that we are not supposed to know.

Finally, I am sure many of you will tell me: if you don't like it why don't you butt out? Well, I have got some news for them. I am here to stay for as long as the controller allows me to. In short:



more from salman farsi

Thanks brother salman for changing arabic avatar. Looks better

by Siavash300 on

Ba doorood bar Salman, 

Seems you're progressing brother. Hope to see you one day in the same page as other Iranians fighting against Islamic devil that destructed our country for last 32 years. No arabic please on this site anymore.

Ba Sepas


Payanedeh our Aryan Land IRAN


Brother Majous

by divaneh on

That is a good answer. Only a person who knows understands that he doesn't know.

JJ said it very clearly if you were prepared to listen. Go read his comments again. FT has done it so many times and after calling Roozbeh an Olagh and getting worked up in his exchanges with SK, you could see that it was coming again. I wish that admin would let all of us know  but the fact that you, without knowing the truth, have assumed that it is a discrimination in favour of one group shows how very biased you are.

Finally, repeat after me for a hundred times "Bahai faith is shit", "Islam is shit", "God is shit", and I promise you that none of us get banned. Nor any of us will be hit by a lightening. However if you call me a piece of shit, that would get you banned. Do you understand my brother?


Soul Man Bro!

by Faramarz on


I am not sure what you mean by flagging me! Are you threatening me! Be serious please!

All I am saying is that enjoy your religious freedom like the Christians and the Jews and the Hindus who are enjoying the same freedom and don’t impose your beliefs on the rest of us.  We are just too smart for that.

gorbeh pashmalo

Hey Salman Rushdie, add some value to planet Earth!

by gorbeh pashmalo on

Stop converting Oxygen to Co2!

Stop converting wheat to you know what!

Stop wasting Internet bandwidth with all this nonsensical Arabic crap!

Stop just stop....!


 Anahid jan: Velemoon

by vildemose on

 Anahid jan: Velemoon nemikonan. AZ dasteshoon farar kardim hala oomadan toy Internet.  

 Like most personality traits, if sincere, you don't have to advertise it. People see it in you naturally. And I don't see it in salmon khan. lol

 when you encounter someone who wears their religion on their sleeve, so to speak, the best thing to do is run the other way.

"There is enough in this world to meet every man's need but not every man's greed." --Gahndi

salman farsi

I did not flag you Faramarz

by salman farsi on


So don't blame me brother. 

For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

Brother Divaneh

by salman farsi on



First of all, I am the first to acknowledge my lack of knowledge! So no big revelations here. Secondly, brother Javid, as one of the commenters said it, has never said "why" brother Freethought has been blocked (i.e. who has he specifically insulted). It is not difficult to guess that he must have touched a raw nerver of one of our Baha'i brothers in relation to their faith, otherwise he could not have had an issue with just anybody per se. 

Therefore my point remains valid. It is not the question of person but his or her faith that is the subject of insult. In this case I argued why therefore it is fair to insult a muslim who uses the name salman farsi but it is not fair to insult a Bhahi's who uses a different pseudonym? Please don't take it as an attack on Baha'is but take it as a request for equal treatment.

Is it clear now? 


For an Islamic democracy

Anahid Hojjati

Vildemose, how pathetic indeed

by Anahid Hojjati on

these people are. You tell them but if you ask my opinion, they will not listen because they have their own ideas and your saying does not matter to them and just makes you look bad.


Are people who wear their

by vildemose on

Are people who wear their religion on their sleeves the seediest people in the world? YES


"There is enough in this world to meet every man's need but not every man's greed." --Gahndi


You don't get closure this way Brother Majous

by divaneh on

JJ told you (although he did not have to) that FT was barred for insulting another member. You have in a very cunning way decided to ignore that and claim that he was barred for attacking a particular faith. It seems like you were not looking to find out the real reason after all.

I see that you claim that FT was very knowledgeable and I think that shows nothing but your own lack of knowledge.

salman farsi

یا الله

salman farsi


Thank you to all who made a contribution to this blog. To bring this discussion to a closure I would like to say that the whole purpose of this blog was to bring the question of consistency in application of the censorship policy to the attention of the site's administration. I hope it has served is purpose and from the replies I received from brother Javid, I think he is conscious of this issue and hopefully in the future one is not blocked for merely attacking one particular  faith or one religion or a specific system of thinking but that this policy is applied to to ALL faiths and religions, etc. equally

Since I started this blog by raising the case of my blocked brother, Freethought111, whom I miss his erudite comments greatly, I would like to conclude it by dedicating this blog, to Freethought111 and wish him every success in his pursiut of truth.

For an Islamic democracy


I go away for a few days and

by Cost-of-Progress on

see that you're still dellusional.






Why everybody think brother "thoughtfree111" was blocked?

by Siavash300 on

If I am not mistaking brother "Thoughfree111" was living in "ghetto" area of London among "color people" who are on benefit as he mentioned in his comment once. So I won't be surprise to hear that he was being robbed and killed by one of those "mindless criminals" whom he used to call "brothers and sisters". Those are the ones who attended recent riot in London. I suggested him to improve his/her job income by taking some computer classes so he could get a better job and move to nicer neighborhood such as Kinsington high street or Chelsea park area, where majority of Iranians lives. I mentioned VPK call help him about those courses because VPK has knowlege about computer,etc.  Hope he is still alive and well. Please NO arabic on this site.



No good has ever come out of

by Rea on

.... any institutionalized religion. 

I believe in garden dwarfs and flying spaghettis, not to mention a fool moon, but I keep it for myself. And I expect others to do the same, i.e. keep their faith for themselves. 

Dear Salman F., it's your blog, so, ramadan moubarak. 

And to me, Happy Assumption, at least it's a public holiday. ;o)


dear Hirre

by Truthseeker9 on

I was just joking   ... (came back from the pub, you know a few drinks ...)! 

PS: I genuinely want Khalifeh back.    :)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am just trying to define properly the words. USA is not a Christian state regardless of what the right wing wants to believe. It is a secular state where all religions are respected. That is my only point here.

As for sides there are no sides because there are too many issues. I may agree with you one one. But disagree on another thing. It does not make us be on different sides. It means we agree on some and not on other things.


by hirre on

It simply means the state religion or what the majority (when it comes to religion) in a country believes in. In the US it's christianity, in Iran it's islam...
VPK, I think you are a bit too eager to answer that you don't even see who is on your team... I am for a secular state and a moderation of islam, especially in the middle east...

Time to sleep, good night...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

What is secularism

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am always hearing the business about "killing the Muslims". No one is meaning that by a secular state. You obviously do not understand the meaning of it. The would is full of secular nations. No one has killed the religious.

All it means is the feed om to choose. People get to pick if they want to have a religion or not. You may even have religious holidays as recognized by the state. Why do people get these things confused. Why are Muslims so afraid of freedom of religion.

Millions of Muslims live in the West. Has anyone killed them: No! They are as free as anyone to practice their religion. Just not push it on others. They even get the right to preach it. 



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

We must accept that we are a muslim nation

You keep saying this my friend. But it has no meaning because a nation does not have a religion. What does a "Muslim Nation" mean? Does it mean that there are a majority of Muslims? If so then is America a Christian nation?

If not then what does it mean? If you mean a theocracy then I oppose it and will never accept that as a form of government. If we separate religion and state then the religion of people does not matter. Religion does not make the nation a whatever nation! So what do you mean please? Sure there are a ton of Muslims in Iran. So what? How does a nation get a religion if it is not a theocracy. Or do you propose we keep the current type of government.



by hirre on

There won't be any moderate muslims left in the world, especially no moderate leaders, if they keep getting bashed from the fundamentalists and at the same time from the "democrats"...

You want Iran to be free? There are no shortcuts for this, what, you want to kill millions of iranian muslims and mullahs (no matter how moderate they are)?

We must accept that we are a muslim nation even if many of us aren't muslims (it might be hard to see this all the way from the US). We need muslim moderation and therefore we must promote moderate muslims, this will ultimately lead to transformation which I mentioned earlier... There are no shortcuts in life but the only thing we can do is to speed up the process using our human technology and lessons learned from history...

At the end it will not be wars or other forms of aggressive behaviour that stops religion from spreading. The most dangerous weapon against religion will be people like me, passive non-believers...

Change comes within.



Hirre, you're right

by Truthseeker9 on

I want brother Khaifeh back. He was one of my all time favourite contributors.  We need more contributors like this. :)))

خلفای راشدین 



This is how I look at it...

by hirre on



Abrahamic religion evolution for the majority


Early christians --> catholics/orthodox --> protestants etc --> "just for show christians" --> Atheists


Early muslims --> sunni/shia --> [X] --> "just for show muslims" --> Atheists


Salman Farsi is the X.

So, when you persian-warrior evangelists are bashing Salman Farsi, know that you are actually at the same time making then natural transition harder. It's like saying I want a computer, but I hate electricity...

There is about a ~600 year difference between islam and christianity. I prefer not waiting that long for natural reforms and harmonization in the religion...

I really sometimes feel I have been born a couple of thousands of years too early... I wish I could read about this horrific time in a history book like we read about the times of Cyrus the Great or the second world war...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If you want to know about Kurdish life watch "Half Moon". It is in English and made by an Iranian director. There is a scene of a Kurdish funeral. There is a lot of smoke and haze with Kurdish women chanting in the background. 

If you listen carefully the chant is very interesting. It is not an Islamic prayer. It sounded like "Ashem Vohu" the Zoroastrian prayer. Maybe I am mistaken but I replayed it many times. It is very interesting how they kept the old way.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are welcome. The stuff on KetabIran are not American. They are imported from Iran or other countries. That is why I did not point you to Amazon. The problem is that they are in Farsi or Dari for most part.

The movie "Safare Ghandehar" is an excellent view into Afghan life. Unfortunately unless you know Farsi it is useless to you. It boils down to getting real information requires knowing the language. Or getting someone to sit and translate it for you. I highly recommend this movie. If you have some Iranian friend get him or her to sit next to you and translate it. I noticed they are not sold out and it only costs you 5.95 $ so it is not exactly a large investment :-) Even watching the scenes is informative.


Thx for ketabeiran, VPK

by Rea on

But I'd rather stick to European sites and stores.

When it comes to Iran, we are far more more balanced in Europe than Americans are.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Truthseeker9 and Anahid

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


So we are in agreement that that discussion should move from IC to Facebook or some other place I hope :-) By God I hope I do no read another Bahai bashing thread on IC for at least one year!

However the discussion on blocking people is legitimate. Rules need to be know as well as how to get your account reinstated. I am glad Simorgh managed to get his account reactivated. Hence that part of the discussion is valid.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Regarding Iranian information

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


There is a site "ketabeiran" that has many book and videos on Iran. Many are in Persian but you will find some in English. They also have some movies about Iraq and Afghanistan. I suggest you try them.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


how do you think people make up their mind ? Just by reading and watching Fox, CNN and Huffington Post?

I make up mine by using my head. Yes I read philosophies I have a library of over a 1000 books at my home. But I do not take them at their words. For example I have read Marx; on the face of ti sound good but in practice it failed. Same goes for the sanitized Islamic stuff. My objection is not to philosophers. It is to quoting them as if they were somehow representative of reality. Sure Saadi may say wonderful things about Islam. But Saadi is not the VF; Khamenei is.

How can I possibly know what's going on in Iran, Syria, Britain, Afgan,or any other place for that matter, when everybody is telling me a different story? 

Well I assure you reading French philosophers is not the way to go! You may read books by people who recently lived there. If you want to know about the every day lives here we go. For Afghanistan I suggest several movies that depict the real Afghanistan today. The "Kite Runner" gives you a good start. There are other move obscure books and movies but they are in Persian or Dari so unless you speak that you are out of luck. For Iran there is a wealth of movie. I suggest avoiding "Not without my daughter" as it is pure propaganda. Get one made by some of the many fine Iranian directors. 

Regarding news Al Jazeera is probably one of the better sources. However no source in unbiased so you need to read many different ones. Then use your judgment to decide what makes sense and what does not. Figure who is behind it. Fox is the absolute worst and not even worth wasting your time on. BBC is pretty bad but may have some minimal value. 



Please NO more Arabic on this site

by Siavash300 on

May I ask gently NO more arabic words on this site. We are Iranians, NOT arab and our Persian Gulf is Persian Gulf,  so please stop promoting arab culture and arab language on this site.

Payandeh our Aryan Land Iran.


VPK Jaan

by Truthseeker9 on

Everyone knows he is on Facebook. I just think we as Iranians have more important things to discuss than why someone keeps getting blocked on IC. But thanks for your post and explanation.