Why My Brother is Blocked?


Why My Brother is Blocked?
by salman farsi


I went away for few days and when I come back I see my good brother Freethought111 is blocked! I know  it is pointless to ask for reasons. The "admin" of Iranian.com is above the level to answer such questions! But in the short period that I have had the pleasure knowing Freethought111 I did not find anything objectionable in his writings that would make him a candidate for being blocked. He was posting evidence-based comments, so rich in content, so factual and in such a fluent English. He has shown the peace loving face of Islam like no other contributor on this site. Some may say that he has an issue with the Baha's faith. OK I accept that but then hundreds of contributers on this site have an issue with Islam and other faiths like Judaism or ideologies like communism.  The language that is particularly used against Islam is so vile and disgusting that had it been used against other faiths and ideologies, the abuser would have been hunted out of this site  in no time. I myself have been the subject of frequent and ferocious personal attacks and abuse as well as my faith been cursed and condemned number of times beyond I can count. And all these attacks because I have said that ISALM IS NOT REPRESENTED BY THE REGIME OF IRAN. I have shown facts and evidence for my words but there are still so many of you who hate me for even suggesting that the regime of Tehran is not Islamic. Why? Challenge me if you can but don't dismiss Islam without listening to the facts as presented by the other side.

Freethought111 has been saying the same thing in a much better lanuguage with irrefutable fatcs and figures. Each of his comments is like a well researched scholarly written paper worthy of appearing in quality journals and publications. Yet he is blocked but those who come up with frequent F-words against his or my belief system are protected under the meaningless motto of "Nothing is Sacred". It seems that to the "IC admin" there are certain things which are more scared than others. The chronic inconsistency and discriminatory policy in applying this empty motto is revolting. The case of Freethought111 and a few others give credibility to the idea that Iranian.com is promoting certain agenda to serve certain grouping and organization. That is fine. Please go ahead and do it but please don't claim that there is a consistent and impartial policy at work here. While there are bloggers (and I won't mention names) who are blogging anti Islamic pieces on a daily basis with total impunity and and are using harsh expletives against peace loving muslims, others are knocked off the website for coming up with rebuttals to such accusations.

I know that Mr Javid is no longer the owner of this site (sold it to a group of investers) but he is still the controller of the site. I also know that he calls himself an athiest. Fine! No problem! But even an athiest controller can be fair unless there are other hidden agendas that we are not supposed to know.

Finally, I am sure many of you will tell me: if you don't like it why don't you butt out? Well, I have got some news for them. I am here to stay for as long as the controller allows me to. In short:



more from salman farsi

 Divaneh jan: currently,

by vildemose on

 Divaneh jan: currently, arabs use  "ajam" as a deragetory slang for Persians.  Ajam and dogs are the same in the arabic colloquial language. I have been called both in the past...lol

"There is enough in this world to meet every man's need but not every man's greed." --Gahndi

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Salman or anyone else can express their views whether they are liked or not, whether they make sense or not.


dear JJ

by Truthseeker9 on

Thank you for taking the time to explain rules of the site.


Birds of a feather, flock together

by divaneh on

Now, brother Majous praising Freethought, is like Khamenei praising Majlesi.

I hope you don't take the word Majous as an insult. This is how Iranians were addressed by Arabs and probably how the compatriots of your hero called him during the looting and ravaging of Iran.

The reason that you feel lonely is not because there is not one more person like you in this site. It is because you preach old and nonsensical beliefs that have destroyed our society for centuries and people have now rejected them. Now you want to promote them and no one is interested.

Jahanshah Javid

Blogs & Comments

by Jahanshah Javid on

Truthseeker9, blogs are your own PRIVATE space. We want you to have the maximum possible freedom to say what you wish, including the use of profanity.

Comments on the other hand, are left in a space reserved for PUBLIC discussion and without a certain amount of "civility", discussions can quickly deteriorate and turn into a fighting match.

In blogs, or comments, you cannot slander private individuals. That is against the law and nothing to do with iranian.com.

However, the law does allow more freedom in making personal attacks against PUBLIC individuals.

For instance, you can call Khamenei a dog, or Obama a pig, without being prosecuted. But you cannot do the same against ordinary individuals using their real names.



by yolanda on

"I feel sad and lonely in this fiercely anti-Islamic gathering."

Why are you here?


dear JJ

by Truthseeker9 on

I understand and I don't. There was a comment I flagged calling people Dog a couple of days ago and I think you have not had the opportunity to see it in your queue. Thank you for the explanation.

JJ, why can we have blogs where people can Fohsh people? Surely people are equally offended when called Pig/ Dog in a blog as in a comment. Again is not a criticism, just want to understand the difference.

Jahanshah Javid

Here's the rule Truthseeker9

by Jahanshah Javid on

Fohsh o bad o biraah tahvil mardom nadin.

salman farsi

Yes brother Javid, I will

by salman farsi on


Thank you for your sense of humor which is a helpful tool in such situations. But I wish something could be done about my other brother who is the subject of this blog. I feel sad and lonely in this fiercely anti-Islamic gathering.

For an Islamic democracy

gorbeh pashmalo

I am confused, JJ!

by gorbeh pashmalo on


What does this mean?

"Blogs on the other hand are open to profanity as long as the content does not cross into slander. That's against the law."


Is this similar to,  let's say, a restaurant where respectable people dine but in the back rooms, gambling and prostitution go on?


dear JJ

by Truthseeker9 on

We appreciate all your efforts on IC and it is good just to make clear what the rules are for everybody. Otherwise certain actions by Admin will be open to interpretation and people will come to the wrong conculsion. Is there anywhere the Rules are listed?  

Jahanshah Javid

Pigs & Dogs

by Jahanshah Javid on

Any comments referring to any commentor as "pig" or "dog" or anything similar are considered personal attacks.

It is impossible to read every comment made on this site. If you see any comments like that, flag them.

Blogs on the other hand are open to profanity as long as the content does not cross into slander. That's against the law.

Tiger Lily

Consistency of criminal activity on IC

by Tiger Lily on

incitement to hatred

incitement to murder

race discrimination 

religious discrimination

encouraged harassment

encouraged endangering of personal safety 

consistent personal abuse and harassment despite flagging: flagging is ignored or acted upon, depending on the user 

blatant invasion of privacy 



It's a disgusting embarrassment to Iranians and its predominant activities are illegal and criminal. There is very little, if anything, civilized about it, which is why so many have left and others don't bother to join.

Hafez for Beginners was right: this place is toxic . The woman had self-respect enough to notice the disrespect immediately.

Even a tadpole wouldn't invest a bet on a camel in the Grand National, even in the Dubai Derby. 

nasrin noor

Let's agree to disagree on the this: Several etymologies on Noor

by nasrin noor on


personal attacks or profanity

by Truthseeker9 on

JJ, what about people who have been calle Pig and Dog? I am asking you a peaceful question, it is not a criticism. Why do these comments and blogs stay?  Pig and Dog are worst insults dished out to Iranians aren't they?

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

All joking aside, I am trying to run a website here and keep things as civilized as possible.

If you see any comments containing personal attacks or profanity against you, flag them and I'll take care of it. That does not include OPINIONs against your views.

salman farsi

Brother Javid, my God, you are a convert already!

by salman farsi on


Thank you for adopting Nasrin Noor as your sister :) 

For an Islamic democracy

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Sister Noor... check out the roots of your name:

salman farsi

Thank you sister Noor and well spotted brother Javid

by salman farsi on


Thank you sister Noor for adding to my list of freedoms I can't enjoy in Iran:


  • freedom of being attacked for posting "Any posts with an Arabic author,s name,"
  • freedom of being attacked for Any posts with Arabic titles,"
  • freedom of being attacked for "Any posts where the author addresses others as brother this and sister that,"
  • freedom of being insulted for "Any posts that try to whitewash [expose] (anti)Islam's criminal activities around the world,
  • freedom of being sowrn at for "Any posts wit Arabic content, period!"



Brother Pendar. I take your subtle point. Thanks brother. 


For an Islamic democracy

nasrin noor

NOOR in NOT Arabic! It's Persian! :))))))))))))))

by nasrin noor on

Educate yourself!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Nasrin Noor?! You want anyone with an Arabic name banned?

YOU, sister NOOR, are banned! :D

Get a grip

salman farsi

I will brother Javid

by salman farsi on


And your are right Sir. Under the Islamic republic I can't enjoy such freedoms as:


  • the freedom of being told I am a traitor to Iran for taking pride in being a muslim Iranian
  • the freedom of being insulted for admiring Salman Farsi
  • the freedom of having my faith dragged in dirt for suggesting that it is a peaceful faith
  • the freedom of being personally insulted and threathened for saying Islamic Democracy is a reality.

The only freedom that I can't enjoy in Iran and thanks to your liberal site I do is the freedom to tell the world that the Islamic Republic of Iran is UN-Islamic.
But curiously I am not sure why still I am the butt of all abuse and threats just for saying this.     It is a bit like being in the Islamic Republic of Iran!!




For an Islamic democracy


"Other types of offensive posts that should be deleted from IC"

by پندارنیک on



الأخت نور، وأنا أتفق معك تماما

nasrin noor

Other types of offensive posts that should be deleted from IC ..

by nasrin noor on

Other types of offensive posts that should be deleted from IC are:

1) Any posts with an Arabic author,s name,

2) Any posts with Arabic titles,

3) Any posts where the author addresses others as brother this and sister that,

4) Any posts that try to whitewash Islam's criminal activities around the world,

5) Any posts wit Arabic content, period!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

You're welcome!

Enjoy the freedoms you don't have in the Islamic Republic. And give my heartfelt salams to your "brother"

salman farsi

Thank you for your snide remark brother Javid

by salman farsi on


This is what Hafez says about that illiterate prophet whom you so kindly reminded me of:


 ستاره یی بدرخشید و ماه مجلس شد 

             دل رمیده ی ما را رفیق و مونس شد         

           نگار من که به مکتب نرفت و خط ننوشت

             به غمزه مساله آموز صد مدرس شد

I am not a snitcher Sir. 


For an Islamic democracy

Jahanshah Javid

For those who can read

by Jahanshah Javid on

I know your prophet Mohammad was illiterate. But you and your "brother" can read, correct?

What does it say above the comment box? "Comments containing profanity or personal attacks will be removed. Repeat offenders will be blocked."

ANYONE, including those who oppose your views, who abuses this rule, will be blocked.

Which comment has foul language against you or your "brother"? Show me and it will be deleted and the repeat offender will be blocked.

salman farsi

Thank you brother Javid

by salman farsi on


I am grateful for replying to my question and I don't expect you to waste your precious time on me but may I ask one more question and no else?

Why have I not seen any of my abusers and those who use foul language aginst me and my faith being blocked. Please don't ask me for names because I am not in the habit of being a sintcher as I am sure you know full well what I am talking about. Why foul language attacks on a peaceful muslim and his faith is allowed on this site but it is banned for other believers. Consistency Sir. This is the C-word so abhorred here.

For an Islamic democracy


...یه دارا کوشن؟ توی سوراخ موشن؟




If it's happening from Tel Aviv to Damascus and London, then it can certainly happen right here at IC.......Hey hey, ho ho JJ got to go....Hey hey, ho ho JJ got to go..........

It must be the coffee........I mean the tea, I had in my "sahari"....

Jahanshah Javid

Your "brother"

by Jahanshah Javid on

Your "brother" knows perfectly well. He has a history of using foul language in his comments. He can't stop cursing when he's faced with something he doesn't like. Not once, but numerous times in the course of years.