Why My Brother is Blocked?


Why My Brother is Blocked?
by salman farsi


I went away for few days and when I come back I see my good brother Freethought111 is blocked! I know  it is pointless to ask for reasons. The "admin" of Iranian.com is above the level to answer such questions! But in the short period that I have had the pleasure knowing Freethought111 I did not find anything objectionable in his writings that would make him a candidate for being blocked. He was posting evidence-based comments, so rich in content, so factual and in such a fluent English. He has shown the peace loving face of Islam like no other contributor on this site. Some may say that he has an issue with the Baha's faith. OK I accept that but then hundreds of contributers on this site have an issue with Islam and other faiths like Judaism or ideologies like communism.  The language that is particularly used against Islam is so vile and disgusting that had it been used against other faiths and ideologies, the abuser would have been hunted out of this site  in no time. I myself have been the subject of frequent and ferocious personal attacks and abuse as well as my faith been cursed and condemned number of times beyond I can count. And all these attacks because I have said that ISALM IS NOT REPRESENTED BY THE REGIME OF IRAN. I have shown facts and evidence for my words but there are still so many of you who hate me for even suggesting that the regime of Tehran is not Islamic. Why? Challenge me if you can but don't dismiss Islam without listening to the facts as presented by the other side.

Freethought111 has been saying the same thing in a much better lanuguage with irrefutable fatcs and figures. Each of his comments is like a well researched scholarly written paper worthy of appearing in quality journals and publications. Yet he is blocked but those who come up with frequent F-words against his or my belief system are protected under the meaningless motto of "Nothing is Sacred". It seems that to the "IC admin" there are certain things which are more scared than others. The chronic inconsistency and discriminatory policy in applying this empty motto is revolting. The case of Freethought111 and a few others give credibility to the idea that Iranian.com is promoting certain agenda to serve certain grouping and organization. That is fine. Please go ahead and do it but please don't claim that there is a consistent and impartial policy at work here. While there are bloggers (and I won't mention names) who are blogging anti Islamic pieces on a daily basis with total impunity and and are using harsh expletives against peace loving muslims, others are knocked off the website for coming up with rebuttals to such accusations.

I know that Mr Javid is no longer the owner of this site (sold it to a group of investers) but he is still the controller of the site. I also know that he calls himself an athiest. Fine! No problem! But even an athiest controller can be fair unless there are other hidden agendas that we are not supposed to know.

Finally, I am sure many of you will tell me: if you don't like it why don't you butt out? Well, I have got some news for them. I am here to stay for as long as the controller allows me to. In short:



more from salman farsi

You mean Buddhisim VPK? - LOL

by anglophile on


"I don't want to start another debate :-) Just will say it starts with "B". "

Yes I remember countless debates on Buddhism on this site this is why Brother Salman (another B-faith LoL) wrote this blog in the first place didn't he?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Have you seen [someone] promoting their faith on this site?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Dear Siavash,

Actually Tabarzin is right; it happens all the time. Not just promoting but also attacking. In fact there has been countless wars on a faith whose name I will not mention because I don't want to start another debate :-) Just will say it starts with "B".


Have you seen [someone] promoting their faith on this site?

by Tabarzin on

Yes, countless times.


....And Catholic is language of Catholism

by Siavash300 on

"With every faith comes certain language and traditions. " Salman

Yes, as with Christian, jews, Zorasterian,......etc. Each faith has their own language,but here is NOT site of faith. It is site for Iranian people and as you know different Iranians have different faiths and different language. Have you seen Chriatian come on this site and promoting their faith? NO. Have you ever seen Jews come on this site and promoting their faith and their language.? NO. Have you ever seen any other person than you come and talk about faith on this site.? NO. so something is wrong. Don't you think so? Especially being as demcratic that you're claiming to be, you have to respect other people's faith as well. That is essence of thinkiing democratically. So please Stop Arabic on this site. If you were jew , or christian I would have said the same thing.

salman farsi

Brother Siavash

by salman farsi on



I am not promoting Arab culture or language. I am promoting the faith of moe than 90% of Iranians and I am very happy about it. With every faith comes certain language and traditions. Arabic is the language of our faith. 


My new avater is the name of panj-tan-e Al-e aba, who are predominantly revered in Iran and it is written in a very Iranian script called nast-e aliq.

So you see brother I am very Iranian. 

For an Islamic democracy


NO brother salman, everybody wants you to be Iranian

by Siavash300 on

NO ARABIC. Forget arabic. this is Iran.com

No arabic slogan, no advestisement to promoting arabs in this site for the same reason that Iranians couldn't go to arab site promote Persian language and culture such as Norooz. Please change this none sense avatar. We have beautiful monuments in our country that you can use such as Maydan-e- shahyard or Nash-e-rostam.  

That is very simple. I am wondering why you have hard time to comprehend brtoher. ?

Payandeh our Aryan Land Iran.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Brother Salman

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Would you by chance be related to Salm the legendary son of Fereydoon? Or maybe Salmoneus: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmoneus_(Hercules_and_Xena) 

salman farsi

Change of avatar

by salman farsi on


As some of you could not make sense of my previous avatar, I changed my avatar again and I will keep doing so from time to tome, based on Ilsamic/Shi'a themes, to maintain variety.


And remember you are still my brothers and sisters :)

For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

OK, you want me to be your brother? Happy to oblige!

by salman farsi on



Dear Brothers and Sisters


After an experimental switch from "brother" and "sister" to "friends", it is clear that my former brothers and sisters insist on remaining brothers and sisters. Being a democract tnat I am. I shall oblige their interest and keep calling them brothers and sisters. 


Look if you are happeir with my previoys avatar, I can always revert to those good old days too.


Don't be shy. You only need to ask. And of course my habit of using Arabic text and verses. This too can be restored. In fact I feel so out of sync with Islam if I don;t use its original lamguage and text.


So you see, thanks to you brothers and sisters, my metamorphosis didn't lask long and after going thru a full circle I am almost where I was at the beginning of this blog. As Hazrate Molana says:

Har kasi koo door maand az asle kheesh

baaz jooyad roozegaare vasle kheesh


For an Islamic democracy


Fake Brother

by Truthseeker9 on

Lets spell it out for the dim ... what is abuse is repeating lies about people when they have clearly said they do not belng to an Organisation. This is a lie your "Brother"/ soulmate ... whatever, with whom yo have so quickly bonded , keeps repeating and using as an excuse to silence those that do stand up for other peoples rights. Just as it happens in Iran.

Using the word "Guilty" gives quite a lot away about you, what is there to feel guilty about? And do you not have better things to do in life other than to serve as someone else's mouthpiece on IC? And that goes to all others who post blogs on their friends behalf who have been blocked for abuse. JJ's one comment was enough to give you lot an explanation but you decide to draw it out into a silly debate.

Lets spell it out again 2:

Your "brother"

by Jahanshah Javid on Sat Aug 13, 2011 08:18 AM PDT

Your "brother" knows perfectly well. He has a history of using foul language in his comments. He can't stop cursing when he's faced with something he doesn't like. Not once, but numerous times in the course of years.

Adios! Get a life!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Brother Salman!

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Since when being called a Baha'i is an abuse? Is being called a Buddhist an abuse? Is being called Jewish or Zorasterian or Muslim and

Well you got a point here. For once I agree with you that being called Bahai is not abuse. Nor is being called Muslim or Christian or anything. Now even if a person is wrongly called Bahai it is still not abuse. 

It is like calling say an Englishman "American". It is not abuse; but it may be a mistake. I am not getting into the rest of your arguments just the above sentence. Your logic is very much accurate.

salman farsi

Why being called a Baha'i is abusive?

by salman farsi on

"I have never been a Bahai. How interesting that you are repeating  his form of abuse" Truthseeker9


Brother (oops I meant Freind) Truthseeker,

Since when being called a Baha'i is an abuse? Is being called a Buddhist an abuse? Is being called Jewish or Zorasterian or Muslim and abuse?

You seem to have an guity attitude towards the very people you pretend to defend already. Or maybe you are trying to deflect aaccusations by pretending to be a non-Baha'i. I can't imagine if you say to the people whom you are trying to defend, that being called a Baha's is a form of abuse and they find it acceptable.


You see brother, you are giving he game away despite your pretentions to the contrary. 



For an Islamic democracy


VPK jaan

by Truthseeker9 on

Your reply threw me a bit but thanks for the explanation. We sometimes do not see eye to eye (as is usual with most people most of the time) but I will always like you. Please lets move on and agree there are more important issues Iranians need to discuss. Noone wants you or anyone else to break friendships with FT, but sometimes good honest advice is the best thing a good friend can give to another.     :)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Truthseeker9

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thanks for the link I just re-read it. Specially the part by MK. Told me a lot about him. Insults; generalizations and so on. Great insight into how he views other people by his own words.

I will say one thing which is I misunderstood your post. You were not comparing me to MEK. Sorry about that it was late and I was debugging a tough software bug. I But I do get your link and unless you are joking then it is not very nice.

By the way if you read my discussions with Freethought we do not relate. I have found myself getting further from him in time. I do not like his obsession with Bahai. Nor do I like the argument style. Have you read my responses to him? In particular I do not relate to putting so much value in French philosophers. An argument must stand on its own merit. Not because of the person who made it. By the way thank you for not diverting the discussion to you know what :-)


part-o pala nagoo salman

by Cost-of-Progress on

You know damn well my reference is to TODAY's environment, not centuries ago, but I guess maghlateh (there, you like that word?) is what you guys do best.





VPK jaan

by Truthseeker9 on

What a strange reply!?!? Now I can see why you can relate to Freethought. I bring your attention to this blog, No.7.


Have a nice day!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If you are comparing me to MEK then you are out of lime. No wonder you are marginalized. Please keep the insults to yourself. I have nothing more to say to you. Thanks for all the unwarranted attacks.


Maybe "Free thought" has some valid points. I tried to make friends with you. Why don't you learn from Simorgh?

It pains me to say it.



by Truthseeker9 on

It reminds me of Mujahedin blog Washington's Favorite Terrorists  where you tried to imply the people supporting their rights are connected to the organisation. Someone rightly said to you "watch where you are going again ... which you seldom do". I lose respect for people who make statements and then backtrack. Lets just move on.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


1) When did I say you are a Bahai?

2) Do you consider being called a Bahai abuse? I do not.



by Truthseeker9 on

I am not angry, but I will not be abused by you or anyone else. As for anyone else saying that it is on the record that I am a Bahai, it just shows how screwed up Iranians are and how much they gossip.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I never said anything about your religion; I do not make any assumptions. To me your religion is not an issue. I am personally an agnostic but I like the Zoroastrian teachings.  I have never called you a liar.

Please do not let your anger get the better of you. When I say I am not your enemy I mean I am not your enemy no matter what religion or lack of you are. Just get the point: I don't care what religion you are! 

As for being friends with Freethought I have had second thoughts about that. I do not like people who pick fights. Neither him nor you or anyone else. As Rodney King said "why can't we just get along?". Now I am done with this whole debate.



by Truthseeker9 on

You misunderstand. I do not need legal advice, as I do not give a hoot about what this man says about "Truthseeker9"! And this is one reason that many post on the internet using pseudonyms, as there are a lot of strange people out there. I am just showing you that it is not just a case of agreeing to disagree with this person, or a difference of point of view. Things get nasty - his behaviour is not compatible with civil discussion. There is such a thing as Free Speech but once people start to behave in a disturbing manner it is not civil debate. It doesn't matter how knowledgable someone is, that is not the point here. What he needs to do is to find peace instead of venting his anger on the internet.

Anyway, the only reason I wrote these comments was to point out it is not his point of view which gets him blocked as some say.

And VPK, when you say you are not my enemy are your repeating your friends allegations that I must be a Bahai? If so please do not talk to me again on this site as I do not find that ot be civil at all - calling people a liar. You are revealing things about yourself.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Would you classify posting libel against people on the net as just "going too far" or abuse?

I am not your enemy! I support Bahai right to live; preach and practice their religion in the peaceful way they have been doing. I am not a lawyer and do not know what Libel is. It means different things in different nations. 

I will just say that going too far is "pushing your luck". When someone turns every discussion into a Bahai bashing fest it is going too far. Therefore I suffice to say that you do as you wish and I post as I wish given the IC rules.

Is this acceptable to you? If you have libel issues with Freethought it is up to a court and a judge to decide and I am neither. If you need legal advise I am the wrong man! I normally find these legal fights only benefit the attorneys.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Please do not play with words. You and I as well as Siavash all know Jews never try to impose their culture on anyone. In fact they are not really into taking converts. I know a few people who did convert and it was not simple.

Muslims on the other hand want converts; it is their mission in life! Just like the fundamentalist Christians. Jews were perfectly happy to live with the Sassanids. They provided their services as citizens and lived among others in peace. Never cut anyone's head off. Nor did they burn any books; actually they contributed a lot to science. They had no interest in turning Iranians Zoroastrians into Jews. They did not rob or steal any treasures. Just worked and got paid for it. Please don't insult our intelligence.



by Truthseeker9 on

"I have questioned the blocking of my friend Freethought who as an ex-Baha'i has issues with the Baha'i faith of which it is on record that you are a follower? "

I have never been a Bahai. How interesting that you are repeating  his form of abuse - accusing anyone who defends Bahai rights as a Bahai. You think just Bahais stand up for Bahais, just Christians stand up for Christians, just Jews stand up for Jews? What your ilk does not GET is that people defend the RIGHTS OF OTHERS . Thank you for showing us who you are.

And if you need any further proof of your "Friend's" character, just go to this site and see the stuff he posts about ANYONE who stands up to him - including Roosbeh Gilani, the author ( MOHAMAD TAVAKOLI-TARGHI ) of the anti-bahai article JJ posted recently on IC, and many others. None of these people are Bahais but it is his tactic to label anyone he disagrees with a Bahai. Does that sound balanced?



Would you classify posting libel against people on the net as just "going too far" or abuse?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Reality-Bites

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

often resorts to bad-mouthing other posters who either don't agree with his view or take him to task over his habit of hijacking discussions that have nothing to do with Bahais, to divert them to his usual anti-Bahai diatribe.

I agree with your point completely; in fact I saw it happen. I was practically begging not to divert a totally unrelated discussion to Bahai. So you got a point there. He does not know whee to stop and the right place.

I think Freethought is a person with a lot of knowledge. But his obsession with Bahai costs him dearly. That is his Achilles heal. No matter how much you know if you don't control your feelings then you are a slave to them.

I may not know all of the French philosophers. But I do know when to ***up. Self control is important as is knowing how far to push. This is not just Freethought many Iranians including Shah did that: go too far; get kicked out!


BoosBoos and his/her concerns

by Siavash300 on

Ba Doorood,

 "the main Jewish Lobby in the U.S.).  Der Spiegel reported last month that Israel was behind the mistaken assassination of an Iranian student who was picking up his child at kindergarten. " Boos boos

I look at this article as you attached. It is a German magazine and it was quoted from stinky mullahs in Iran. The magazine is saying: 

"Iran accused Israel and the United States of the killing. While Washington denied any involvement, Israel has remained silent, the magazine said."

Are you really this much naive my friend ? Of course, mullahs always claim someone else killed their opponents. They saying "mossad" and "CIA". This mullah's trick is getting very old. Our ear is familiar with these none senses for last 32 years.  My claim still stands:

No jews physically attended to kill any Iranians. Like Arab did under Khalid ibn Walid in history. No jews physically attended to kill any Iranians like Iraq's Arab did in 80's. The arabs killed more than 1 millions of best Iranian youths. Just vist cemetaries in Iran and you'll know what I am talking about.  They raped some women in borderline towns during their invasion as well. No jews raped Iranian women, Arabs did it also throughout the history as "Sayyid" were born. Sayyid is common title for those illegitimate children of Arabs during their invasion. In order these children to be accepted in Persian community we call them Sayyid, means, they are related to Mohammad and through Mohammad they are related to God, but in reality they are half breed arabs. The same kind of sexual assults took place in 80's under Saddam. That is just plaine simple.  We don't want to play with words or deceive each other.  

"The ownership of Google is Jewish.  [See, "Google Renames the Persian Gulf" by P. McNamara" BoosBoos

Please read the below article. It explains everthing.

//iranian.com/main/blog/dailypress/persian-gulf-intro-seo Jamal Abdul Nasser (Arab) with his Pan Arabian ideology initiated to rename our Persian Gulf back in 50's. It has nothing to do with jews. In fact,  Nasser was fighting with Jews over Suez canal who initiated "Arab Nationalism".
  "I don't believe you mean that Arabs attempted to impose Judaism on Iran (though they are both Abrahamic faiths).  BoosBoos

Yes, it was grammer mistake. My intention was to say arabs imposed their barbaric ideology to Iranians 1400 years ago.It was not judism, it was Islam. There are ongoing issues with that idea  at present time such as forceful Hejab and Apostasy. There is force, intimidation and threat in this religion since the birth of koran. Koran itself is a book of threat. Jews never wanted to impose idea of Judism to Iranians, but Arab  imposed idea of Islam to Iranians so in conclusion we have to hate arabs , not jews. 

Ba sepas.



VPK jaan

by Reality-Bites on

I'm not sure I agree that Bahai bashing is not well tolerated on IC, as you say. There have been and still are plenty of Bahai bashers on IC, other than Freethought, like Nadeem Khaan, and I can't remember any of these other Bahai-bashers being banned from IC.

The reason why Freethought has been banned, which JJ has explained several times, is that Freethought, while spouting his usual Bahai bashing, often resorts to bad-mouthing other posters who either don't agree with his view or take him to task over his habit of hijacking discussions that have nothing to do with Bahais, to divert them to his usual anti-Bahai diatribe.

I'm a case in point myself. There was a discussion totally unrelated to Bahais, and in came Mr. Freethought with his usual "elegant" anti-Bahai language (i.e. calling them every name under the sun) and when I complained to him that yet again he was hijacking an unrelated discussion, I got called a Bahai "scum" and later an "asshole". Now leaving aside that I'm not a Bahai (or religious at all) and couldn't give a rat's ass about being called names by any hate-monger, that is just one example of the kind personal insult this character was banned for.

His banning wasn't anything to do with his anti-Bahai posts of which there are probably hundreds (under different accounts) and nearly all of which are still on IC.

But like I said earlier, he'll back under yet another new account and recycle the same old stuff over and over again before long. Afterall, he craves attention - he has called himself a prophet of some kind before - and prophets need outlets. So he'll be back before long.

salman farsi

My Friends!

by salman farsi on



Do call my blog nonsense because I have questioned the blocking of my friend Freethought who as an ex-Baha'i has issues with the Baha'i faith of which it is on record that you are a follower?



So by your "logic", Hafez, Saadi and Rumi are non Iranians too?


"Bahai bashing is not well tolerated on IC and that is a fact. Now I do not bash them and don't like to see them bashed. But I do see more tolerance of bashing other religions. My two cents!"


You said it bro :) 

For an Islamic democracy


Supress? you say?

by Cost-of-Progress on

I think not. If anything there are way too many ghoraan caressers here (the equivalent would be a bible thumper).

We're Iranians as in Persians. When someone beats the arabic drum in their avatar or as their blog photo, that someone excludes him/herself from being Iranian.

You people have way too much freedom here and elsewhere - You people are dangerous.


