آیا برای حفظ مسلمانان از مورد حمله واقع شدن باید اینطور نمایاند که سنتها قابل بزرگداشت است؟
"مسلمان ستیزی (مسلمان هراسی)" و "فرهنگِ مسلمانان نوازی" هر دو جریانهای هویت سازند. جریان اول سعی دارد افرادی را که در کشورهای خاصی میزیند یا اقوامشان در این کشورها میزیستهاند مسلمان جا بزند و همهی مسلمانان را افراطی (بنیاد گرای) مذهبی و یا تروریست بنمایاند. جریان دوم همان آدمها را مسلمان خوانده و سعی دارد بنمایاند که فرهنگ جوامع اینها را میشود به فرهنگهای مسلمانان کاهش داد و چنین فرهنگهایی همیشه منزه و والا بوده و جای تجلیل و تکریم دارند
تحلیلی از حجاب و جایگاه آن
بنظر من دفاع مطلق از پوشش حجاب، یعنی در هر شکل و فرم آن و در هر شرایطی، بعنوان دفاع از آزادیهای فردی یا آزادی پوشش کاملا اشتباه و گمراه کننده است. چنین استدلالی حقوق دیگر برسمیت شناخته شده در جامعه، حقوقی اگر نه مهم تر به همان اندازه مهم را تحت الشعاع قرار می دهد. دفاع بی قید و شرط و مطلق از پوشش حجاب با حقوق دیگر در تناقض قرار می گیرد؛ بطور نمونه، حقوق کودک، حقوق زنان، حق جامعه و اصل سکولاریسم
Telling Muslim Women what not to wear
by Kari Ansari
A small minority of Muslim women in certain parts of the world wear what is known as the
abaya (black cloak) and the niqab (face veil). It is known as a burqa in South and Central Asia and seen most often as the blue full-body veil worn by Afghan women. This form of covering is the manifestation of the strictest interpretation of modesty in Islam. Women who choose this practice consider themselves seriously observant Muslims and believe this form of dress allows them to move about the outside world while protecting their dignity
Where will Camp Ashraf residents go?
In a film posted on You Tube, I watched the images of more than 30 victims of the April 8, 2011, attack by the Iraqi government. The faces of the dead, the moment just before death swept in, took them by surprise, were forever captured in a frozen gaze and recorded for the world to see, The bodies of the victims were lined up on the ground. Each seemed to be placed on a stretcher of some sort, covered in white sheets, red flowers placed across their bodies. In truth, I must admit that the faces of the dead were beautiful and tragic all at once
دکتر کاتوزیان و خلقیات برخی از ما ایرانیان
فوران خشم و نفرت برخی از ایرانیان نسبت به پژوهش گری که تقریبا همه زندگی حرفه ای خود را وقف تحقیق در باره ایران کرده است خواننده را به فکر می اندازد که: نویسندگان این گونه مطالب به چه درجه ای از بلوغ فکری رسیده اند؟ انتشار چنین مطالبی را با کدام ضوابط حرفه ای روزنامه نگاری می توان توجیه کرد؟ و تا چه حد می توان این گونه رفتار را نمونه ای از پندار، گفتار و کردار جامعه ایرانی دانست؟
Controversy over Dr Katouzian and Rafsanjani's son
For the past week, I have watched with bewilderment and sorrow the onslaught on my friend and teacher, Dr Homa Katouzian, in connection with the admission to Oxford University of a son of the former Iranian President, Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani. By now, Dr Katouzian has clarified his academic involvement in the process of admission of Mr Mehdi Hashemi. Oxford University too has announced that its investigation has found no basis for the allegations of impropriety in Mr Hashemi’s admission. From a formal point of view, therefore, the matter must be considered closed
She is and could be anyone’s sister, daughter or friend on an extraordinary path
It was interesting to me, there she was, in prison on her birthday and she was worried about me. She was still the Bahareh I remembered. Always putting concern for others ahead of concern for herself. Bahareh will not be calling home for her birthday this year, though her friends gathered once again to celebrate the day in her absence. I have no doubt that despite over a year of being in prison and despite all these pressures, she remains the same Bahareh, putting concern for others ahead of her own needs
Has Ahmadinejad lost his working-class support base?
by Dariush Zahedi & Hamed Aleaziz
The Iranian economy is on a precipice. Ahmadinejad's new subsidies plan, which eliminates heavy discounts on fuel and food, has thus far pushed inflation to an annual rate of 15 percent, which may well rise further. The prices of important consumer and food staples have risen even faster; the price of bread has doubled, and gas prices have quadrupled. The government is attempting to alleviate the effects of increased prices by providing its citizens with handouts of cash. But by every indication, the economy is still going to get worse
Before democracy can be ushered in, a culture of democracy must be developed
As revolutionary spirit is gaining momentum in the Middle East, it is only a matter of time before we see millions of Iranians take to the street demanding democratic change. The question is whether the US should seize the opportunity, at a time when Iran’s central government becomes vulnerable, to effect regime change militarily, through a coup, or other coercive methods? The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution drafted in 2009 nine different policy options for dealing with Iran
Self-defense against brutal regimes is an act of civic responsibility
Strangest things can happen in your local Middle Eastern market. I was pushing my shopping cart down the aisle while glancing at fast-moving images of the Libyan uprising on CNN. A few Arab men had huddled around the TV, quietly watching as events unfolded. As I turn my attention back to my shopping list, I noticed a Libyan acquaintance, standing by the pickle section, carefully studying the labels. Hoping for a quick getaway, I looked the other way and moved swiftly past him. “You Persians are bunch of pussies,” the Libyan whispered
For rights activist Bahareh Hedayat
Like the millions of younger women and men of her generation, Bahareh desires rights, dignity, prosperity, family, and love. Why does she have to celebrate her 30th birthday in the Evin prison? What is the crime that she has committed that warrants her spending her 30s, the best years of her life, in solitary confinement? Why she is denied the basic and simple human rights of celebrating her birthday and wedding anniversary with her beloved husband on April 5th? She is in prison because she dared to exercise her civil rights and demand what belongs to her
آقایان بدانند که دنیا شوخی ندارد و به یقین شکست سختی به آنان وارد کرده و تار و مارشان خواهد کرد
اخیرا چشممان به ویدئویی هشت قسمتی در یوتیوب تحت عنوان «ظهور بسیار نزدیک است» روشن شده که بی شک نمایانگر حد اعلای تقلای پروپاگاندایی حکومت آسیدعلی و آمحمود میباشد. تلاشی که معلوم نیست در راستای چه هدف نامعقولی است. آخر، حکمت این کارهای احمقانه چیست؟ چرا نمیتوانند در صلح و آرامی و مدارا با جامعه بینالمللی ادامه به چپاول و حیف و میل ثروت بیپایان کشور بدون اینکه مردم را دچار فاجعه جنگ کنند بدهند؟
In the transition from dictatorship to democracy, there exists a paradox
This is typical of all dictatorships in Middle East Arab countries and Iran. Those who hold the power, hold the wealth. Their material wealth goes beyond their needs, yet is blinded with greed. Their subjects live in poverty, but they do not see it. It is inconceivable to think there is poverty in Saudi Arabia, where money rolls in truck loads daily (so to speak). The opulence of Royal family in one hand and the poverty of ordinary families and child labor on the other
او در شرایطی ممکن است به ایران حمله کند که (همانند لیبی) مطمئن باشد بخش بزرگی از مردم آن را «خیرخواهانه» خواهند دید
اگر آمریکا طرحی برای حمله نظامی به ایران داشته باشد، باید بتواند پیش از آن «خیرخواهانه» بودن حرکت خود را به مردم ایران بقبولاند. باید بتواند نشان دهد که آمریکا تنها با رژیم ایران خصومت دارد و با مردم ایران دوست است. باید تصویر آمریکای متجاوز را از ذهن مردم ایران بزداید و تصویر انسانیتری از آن به ایرانیان عرضه کند. باید با زبان و فرهنگ مردم ایران سخن بگوید و خود را با دردهای آنان آشنا نشان دهد. از قربانیان سرکوب رژیم نام ببرد، و از شاعران محبوب ایران نقل قول کن