Green Ideas Survive Movement

Iran after February 14

28-Feb-2011 (26 comments)
While the Islamic Republic may have relative advantage over its opponents in the immediate future, its long-term survival is by no means guaranteed given the growing public disillusionment and dissatisfaction. Even if we were to assume the death of the Green Movement, we must not forget that the Iranian people, its upper, middle and base classes, will continue to struggle for their corresponding needs, namely economic development, political reform, and social justice>>>


The New World Order

Young people cleaning up corrupt, arrogant and wasteful autocracies

26-Feb-2011 (16 comments)
The Arab and Muslim nations in a short span of time, less than a month proved that for self-governance and real democracy – and not just corporate money-dictated elections – they have no need for a bully like George W. Bush at the head of a group of militarists from Texas and Zionist thieves from Brooklyn, New York to come down seven thousand miles to force the sword of "democracy and civility" down their throat, using bullets, depleted uranium, bombs, drones and the terrorists of Black Water Xe>>>


شکستن مرزهای خودی و ناخودی

منشوری که تمامیت جنبش سبز را نمایندگی نمی‌کند

23-Feb-2011 (6 comments)
اگر در هشت ماهه اول پس از انتخابات ریاست جمهوری خرداد ۸۸ شعارهای اصلاحی در حرکت‌های خیابانی وجه غالب را داشت و به تدریج شعارهای ساختارشکن نمود پیدا می‌کرد، در تظاهرات اعتراضی ۲۵ بهمن به وضوح شعارهای اخیر عمومیت یافته بود. این تظاهرات نشان داد که جنبش سبز اکنون از مرحله خواسته‌های اصلاحی در محدوده قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی گذشته و با هدف‌گیری شخص خامنه‌ای و ولایت فقیه موجودیت نظام را زیر سؤال برده است>>>


Hengameh in Hell

Award-winning journalist in Islamic Republic's prison

23-Feb-2011 (9 comments)
In a cold, concrete cell at Tehran’s Evin prison sits 36-year Hengameh Shahidi, a single mother to one little girl. The well-respected, award winning journalist and fervent women’s rights advocate was recently sentenced to a 6-year prison term for “conspiring against the Islamic regime.” In the Islamic Republic of Iran, promoting Women Rights and speaking out against violations at the hands of the reigning Ayatollahs is clearly, a grave crime>>>


Democracy NOW!

Democracy NOW!

Photo essay: Freedom rally by Iranians in Washington, DC

by Ali Khaligh
21-Feb-2011 (16 comments)



Freedom NOW!

Freedom NOW!

Photo essay: Iranians in San Francisco rally for freedom

by SFM
21-Feb-2011 (11 comments)



Clear Shift

Khamenei's hypocrisy has surely not been lost on Iran's youth

21-Feb-2011 (4 comments)
The Islamic Republic finds itself in a precarious position. As protests in Egypt grew, the regime could no longer stay silent on such a seismic shift in its backyard. The official spin -- calling it an Egyptian "Islamic awakening" -- was of course necessitated by its own crackdown on post-election protests in 2009 and into last year. While such propaganda may serve well with older and more susceptible classes, Iran's youth knows the power of information and watched Egypt's youth achieve what they could not: the overthrow of their ruling dictator>>>


Changing From Within

I will not see it happen in my lifetime

21-Feb-2011 (44 comments)
The key thing that many seem to forget or ignore is the way Iran's legal system and constitution is set up. This is the crucial point for all of us to get through our heads, because as wishful as we all are for various levels of reform to occur, it simply can't, according to established Iranian Law and it's strange Constitution. It is currently a felony crime to suggest that Iran's constitution be changed>>>


Radioactive Fear

Propaganda to instill fear into the hearts and minds of Americans

21-Feb-2011 (7 comments)
There is now a new semi-documentary, semi-science fiction propaganda film in the US, entitled Iranium (Iran + Uranium). As an Iranian-American, after watching the film, I felt angry that here we were with another Hollywood film demonizing Iranians. This of course had started with the movie Not Without My Daughter filmed in 1991 in Neve Ilan, Israel about Iran. Then there was more, more recently the movie 300 which took the IEDs wielding Persians (same as Iranians) to the sixth century BCE, against the freedom-loving Spartans>>>


"Marg bar Diktator"

Clips from continuing protests

21-Feb-2011 (19 comments)
... >>>


Getting "There" From "Here"

we need to actually have a goal before attempting to achieve one

19-Feb-2011 (8 comments)
Once again, we bear witness to the possibility of that most elusive of all aspirations, namely our true potential as free Iranians. Once again, the wall we face is more of a mirror and faced with our own reflection,we are forced to confront our willingness to commit to push through the thin veil of intimidation that our oppressors bet with a smile, we are too cowardly to pass through>>>


In Speechless Awe

The King's Speech: “ordinary” people facing “extraordinary” challenges

19-Feb-2011 (8 comments)
In a cyber age of mass communication with instant access to information, where all things past seem to be abruptly dismissed as obsolete, what makes an old fashioned film in a Victorian setting so appealing to contemporary audiences worldwide? … The mystery of The King’s Speech’s phenomenal success seems to equally astonish its director Tom Hooper as well as its talented cast of splendid actors notably Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter in the title roles>>>


تدفین مردگان در حکومت دیکتاتوران

صدای پر از بغض برادر صانع ژاله یادآور تراژدی دوران بربریت بود

جوانان را می کشند و خانواده هایشان را از سوگواری منع می کنند. از طریق رسانه ها و مهره هایشان، دیگران را به خیانت متهم می کند. دیکتاتوری خود را قادر برحق می بیند و هیچگونه نافرمانی را تاب نمی آورد و از سوی دیگر به هیچ مرامی پایبند نیست و از مرده ها انتقام می کشد و با انحصاری کردن جنازه و منع سوگواری آبرومندانه، و در واقع با تحقیر مقتول به تحقیر مضاعف دودمانش برمی خیزد>>>


کهن ترین تعصب جهان

ریشه ها و دلایل زن ستیزی چیستند؟

19-Feb-2011 (2 comments)
زن ستیزی نشئات گرفته از فرهنگهایی ست كه در آنها زن جنس درجه دوم محسوب شده است. جوامعی كه به زن ستیزی مجال بروز میدهند زن را فرو دست و مرد را فرا دست می انگارند. تقریبا همیشه این نگرش فراتر از یك دسته بندی فرهنگی رفته است تا جایی قوانین آن جوامع، با پیش زمینه های ذهنی، طوری تدوین می شوند كه فرودستی موقعیت زن تضمین شود. جامعه ایران پس از انقلاب مثال بارز و عملی این ادعا است>>>


Gheyrat? I'll Show You Gheyrat

Attention armchair critics

17-Feb-2011 (13 comments)
Once again it is with great dismay that I read a posting on this website by a self flagellating Iranian. Evidently our friend has no television to witness the courage of proud Iranians braving untold consequences by proudly taking to the streets in the past two days. The contributor fittingly sings the praises of Egyptians, but then questions the “gheyrat” of Iranians to do like wise. I have heard such complaints one time too many. Convinced our gadfly friend has no access to visual media outlets, I thought it best to put pen to paper>>>