صادق لاریجانی میرغضب جمهوری اسلامی

رژیم ایران پرونده چنان سنگینی دارد که جامعه جهانی در متهم کردن عالی‌ترین مقامات آن به جنایات ضد بشری مشکل چندانی نخواهد داشت

28-Mar-2012 (4 comments)
اگر برای نشان دادن درجه سبعیت، وحشی‌گری، بدویت فرهنگی و ایدئولوژیکی رژیم حاکم بر ایران تنها یک دلیل و شاخص لازم بود همین نحوه رفتار و برخورد آن به مسئله اعدام کفایت می‌کرد. رژیم‌های زیادی در جهان به کشتن و بستن و سرکوب و زندان و شکنجه دست می‌زنند. ولی همه این کردارها یک توجیه «عقلی» دارد: حفظ یا اعمال قدرت. کشتن خونسردانه فرد اسیر و بی‌دفاع و بی‌خطر که به نام اعدام انجام می‌شود، اما، کمتر توجیهی در حفظ یا اعمال قدرت می‌توان داشته باشد>>>


In defence of nude protest

Dim-witted idiocy or revolutionary?

28-Mar-2012 (8 comments)
Azar Majedi of the Organisation of Women’s Liberation - Iran has attacked the Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar and supporting video of Iranian women as being similar to the tabloids (namely the Sun’s page 3), ‘dim-witted idiocy’ and ‘buffoonery’ and Golshifteh Farahani’s nudity as ‘commercial’ whilst supporting Egyptian blogger Aliaa Magda Elmahdy’s nudity. Her attack is a masterpiece in dishonesty, hypocrisy, and regressive politics. Let me explain>>>


30 Years Later

Where did the dreams go?

28-Mar-2012 (9 comments)
This writing is not about my life but about a generation of Iranians between the ages of 45-55 who left Iran around the revolution. It’s the naked truth about an entire generation of exiled people who have lost their identity, their hopes and dreams, feel alone and lost and for the most part live in severe undiagnosed depression>>>


Cultural Lumpenism (4)

Keeping up appearances at any cost is Iran’s national lumpenist trait

It is obvious that for Dowlat-Abadi, the origin of censorship by the “cultural management” is not its fundamentalist ideology and repressive attitude, but only its dogmatism. That’s why a few sentences ahead, he sympathized with the censors of the Ministry of Islamic Guidance as victims of their own actions. He said, “This discourse that they want to hear and hear it from the mouth of others, because they don’t hear it, they constantly repeat it themselves; what’s the use?">>>


In Bloom

In Bloom

Photo essay: Arrival of spring in and around Lahijan, Gilan Province

by MahReza Tavakoli
26-Mar-2012 (8 comments)



Breaking the Ice

Pushing to end U.S.-Iran silent treatment

26-Mar-2012 (3 comments)
Thankfully, a commonsense and long overdue proposal has been introduced in Congress by Representative Barbara Lee (Democrat, California) and nine other Representatives to dispense with the absurd "no contact" policy on the U.S. side. The bill, the Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and Stop War Through Diplomacy Act (H.R.4173) would finally lift the ban on talking to Iran. Not only would eliminating this policy put us in a much better position to resolve the standoff, it will put the onus on the Iranians>>>


اندرزادن رستم...

... و فرستادن عکس سه بعدی او مر نیایش، سام را

زال ورودابه پس از پشت سر گذاشتن یک رشته درد سرهائی که بر سر راه بهم رسیدن آنها بوجود آمده بود، سر انجام پیوند زناشوئی می بندند و بهم می رسند. اندکی ازین پیوند نمی گذرد که رودابه باردار می شود و هرچه به ماه های آخر بارداری نزدیکتر می شود، شکمش فربه تر، بدنش سنگین تر شده، رخش زردفام می شود تا به جائی که می انگارد بجای کودک، سنگی در میان دارد>>>


Who Deceived Whom?

“An Islamic Republic, not a word more and not a word less”. Which part didn't you understand?

26-Mar-2012 (4 comments)
Recently I finished a book by Ali Gharib. The name of this book was “Istadeh bar armaan” The writer in this book attempts to give an accurate account of events leading to the 1979 revolution and Khomeini becoming a leader. Then he goes on to quote from the memoirs of people like Banisadr, Bazargan, Yazdi, Soroosh and many others as to how Khomeini betrayed all of them along with Iranian nation and diverted their revolution into the path that it was never supposed to take >>>


Cultural Lumpenism (3)

The main force of fascist groups often used as toys

26-Mar-2012 (one comment)
Based on either conformism or ignorance, lumpens claim not to be interested in political activity They do not have any clear political beliefs, they lack mental stability and are confused about political matters. Dowlat-Abadi declared his non-involvement in politics in a December 2011 interview he had with Ali Shoroughi and Sheema Bahremand from Shargh Newspaper, entitled: “Mahmoud Dowlat-Abadi: We are people as well”>>>


خواب آينه
26-Mar-2012 (2 comments)
نسيم سرد پاييزى قلمى است مرموز
که رندانه زمستان را نقش ميزند.
و مرا که در آغوش سرخ و زرد و نارنجى
در بستر برگهاى ريخته عشق ميورزم
به ژرفناى مايوس حريرى سفيد




Drawings and illustrations

by Eilya Tahmtani
24-Mar-2012 (3 comments)



Shahs of Tehrangeles

I kind of wish what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas

24-Mar-2012 (11 comments)
I watched two very different Iranian worlds depicted in the powerful medium of film: one reality meticulously masked as fiction, one semi-fiction frivolously packaged as reality. Bear with me. 1. The first is the 2012 Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Language Film -- A Separation -- written and directed by Asghar Farhadi. 2. The second is episode 2 of the reality TV show Shahs of Sunset: It's My Birthday Bitches produced by Ryan Seacrest Productions for Bravo>>>


Get a freakin' life, people!

Don't be hating "Shahs of Sunset"

24-Mar-2012 (8 comments)
The problem with Iranians is, number one, that we are a very critical bunch. We're very quick to criticize one another and point out inadequacies and deficiencies. Secondly, we are so image conscious (and, frankly, pompous) that we think that a reality show about our community must necessarily feature doctors, lawyers, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. After all, we're one of the most highly educated and successful groups in the US>>>


Cultural Lumpenism (2)

Not an exception, but a norm in Iran

24-Mar-2012 (17 comments)
Considering how well Dowlat-Abadi is aware of the corruption of the intellectuals of the regime and the regime itself, one wonders why he is so adamant to support this regime and remain one of its lumpen intellectuals who is occasionally used and abused by other lumpen intellectuals. (Here, I remember the story of a famous female filmmaker who used a female writer’s scenario without her permission to make a film, and was sued by her)>>>


سرود های ماندگار عشق - ۶

می گساری در بهشت - قسمت پایانی

24-Mar-2012 (8 comments)
گفتم که چرا نمی فروشند
زاین باده ناب می فروشان؟
گفتا که به زر چرا فروشند
اکسیر حیات مفت و ارزان؟ >>>