Iranians, you are not alone!

Iranians, you are not alone!

Protest posters: Digital art in support of Iranian uprising

by World Artists
15-Sep-2009 (13 comments)



ما به کجا رسیده ایم؟

من امروز شرح این ماجراها را می گویم تا مردم بدانند و چنین اتفاقاتی را با رفتار علوی قیاس نگیرند

14-Sep-2009 (12 comments)
خدایا مهدی کروبی چه می دید و چه می شنوید؟ یا للعجب؛ کاش او زنده نبود و نمی دید که روزی در جمهوری اسلامی شهروندی نزد او بیاید و شکوه کند که در ساختمانی بی نام و نشان، توسط افرادی بی نام و نشان تر،هر عمل قبیح و غیر معمولی بر او صورت گرفته است: از لخت و عریان کردن افراد و نشاندن آنها در مقابل یکدیگر تا فحاشی های وقیحانه و ادرار کردن در صورت آنها و رها کردن چشم و دست بسته دختران و پسران در بیابان. اینها کم نبود که خبر از تجاوز به دختران و پسران در بازداشتگاهها نیز رسید. با خود گفتم که سه دهه پس از انقلاب و دو دهه پس از فوت امام به راستی ما به کجا رسیده ایم؟>>>


There is another Iran

There is an Iran who seeks freedom and justice, one who is caring and compassionate

12-Sep-2009 (7 comments)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is slated to make his annual visit to New York to address the UN on Sept. 23, 2009. If there ever were a time for us Iranian-Americans to come together to demonstrate to the world our outrage and contempt for his government, it is surely now. It is important that we do this especially because the movement to protest election fraud and civil rights abuse in Iran has been brutally suppressed. The reform movement in Iran is in shackles and behind bars. Armed with the Sepah, Basij and plain-clothes forces the Ahmadinejad government has arrested our leaders, intellectuals, activists and students. Many have been killed, tortured and raped>>>


A way of life

Advocacy for a Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities

Historical evidence shows that the cultural principle of human rights, which in a general sense is the right to pursue life-sustaining goals, interests, and beliefs freely and responsibly, transcends the boundaries of the East and the West. Around the world, however, different cultures have placed either greater or lesser emphasis on the individual or collective aspect of human rights. Some Eastern cultures embrace the concept that it is the individual who has a responsibility to contribute to the rights of the collective whole, and in so doing, an individual realizes his or her human potential>>>



No matter where I went, no matter who I saw, I found no glimpse of Truth

10-Sep-2009 (12 comments)
I am sitting in a high school class. It’s the end of grade eleven and I can barely take it anymore. I feel I am suffocating. I want my freedom. Outside the walls of this school is where I thought my freedom would be. On this particular day, in a stuffy, windowless classroom, our religion teacher is discussing about Truth. The students around me seem to be listening partially, as if waiting for it all to come to an end. I am tired too, but something in the teacher’s sentences catches my attention, the word “Truth”>>>


به دوستان زندانی

آنها که پس از مقاومت "اعتراف" کرده اند و آنها که هنوز مقاومت می کنند

08-Sep-2009 (one comment)
بسیاری از شما را از نزدیک می شناسم و برخی را نیز دورادور. بگذارید در ابتدای کلام باور قلبی خود را بیان کنم که آنچه بر شما در دوران اسارت گذشته و می گذرد، چه در بند 209 زندان اوین و چه در سایر بازداشتگاهای بی نام و نشان در سرتاسر کشور، به یک اعتبار از همۀ جنایاتی که این نظام پس از انتخابات اخیر مرتکب شده، حتی از آزار های جسمی و جنسی و قتل خود سرانۀ انسانهای بیگناه نیز سنگین تر و ننگین تراست، چرا که عالماً و عامداً، در بلند مدت و با برنامه ریزی گسترده و مرکزی صورت پذیرفته است و جای حاشا هم ندارد>>>


A Place Called Evin

Over four decades Iran’s most notorious prison has been home to hundreds of political prisoners

04-Sep-2009 (14 comments)
Evin, which derives its name from a village in the northern Alborz Mountains of Tehran, was built in 1971 during the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. Previously, it had been the home of Seyyed Zia’eddin Tabatabee, a pro-British politician who was a PM under Ahmad Shah, the last Qajar Shah. After his death, the ownership of his property was transferred over to SAVAK and was then converted into what is today known as Evin Prison. It is a large compound of a few acres and has a wall built all around it. If you go to northern Tehran from the center of the city there is a good chance you will pass by Evin Prison. There are always guards outside, and families waiting to see their loved ones>>>


I’ll make you humble…

History of rape in Iranian prisons

29-Aug-2009 (13 comments)
Raping a man is a definitive act of callousness which breaks his spirit and completely drains him from self respect and worthiness. It so badly screws up the man’s mental state that “overthrowing a government” will be the last thing on his shit-list. A man with no self-worth is no danger to society. That’s why addicts are considered no threat to countries’ national security. The acts of gang rape in Iranian prisons should not come as a shock to anybody. I’m baffled at how Iranians act so staggered about this everyday occurrence.>>>


Closed door

For my child, the excitement of the back-to-school month is one filled with great fear, disappointment and grief

29-Aug-2009 (15 comments)
I call out to you… to those of you who enjoy utmost liberty in your lands … those of you who have the freedom to register your child at any time, at any school, and to send him/her off to acquire knowledge of all that she/he desire… To those of you who sit back in your armchairs at day’s end and give ear to the news of the world … such news as is meant to inform you of patrol resources and of its price fluctuation in the world market … of the rise and fall of stock from this firm and that factory… or of rocket-science research and countries that have developed nuclear power>>>


The Sanctity of the Womb

Unspoken words form a knot in my throat

26-Aug-2009 (14 comments)
The last rays of the sun stream through the stained glass windows surrounding the altar of a temple, illuminating the corner where an old woman sits beside me in silence. The light refuses to make room for the darkness and somehow reminds the occupants to capture the essence of its radiance in their prayers. Both of us gaze at the shimmering beam and acknowledge its message with a faint smile. We have found momentary peace in that house of worship with our heads bowed and our lips moving in apparent prayer recited in English. The reality is different though: The old woman is uttering an ancient Hebrew verse from the Torah; I pray in my ancient tongue to Ahura Mazda for guidance>>>


Release Kian Tajbakhsh!

Those who love him are pained to see him used as a pawn in a power struggle

26-Aug-2009 (9 comments)
Pictures and video footage of Tuesday’s show trials in Tehran show Kian Tajbakhsh among a group of defendants associated with Iran’s reformist movement and accused of conspiracy to foment a “velvet revolution” in Iran. The pictures show Kian seated directly behind Said Hajjarian, a reformist ideologue and a principal defendant in Tuesday’s trial. The coupling of Kian, a secular Iranian-American academic, with the leaders of the Islamist reform movement of Iran is alarming. Dressed in blue prison pajamas and brown plastic slippers Kian looks thin and depressed>>>


Who is Sadeq Larijani?

Militarization of the Iranian Judiciary

25-Aug-2009 (22 comments)
Sadeq Larijani, a young and inexperienced cleric with close ties to Iran's military and intelligence agencies, has replaced Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi as head of the Iranian judiciary. This appointment is particularly significant, since the judiciary in Iran wields considerable power -- albeit through the approval of Iran's top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei -- and has a great deal of latitude to make decisions without reference to law or Islamic concepts, especially when "safeguarding the interests of the regime" is deemed necessary. Larijani is the son of Grand Ayatollah Hashem Amoli and the son-in-law of Grand Ayatollah Hossein Vahid Khorasani, currently one of the most widely followed marjas>>>


خرد کردن فرد

نگاهی به شکنجه های روانی در زندان

25-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
مواجهه روانی و اعمال شکنجه روانی از همان ابتدای فرآیند بازداشت فرد زندانی آغاز می گردد. اصل بر این است که همه چیز باید به طور ناگهانی و غیر قابل پیش بینی و غیرقابل فهم و بدون وجود دلیل و پیش زمینه منطقی ولازم صورت گیرد. فی المثل دستگیری فرد در زمان و مکان و شرایطی اتفاق می افتد که به هیچ عنوان احتمال آن داده نمی شود. دستگیری با یورش به منزل یا محل کار در ساعات غیر معمول مانند نیمه های شب در مقابل خانواده و بدون ادای توضیح و دلیل یا ارایه حکم قضایی و با اتهامات سنگین، یا ربودن فرد از کوچه و خیابان و انتقال او به مکان ها نامعلوم و بی خبری فرد از علت اصلی بازداشت و عدم تفهیم اتهام پیش و هنگام و یا روزها پس از دستگیری جریان می یابد>>>


ما امضا کنندگان

مبارزه سیاسی در قالب «کمپین جنایت علیه بشریت»؟

25-Aug-2009 (6 comments)
بیانیه ای که هفته پیش به امضای جمعی از شخصیت های ایرانی خطاب به کمیساریای عالی حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد منتشر شد بحث های زیادی را به دنبال آورده است. این بحث‌ها به خصوص پس از آن شدت گرفت که آقای اکبر گنجی با یاد کردن از این سند به عنوان «کمپین جنایت علیه بشریت» از یک سو آن را در قالب جنبش سبز و در تقابل با هر نماد و پرچم دیگر تعریف کرد، و از سوی دیگر عملا خود را به عنوان سخنگوی این جمع یا کمپین (اگر نه سیاستگزار آن) معرفی نمود. مسئله پرچم به نقد و بازنقدهای زیادی دامن زد که در این جا مورد بحث نیست. همچنین سخنگویی آقای گنجی از سوی جمع به خود آنان بر می‌گردد و گرچه می‌توان حدس زد که نظرات آقای گنجی (تحت عنوان «ما») موضع مشترک همه امضاکنندگان نباشد بیان هر گونه اختلاف نظر احتمالی بر عهده خود آن افراد خواهد بود>>>


Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Photo essay: An evening in support of the Bahais of Iran

by kfravon
14-Aug-2009 (16 comments)
