

King’s Cross

My entire life summed up: leaving or being left

13-Jan-2009 (6 comments)
After the tunnel of darkness, there was finally light as the train pulled into the station. A sudden jolt thrust the passengers forward and inertia pulled them back once the carriage came to a complete stop. I was convinced we were lost. I had explained to him on the way how we were headed in the wrong direction. Now that the train had stopped I was not so sure. There were too many different color tracks meeting at this very stop. I was confused. So I said we needed to disembark and reset the course. He nodded. I took the gesture as assent. The doors slid open. A rush of bodies spilled out of the carriage and with it so did I. Terra Firma. I expected to find him right behind me. I looked over my shoulder, to the left and then to my right. I turned around and was aghast to find that he had remained behind on the train>>>


Iranian Soldier-Bear Coming Home?

What’s the big idea behind the Voytek Project?

13-Jan-2009 (7 comments)
Richard Lucas has a dream. He would like to see a statue of Voytek, the Iranian Soldier–Bear of Monte Cassino, built in Iran. And the successful British entrepreneur, based in Krakow, is doing everything he can to make the dream become reality. The story of Voytek the 6-foot, brown Iranian bear, who marched in rank, drank beer, wrestled with his fellow soldiers and distinguished himself during one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, is one of the most remarkable stories in military History. Found orphaned in 1942 on the road between Hamadan and Kangavar, the baby bear was adopted by Polish soldiers and taken away with them to Lebanon the join the Allied 8th Army>>>


I hope I am wrong

The view on BBC Persian TV from the outset isn't promising

13-Jan-2009 (16 comments)
After about 70 years in existence, the BBC Persian Service is naturally a household name in Iran. In a move calculated to expand its reach in the Islamic Republic, BBC Persian has ventured into television. Launch is just weeks away. Though satellite television is illegal in Iran, more than half its urban dwellers have access to satellite television by some estimates. Over the past few years, the number of Persian-language satellite stations has continued to grow. At last count, there were about 50 stations, most of which are based in Los Angeles, home to the largest Iranian expat community>>>


کجاست آن وجدان انسانی؟

فاجعه فلسطینی و اپوزیسیون ایرانی

13-Jan-2009 (22 comments)
با شروع حمله هوایی اسرائیل به نوار غزه بعضی از نیروهای اپوزسیون رژیم اسلامی با محکوم کردن این حملات خشم گروهی دیگری از اپوزسیون ایرانی را بر انگیختند .خشمگینان میگویند فلسطینی ها مقصرند آنها راکت پرتاب میکردند ٬آنها به حماس پناه میدادند ٬در بلوکه نوار غزه آنها نقش داشتند چون قاچاق میکردند. بخشی از اپوزسیون ایرانی با بی شرمی از اسرائیل در این جنگ نابرابر دفاع کرده و میکنند و عده ای دیگری از این خشمگینان نیز ساکت مانده اند ٬ نه از اسرائیل دفاع میکنند و نه این رژیم را محکوم .اما همه میدانند که سکوت علامت رضا ست. >>>


شباهت سکس و مذهب

مشتریان اصلی هر دو مردها هستند و زنان از هر دو بیشتر برای کنترل مردها استفاده میکنند

13-Jan-2009 (4 comments)
حرف روحانیّت همیشه این بوده که زن و مرد مثل آتش و پنبه هستند و آنی که در کنار هم قرار بگیرند در هم افتاده و شعله ور میشوند. بنابراین واجب شرعیست که به هر وسیله که شده این دو جنس را ازهم دور و جدا نگاهداشت تا اسباب معصیت و گناه فراهم نیاید. بهمین جهت آنها دائماً در تلاش نگاهداری از ناموس و عترت و عورت و عصمت و در یک کلام قایم کردن سکس امّت اسلامی هستند. چه خوب میشد اگر رهبران مذهبی همین حسّاسیّت را در مورد خودِ مذهب هم نشان میدادند و آنرا مانند سکس از صحنهَ عریان دولت و جامعه به پشت درهای بسته میبردند. چرا؟ به این دلیل که سکس و مذهب از بسیاری جهات شبیه به هم هستند. بعنوان مثال: >>>