A market without government involvement is like a lawn mower without a bag
There is a cause and effect link between economic success and your aptitude. In addition, economic status connotes moral and social merit. The American nation, Mr. Miller seems to suggest, is moving toward a dangerous social duality because of a skewed reward system. He predicts a class war between “lower upper class” and those who are getting “ultra rich” undeservingly by harvesting the fruits of capitalism. He explains: “The widening chasm between rich and poor threatens our democracy. Ultras are not simply reaping the rewards of the free market, but are benefiting from a rigged compensation system in the boardrooms and on Wall Street that are likely to reward mediocrity as success.”
گام اول برای مذاكره برداشته شده است و میتوان آن را پیش برد
پیام نامنتظره نوروزی باراك اوباما با پاسخ صریح و سریع علی خامنهای روبرو شد و فضای جدیدی در روابط سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی با آمریكا ایجاد كرد. رییس جمهور جدید آمریكا از فرصت نوروز كه جشن ملی همه ایرانیان است و صبغه مذهبی ندارد برای ارسال پیام صلح و آشتی كمك گرفت. او با احترام از تاریخ و فرهنگ و ادبیات ایران سخن گفت و پیام خود را مشتركا به مردم ایران و رهبران جمهوری اسلامی خطاب كرد. او پاسخ خود را بسیار زودتر از آن كه انتظار میرفت از ولی فقیه گرفت. این پاسخ البته به زبانی دیگر بود، ولی بر خلاف گذشته خشن نبود. علاوه بر این، پاسخ، همان طور كه آقای اوباما امید داشت، نه از زبان رییس جمهور تداركاتچی و بلكه از سوی كسی داده میشد كه قدرت اصلی تصمیمگیرنده در ایران است. خامنهای البته نمیتوانست به یك باره پارانویای ضد خارجی/ضد آمریكایی خود را كنار بگذارد و دستی را كه به سوی او دراز شده است بفشارد
پايداری آيين های ايرانی حاصل «تنازع بقا» است
چرا؟ راستی چرا؟ چرا به هر بهانه و به هر دليلی که برای مردم آورده می شود آنها بی اعتنا به اهداف حکومت نوروز را به عنوان «بزرگترين عيد» ايرانيان گرامی می دارند. حکومت برای برگزاری هر کدام از جشن های مذهبی، از تولد پيامبر اسلام گرفته تا عيد غدير و فطر و قربان، ميليون ها خرج می کند، راديو ـ تلويزيون هايش صبح تا شب در بوق و کرنا می دمند و کسبه وادار می شوند تا به رقابت با يکديگر در و ديوار را چراغانی کنند. اما همين حکومت برای عيد نوروز هيچ کاری صورت نمی دهد و فقط دنبال يک شهادت و مرگ و مير مذهبی است تا بتواند عيش مردم را تعطيل کند. اما، هر سال، با پيچيدن بوی بهار در سينه های ايرانيان، مردمان اين عيد را با شکوه گسترده و بيشتری گرامی می دارند و آیین های آن را مفصل تر از گذشته بجای می آورند
چه خوبست که زندگی بعدهای متهورش جاودانه است
و چه خوبست ، اگر هیچ نیست
بهار هست و شکوفه
درخت هست و آفتاب
و این کوه مخملی*
که با من قهر نمی کند ، مثل برادرم
که هر ساله بوقت شکوفه ها قهر است!
Open letter to President Barack Hussein Obama
Mr. President, Leaders in the Islamic republic denounce everything that has to do with Iranian origin, as the name suggest it is an Islamic regime which identify itself with the Islamic ideals. I have full understanding that you do not pursue the happiness of the Iranian people nor do you care about human right violations under this barbaric regime. Your job is to secure American interest and how much you are willing to appease a terrorist regime is for you to decide. When looking to establish a connection with the regime you should use the Islamic path by quoting from Quran during an Islamic holiday.
NOROOZ is the most phonetically correct spelling
One of the signs that the new year is upon us, is the continued debate surrounding the Yarshater camp (more on that later) spelling of NOWRUZ. And every year it seems, someone brings me flawed data to support this aberration and attempt to amend common English phonetic rules. Now don't get me wrong. Here's my point:
- I am in no way suggesting you must spell it my way or that I even have a "way".
- I say that NOWRUZ isn't as successful a spelling as is possible.
- I do not think we need to have one correct spelling. Just look at Hannukah
Capturing the hedonistic spirit of Khayyam's poetry
The question which always consumes the soul of the great Persian poet, Omar Khayyam (1048-1122), is death and the afterlife. In his Ruba'iyat, he cannot accept the usual religious responses of resurrection and reincarnation. To release his mind from the insurmountablility of death, he takes refuge in wine (and sometimes love), and tries to forget himself in "let's be happy" or hedonism. As a result, in spite of his rejection of resurrection and ridicule of religious observances, Khayyam is not able to appreciate the immortal self-creativity of earthly life and cannot distance himself from the religious point of departure; that is, the dominance of death over life. In Khayyam's hedonism, earthly wine replaces heavenly opium and drinking ceremonies substitute for religious rituals
When his hand touched mine he pressed a piece of paper into my palm and smiled
I went to a party one night. The subject of my dress soon prevailed in the small circle of people around me and I told them I have a wonderful tailor in Tehran. But I added the fact that I had a problem finding jackets here because all the jackets I saw had defective collars. Sharif volunteered by saying he agreed and even jackets that were made for men didn't have good collars. I found myself talking to him for a few minutes and I noticed he was shying away from making eye contact with me. He told me he was in Tehran for a few days and had to get back to Dezful very soon. I realized it could be a new harmless partner who would go back to his normal life and wouldn't bother me in the future
Mine, by a promise
Mine, by pure luck
Mine, by the truth of a heartache
Mine, by fierce persistence
Or self-motivated determination
Mine, so I can disown
This greedy soul so
It cannot uphold
A dissenting view on President Obama's Nowruz message
On Friday morning, President Barack Obama released a video to congratulate Iranians around the world on the occasion of the Persian New Year, or “Nowruz.” BBC Persian’s hugely popular and officially-banned satellite channel has broadcast the message in its entirety to Iran. This video “postcard” to Iran reflects the new administration’s emphasis on renewing American soft power and public diplomacy to tackle the many foreign policy challenges facing the US and its allies. Politics aside, President Obama’s typically eloquent rhetoric is sure to impress the Iranian masses. And his demonstration of genuine appreciation for the artistic and literary contributions of Persians (he even quotes Saadi!) is a major improvement over George W. Bush’s often culturally tone deaf approach to Iran
چیز مبهمی راجع به تلویزیونی که خاموش می شود،
دندانی که مسواک می شود،
نور اتاقی که تاریک میشود،
و دست مردی که پستانت را در دست می گیرد،
مرا ساکت می کند،
و سکس نمی خواهم..
چیز غریبی راجع به مردی که می پرسد،
مرا حاضر نمی کند.
Incompatibility of Islamic theocracy & American values
On February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile to the cheers of millions of Iranians, ousting the pro-American Shah and instituting an Islamic Republic in what would later be known as the Islamic Revolution. To put it mildly, US-Iranian relations have been strained ever since, beginning with the 1979 hostage crisis in which over 50 US diplomats were held in Iran for over a year. Even today, there are no official diplomatic US relations with Iran. Many of the policies instituted by the Islamic theocracy in Iran since 1979 are incompatible with the most basic and traditional American ideals – the separation of church and state, freedom of speech, and equality for all.
It is a cool summer evening of a young woman with short blue hair in Vancouver. Tattoos on her arm and piercing on her nose and lip, she walks through the doors of a French bistro and takes a table in the front window. The lone waiter throws her an unenthusiastic sidelong glance from his station behind the counter, contemplating the unlikliness of her producing any worthwhile tip, instead concentrating on the elegantly-dressed and potentially far more lucrative middle-aged couple who are whispering tête-à-tête in a far corner of the restaurant
مرغکی اِسپید چون برف
برگزیده آشیانه در کنارم،
زیر شیروانی اتاقم.
مرغک پرّان یکتا،
برگذشته از ورای کوه و دشت
در هجرت مرغان شیدا،
از شمال سرد غمناک
سوی گرمای دلارای جنوب.
دوباره بهار و نوروز آمدند و زنگار از مینای کاشیکاری خاطرات میزدائیم
برای برخی از ما ایرانیان مقیم درغربت که از دوستان و فامیل دور هستیم، آن نوروزهای پرهیجان و شادی آور سالهای دور، دیگر تبدیل به رد و بدل چند تلفن تبریک و شش هفت تا تعارف معمولی و خوش بشهای زورکی شده اند. دو روز اول سال نو کم و بیش و بیهوده صرف نشستن و گرفتن شماره تلفنهای ایران میشود. فیزیک ذرات یکطرف و گرفتن چهل و هشت شماره تلفن پشت سرهم یکطرف. این براستی باد در هاون کوبیدن است و اگر گهگاهی هم یک شماره جواب دهد، شخص آنطرف خط میگوید "اشتباه گرفتی جونم!" در یکی از همین شماره گیری های پارسال خانمی خوش صدا گوشی را در تهران برداشت و همان اول کار گفت "جونم"! آنور دنیا در یک کشور اثنی عشری خانمی بیمقدمه میگوید جانم، خوب شما بودید چه میکردید؟ قند در دل آب کردیم که دیگر پنجاه درصد آن درست شد و فقط مانده که کارتهای دعوت چاپ بشوند