I refuse to be a victim

Power of suggestion

24-Apr-2011 (3 comments)
For me it began with my children telling me that I was not white. The first suggestion had come after the birth of my first child as the nurse explained the bruise on my child’s backside as a “Mongolian mark” to signify she’d have a darker skin. Convinced that the woman must have dropped the baby and was just covering up, I dismissed the idea. When my daughter grew up “tanned”, I convinced myself that if she stayed out of the sun, she’d be white as a “Lilly.”>>>


Pork Eaters (4)

May the best man live

24-Apr-2011 (8 comments)
Eriksen’s needling continued until I finally had the chance to take my case to the formidable Mr. Cherret. In the schoolyard, Erikson and his gang had taken away my ball and were playing “keep away.” I was jumping this way and that trying to get my ball back. Hubble, the extremely tall, most senior of the bishops, heard the commotion and came over to investigate. Hubble was hard to read; his face had been chiseled in ice and hardly moved. It was reputed that if one were brave enough to look carefully into his deep blue eyes, one would see the cross hairs of a riflescope>>>


آشنایی در کافه نادری - بخش اول

(تقدیم به ماندا جان، که کافه نادری را دوست دارد)

24-Apr-2011 (10 comments)
آنوقت ها، هر کس که می‌‌خواست "هدایت مالی" یا "چوبک سابی" شود، میرفت سراغ کافه نادری. انعام خوب که می‌‌دادی، پیشخدمت‌ها می‌‌نشاندندت روی صندلی‌ این صادق خان یا آن صادق آقا. بگذریم که خود صندلی‌‌ها زوار در رفته و ناراحت و قدیمی‌ بودند ... اما در عوض، باسن مبارک مالیده می‌‌شد به جایگاه آن باسن‌های عظیم تاریخی‌ ... که در نظر اهل فن، اجرش معادل هفت بار حج پیاده بود>>>


مملکت دست اراذل و اوباش است

گفتگو با فائزه هاشمی

22-Apr-2011 (17 comments)
در واقعیت، شرایط سیاسی، آزادی ها و حقوق بشر در ایران شرایط بسیار اسفناکی دارند. وضعیت اقتصادی هم چون طرح هدفمند کردن یارانه ها بر اساس قانون انجام نمی شود بلکه به صورت سلیقه ای و بدون توجه به نظرات کارشناسان اجرا می شود، تا الان نتایج خوبی نداشته... اختلافات با کشورهای همسایه و با بیشتر کشورهای دنیا متاسفانه شرایط بدی رو هم برای کشورمان و هم برای ایرانیان ایجاد کرده>>>


صدای پای سقوط

احمدی‌نژاد در برابر روحانیت قرار گرفته است

22-Apr-2011 (3 comments)
این روز‌ها درگیری قلمی و زبانی بین طرفداران احمدی‌نژاد و مخالفان او در درون حاکمیت بیش از هر زمان دیگر اوج گرفته است. اصولگرایان عملا به دو جبهه متخاصم تقسیم شده‌اند. بسیاری از روحانیان و کسانی که در گذشته بدون قید و شرط از احمدی‌نژاد حمایت می‌کردند اکنون در برابر او موضع گرفته‌اند. کیهان شریعتمداری (نماینده خامنه‌ای) به عنوان سخنگوی اصلی این جناح، بی‌وقفه به مشایی می‌تازد و از اینکه احمدی‌نژاد حاضر نیست او را از خود دور کند به او خرده می‌گیرد>>>


Paris Tragedy

Yassi's death: Family teaches a world of compassion

22-Apr-2011 (13 comments)
And there are moments that no grief can do justice to the level of sadness and sorrows. Last Saturday our day was shattered with news that one cannot comprehend and accept. It was short, our friend's young daughter Jasmine Jahanshahi was killed in a fire in Paris. The story was devastating, especially if you knew that Yassi's family was already struggling with difficulties of a different sort. "Yassi", a junior at University of California, Berkeley, hesitated to join the student exchange program in France last Fall, saying that she rather stay few more months with her family>>>


How do you say...?

I am embarrassed that I can’t speak Persian

22-Apr-2011 (19 comments)
Everyone on my dad’s side of the family speaks Persian. At family reunions they all jabber like exotic birds, their hands spinning and twirling for emphasis. Every so often I catch a word that I know, or my name, and I try hard to make out what’s going on, but I never can.  So I just sit there, pretending I’m having fun, and waiting for someone to translate for me. Besides my mom, I am the only one who doesn’t understand. You would think having someone like me would make me feel better, but it doesn’t>>>


The Old Owel

Two short stories

22-Apr-2011 (one comment)
The old Owl was sitting at the edge of the world and watching life—the passage of life and its trail, that is. He saw men who became attached to the worldly things such as bricks, doors and walls. The Owl knew, however, that bricks fall apart and doors break and pillars don’t last long. He had seen so many broken crowns in the midst of ruins of this world and always sang songs to remind men that this world is temporary; He sang loud so men can hear but they didn’t care>>>


22-Apr-2011 (2 comments)
تلنگری بر آسمان ميزنم
صدای قلبم را در کوچه ای قدیمی می شنوم
ابری بر درختی تكيه ميزند
پرنده ای بال می گشاید بر روی لحظه
آسمان - آسمان می ماند


Agha! Nigah Dar

New video from Kiosk's "Triple Distilled" album

21-Apr-2011 (13 comments)


رضا پهلوی و ما

امروز هیچ ایرانی دلسوز, خوش نام و ریشه داری مایل نیست با رضا پهلوی کاری داشته باشد

20-Apr-2011 (58 comments)
پس از بیش از سی سال در بدری, ما بالاخره باید وضع خودرا با رضا پهلوی روشن کنیم و رضا پهلوی هم وضع خودش را با ما! اگر ایشان نوه رضا شاه بزرگ و فرزند محمد رضا شاه پهلوی میباشند, پس در اینصورت وارث تاج و تخت ایران و پادشاه قانونی ایران هستند. اگر ما هنوز به ایشان احترام میگذاریم فقط و فقط بخاطر نام و مقام ایشان است. اگر ایشان از خاندان آن دو بزرگ مرد تاریخ نبودند, فقط یک شهروند معمولی دیگر ایرانی میشدند>>>


These wars must end!

The human cost of occupation

20-Apr-2011 (8 comments)
The fact is that the U.S. armed forces and the “coalition of the willing” by occupying a foreign country and raising the level of their exposure have made the forces a natural and easy target for the resistance forces who know the topography of their country like the back of their hands. Also it is public knowledge, at least in the rest of the world that the European members of NATO already have decided to withdraw their armed forces from Afghanistan for good>>>


The Persian Mohican is Gone

"I'm Iranian by birth and American by choice, and I'm proud of both."

19-Apr-2011 (7 comments)
Climbing up Powell St. in downtown San Francisco and turning left onto Sutter, a big shop used to capture your attention with a the wise Jedi master Yoda on its display window, glaring at you as if inviting you in. This was Taghi Rezaian’s last carpet store; departed Taghi Rezaian. In contrast to the simple exterior of the shop, inside was an elegant combination of furor and flurry. Hundreds of colourful rugs with different designs and patterns, fine and coarse textures>>>


Pork Eaters (3)

It was as though if he ate pork, the last bit of Iranian in him would disappear

I could not make sense of what the schoolma’am was saying, but watching her smiling red cheeks and hearing her motherly inflections, her impression of me seemed favorable. Finally I picked out the word “Mrs.” Which I knew indicated a married woman in English. How Mrs. Cherret went on and on. It seemed she was determined to teach me English by saying right there and then everything it was possible to say. The method worked, however. A few minutes after she began her barrage of gibberish, my textbook views on English vowels were radically altered>>>



برای بیژن پاکزاد و شوقهای کوچکی که برای ساکنان غربت آفرید

19-Apr-2011 (2 comments)
مرگ ایستاده
با کت و شلواری ساده
با دکمه های آهنین
و گاه با عصای طلایی
و با چشمانی که خیره می نگرد
به تک ، تک ما