What is the truth?

The problem of the Iranian Youth

14-Sep-2008 (7 comments)
The “Cultural and Arts” division of the IRIB channel 3 has released a two episode documentary program directed at explaining the problem facing the Iranian Youth. It is centered around the popularity of Iranian Rap music and titled “Shock”. The program is quit dreadful in the level of untruthfulness and absurdity is uses to explain the issues and problems facing the young people of our nation. Some of the readers here might ask, “well, what did hell did you expect”? My answer is, more than what I saw!! A little about the Iranian youth, this crucial demographic group between the ages of 15 and 29 comprises more than one-third of the nation’s population>>>


آن سه شنبه ی شوم

ساعتها طول کشيد تا عظمت فاجعه را درک کنم و ساعتها طول کشيد تا باور کنم که در آن سه شنبه ي شوم بيش از چند هزار نفر کشته شده اند!

14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
آن روز، از زماني که با صداي زنگ ساعت چشم از خواب گشودم لرزه اي به جانم افتاد. بايد سريع حاضر ميشدم و چشم به راه تعميرکارِ شوفاژ ميماندم، گفته بودند براي تعميرِ دستگاه در طول روزِ ۱۱ سپتامبر سر ميزنند ولی ساعتش را مشخص نکرده بودند. سرتاسر روز در خانه ماندن و انتظار! دلهره اي غريب داشتم. دلهره ميراثي! دلشوره مزمن! يا به قولِ خاله ام: «دِلَه هولَه» دو سه روز بود که زير پلکم ميپريد و دستانم بي جان بود. گمان بردم که از سر خستگي است و بهتر است حداقل امروز را خانه بمانم و استراحت کنم. در خانه ماندن و انتظار صداي زنگِ در؟ هميشه حسِ وقوعِ حادثه اي شوم مضطربم ميکرد. پيش ترها به يادم مي آمد که هر بار پيش از هر حادثه شومي در خانواده، گرفتارِ اين دلشوره بي مورد ميشدم و از پيش آمدي ناشناس ميترسيدم و بي دليل کلافه بودم. حس ششم نبود؟ >>>


Diaries & Jallad

A novel: Chapter 16

Ibrahim, staring in the eyes of the chief psychologist for a moment, turned his eyes toward Kemal tied to the bed and with his right hand all bandaged up and, fighting tears, whispered, "it's a malignant tumor in every poet's heart." "You can go inside and see him if you like but just for a few minutes. We have given him some pills and he shouldn't be disturbed by any heavy conversation, if you know what I mean," Dr. Assadi, holding the door knob and waiting for Ibrahim's acceptance of his stiff condition, knew he was taking a small risk by letting that seriously intellectual-looking man inside and, yet, was hedging his bet that Kemal would be happy to see one of his friends. >>>


Patriots who want their country destroyed

Iranian Neocons go after Dr. Mossadegh

12-Sep-2008 (123 comments)
I was sent a file by a “patriot”, Arash Irandoost, with a note saying “see Mossadegh not from an Iranian perspective (which is mostly biased), but through the Western Eye. Read and decide for yourself.” Evidently though, he wanted me to ‘decide for myself’ based on the pertinent highlighted text. Yet another ‘patriot’, Roxanne Ganji,suggeststhat I read a couple of books as “proof the true face of her dear Dr. Mossadegh.” This time I see the infamous Hassan Dai’s name in the correspondence. Certainly I don’t find the truth objectionable. In fact, as a researcher, my fidelity to knowledge is paramount. But my problem is the irony of the situation.>>>


The country that is not

Kurds do not have much in common to unite in a single country?

12-Sep-2008 (15 comments)
A renowned and experienced Swedish diplomat by the name Ingmar Karlsson has recently been the top news in Sweden. Some angry bloggers and newspaper columnists want him fired and some cheer him on. The reason has got nothing to do with his diplomatic work. It has to do with his latest book: Kurdistan, a country that is not (Kurdistan, landet som icke är). The title of the book (beside Kurdistan) is derived from a Swedish poem about a wonderful place that exist only in dreams and not in reality. Since the release of his book Mr Karlsson has been under heavy fire. >>>


Haleh's Story
12-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
You love someone else, you say
I am confused and anguished for having put my guard down
Long enough to let you into my heart
I so want to be done thinking about you, so I try but
It is her I can’t get out of my mind
It is not about her looks
It is not about her youth
It is not about her figure, what has me thinking about
For what difference would any of that make? >>>


Taking the lead

Interview with Parwin Mirrahimy, founder and managing director of Rotterdam's Iranian Film Festival

12-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Parwin is in a middle of a conversation with one of the IFF volunteers in café de Balie in Amsterdam, when I arrive too late and all whet due to another Dutch September rain storm. Like a committed and skilled manager who is in the business for years, she delegates tasks and preparations for the Iranian Film Festival. It is a lot of work to organize a three day long festival while having a fulltime job. As a program manager at an idealistic organization she unites people of different cultural backgrounds by introducing art and film-related projects. Parwin speaks enthusiastically about the variety she is going to offer in the program of the IFF 2008. She was only 5 months old when her parents brought her to The Netherlands>>>


مانيفست درماندگی؟

آن تشکل، وحدت عقيده و عمل، سازمان و برنامه و بودجه ای که از ما توقع داريد در صفوف دوستان خود شما در داخل کشور کجاست؟

12-Sep-2008 (11 comments)
بخش هائی از گفتگوی آقای اکبر گنجی با راديو فردا براستی اسف برانگيز است. کسی که روزگاری به کنفرانس برلين آمده بود تا توضيح دهد که چرا اصلاح طلبی آيندهء ايران را رقم می زند، و بخاطر آن به زندان افتاد، و در زندان دست به مبارزه زد، اعتصاب غذا کرد، «خامنه ای بايد برود» را نوشت، «مانيفست جمهوری خواهی» را رقم زد، تبديل به يک قهرمان ملی شد، و آنگاه يک باره و غافلگير خلاصش کردند و پاسپورتش را به دستش دادند تا از کشور خارج شده و جايزهء های رنگارنگ حقوق بشر و دموکراسی خواهی و روزنامه نويسی را درو کند و شهروند افتخاری شهرهای استخواندار دنيا شود و با بزرگان عالم انديشه بنشيند و برخيزد، اکنون ـ دو سال و اندی از آن خروج، و در پی ده ها نامه و مقاله نگاری، اعتصاب غذا و سخنرانی ـ نتيجهء مطالعاتش را از ميکروفن راديو فردا، به مخاطبان نشسته در ايران، چنين گزارش می کند که: «آن چيزی که الان هست٬ صرفاً ادعا است ـ ادعای اين که اپوزيسيون وجود دارد. ولی واقعيت مطلب اين است که اپوزيسيونی که منتهی به عمل شود اصلاً وجود خارجی ندارد».>>>


India, my love

India, my love

Photo essay: People in New Delhi, Agra, Pushkar, Varanasi, Jaipur, Jodpur...

by Lida Ghaemi
12-Sep-2008 (11 comments)



Taken in Tehran

Taken in Tehran

Photo essay: People & places

by Sepideh B.



Persia in Shakespeare

New book: "Shakespeare, Persia, and the East"

11-Sep-2008 (6 comments)
Shakespeare was interested in the travels of his countrymen. He dealt with or touched upon foreign trade and commerce in several of his plays. He must have read some books and pamphlets on the travels of the Sherleys in particular. In the autumn of 1601 a little book by William Parry was published in London. Parry had accompanied Sir Anthony from the beginning of his journey. On his return to England he wrote his book that was the first on the travels of the Sherleys to Persia. It is “an account of Sir Anthony’s journey from England to Italy and then to Antioch, Aleppo down the Euphrates to Babylon, across the Tigris River into Persian territory to Qazvin, the former capital thence to Isfahan the new capital, the seat of Shah Abbas, the Sophy...>>>


If I were a Shiite

Would I express my pride at being a Muslim who is willing to defend the civil rights of the Bahais?

11-Sep-2008 (26 comments)
The latest effort of Ayatollah Montazeri in defending the civil rights of the Bahais is yet more evidence of his historic bravery. The significance of his remarkable defense of the Bahai community and the civil rights of the Bahais is underscored even more when, even after his declaration, we still find only a handful of religious intellectuals who concur in supporting the civil rights of the Bahais. And the one or two who have found the courage to speak in support of the civil rights of the Bahai community have gained this courage after the brave pronouncement of Ayatollah Montazeri, as otherwise, most likely they would have continued with their deafening silence on this vital issue>>>


Perils of the Persian Gulf

Letter to UN Secretary General

11-Sep-2008 (9 comments)
As an academic of at least 40 years of research experience in geographical, historical, political and legal affairs of the Persian Gulf, I do not find it easy to see continued conspiracies against Iran, her territorial rights and integrity and the consequential threats to peace and security of that region without trying to voice out the concern of the people of Iran as well as that of other peace-loving people of the region. These concerns are provoked by racially inclined activities against Iran’s historical identity, her national dignity, and her territorial integrity along the line of former Baath party’s anti-Persian legacy >>>


Selling sex

How the social ladder turns a boy’s basic need for love into a commodity!

11-Sep-2008 (11 comments)
In my usual travels abroad, one thing has become clear, I always had the most “fun” when I was travelling in former communist and current socialist nations like Poland, Czech Republic, and Cuba. I have difficulty explaining to you why my opposite sex in these countries seems to be more receptive to my approach and more likely to hold my hands and build bridges with me. However, I can re-iterate some possible answers that have crossed my conversations. Some friends suggest that it is perhaps the perception of someone from a rich nation like Canada that makes these people excited for my love. >>>


سوم تیر و ٢٨ مرداد

شباهت علت های اساسی کودتای سوم تیر ١٢٨٧ با کودتای ٢٨ مرداد ١٣٣٢

11-Sep-2008 (15 comments)
بر خلاف نظر نویسندگان موافق کودتا و مخالف مصدق، نمی بایستی اهمیت سیاسی ٢٨ مرداد را نفی کرد و کاهش داد، بلکه می بایستی در کنار یادآوری این کودتا، کودتاهای دیگری نیز که علیه مشروطیت روی داده است را مرتب یاد آور شد تا شاید این یادآوری ها چون سپری از آگاهی در پندار و گفتار و کردار جامعه مدنی از بروز کودتایی مشابه علیه دموکراسی آتی در ایران پیشگیری کند. در این زمینه، کودتای سوم تیر ١٢٨٧ محمد علی شاه قاجار علیه مشروطیت که توأم با توپ بستن مجلس بود، نمونه بارزی است. بررسی کودتای محمد علی شاه علیه مشروطیت از آنروی اهمیت دارد که دلایل آن شباهت ویژه ای با دلایلی دارد که منجر به کودتای علیه حکومت مشروطه مصدق شد. درپایه، محمد علی شاه و محمد رضا شاه محدودیت قانون اساسی مبنی بر تشریفاتی بودن مقام پادشاه را پذیرا نبودند و متوجه اهمیت بزرگ این مطلب نبودند که ((سلطنت ودیعه ایست که به موهبت الهی از طرف ملت بشخص پادشاه مفوض شده است)).>>>