هادی و صمد 10 سال بعد

برنامه هادی خرسندی و پرویز صیاد در شهر کلن

06-Nov-2007 (6 comments)


For principled solidarity

Unite in opposition to both imperialist war and theocratic rule

06-Nov-2007 (16 comments)
Of course, no-one who has listened to Dick Cheney or George Bush could be in any doubt that the nuclear debacle is no more than an excuse for preparing for such an attack. The current US administration labelled Iran its main enemy in the region on the day it came to power in 2001 - it was Iran’s compliance with and support for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq that delayed the escalation of the conflict. But now the US administration is so desperate to divert attention from the disaster in Iraq that an air assault on Iran by the US or Israel is a real possibility>>>


A bridge to modernity?

Today's Iranians enduring hardships so the future generations can be better off

06-Nov-2007 (23 comments)
Many Iranians today are divided regarding the possible solutions that could be applied to the current regime to resolve the Iranian paradox. The origin of the Iranian dilemma could be traced to the ideas of current traditional social structure verses modernity. The Iranian society is a traditional society that is deeply rooted in Shia Islamic ideologies and traditions and the Iranian intellectuals have been trying to find a path that modifies our traditional beliefs and culture to the next level and ultimately modernization.>>>


Ey Yaarom Biyaa

Kiosk in Boston

05-Nov-2007 (23 comments)


Sky unlimited

Sky unlimited

Photo essay: First big air ski & snowboard event in a U.S. stadium

by salim



Beautiful, loud and international

A mixed Indian Iranian affair with the best food, music and rituals of both cultures

05-Nov-2007 (8 comments)
A week ago we attended a large family wedding in Toronto – the second trip to Canada this year for the boys. The first time, February, was tough. They both had bouts of flu and we asked everyone to stay away in case they fell ill too. This time we decided to acclimatise them to North America by visiting cousins in Raleigh, NC first before flying on to Toronto for the wedding. My cousins in Raleigh are also twins, only identical twins (my two aren’t identical), older and luckily for us, they have built houses next door to one another. So we could visit either brother and their wife, whenever we wanted to.>>>


 آزادی و مسئولیت

امیدوارم حکم دادگاه تورنتو بتواند به درخشان بیاموزد که از آزادی خود مسئولانه بهره بگیرد

05-Nov-2007 (60 comments)

«فکر می‌کنید بدن شما تحمل آتش سوزان انفجار یا داغی گلوله رو داره؟ به خون حسین قسم می‌خورم که پای شما به خارج از آمریکا برسه گوشت کثیفت رو تکه تکه می‌کنیم. فدائیان اسلام، سرباز سپاه قدس» ... «شما به دشمنان ایران دارید مشاوره می‌دین اسم شما خائن است نه خلجی ... وای به حالت اگه از دور و ور خاورمیانه بگذری...» نوشته‌های بالا نمونه‌ای از تهدیدهایی هستند که من هر بار پس از نوشته‌ای از حسین درخشان علیه خودم دریافت می‌کنم. این نوشته‌ها می‌تواند به تحریک و ترغیب مستقیم حسین درخشان و به دست کسانی این سو و آن سو، به نیت سلب امنیت روانی، نوشته شده باشد و می‌تواند واقعاً نوشته مأموران اطلاعاتی، امنیتی و نظامی جمهوری اسلامی باشد؛ به قصد سلب امنیت جانی و زمینه‌سازی برای ترور



$2 million lawsuit against me

Mehdi Khalaji, with the backing of his friends at the Israeli lobby's think-tank, is trying to bankrupt me

05-Nov-2007 (65 comments)
Mehdi Khalaji, an Iranian 'expert' at the Washington Institute for the Near East Policy (WINEP) has now officially filed a libel and defamation lawsuit against me in Canada and has claimed $2,000,000 damages. َQuite a modest champion of free speech, isn't he? Why? Because I've been very critical about him serving the likes of Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, James Woosley and the rest of those filthy warmongers at the Washington Institute for the Near East Policy (WINEP), which was established by and is strongly associated with the Israeli Lobby's in the United States, according to Mearsheimer and Walt.>>>


Poets and Pahlevans

In search of traditional wrestling and Persian poetry

05-Nov-2007 (one comment)
I needed to find a ride back to Kerman. There was one taxi in front of the gate. I walked towards it and girded myself for another battle over the fare. The driver was old and disheveled, his mouth a mumble of pale green teeth. "You want to go to Kerman?" he said. "Yes." I was surprised he spoke English. "How much will that cost?" I grit my teeth. He quoted me a price that was suspiciously low, less than what I paid for the five kilometre trip from Shah-e Vali's shrine. "You will bring me all the way to Kerman for that price?">>>


Restaurant confidential

The best meals aren’t always served in Michelin star restaurants with celebrity chefs

05-Nov-2007 (10 comments)
Grrrrrrr!!!! Nothing frustrates me more than poor service in restaurants and hotels. Unnecessarily arrogant and condescending mannerisms that should, quite frankly, get thrown out with the trash as far as I’m concerned. Eating out is the social lynchpin of business and private life alike and therefore deemed necessary, at times. So what worse way to spend an evening with a client, friend or date, than to be patronised by some jumped up, wet behind the ears, accent-laden, barely-older-than-myself waiter. My recent experience at a famous London Italian Restaurant called Cecconi’s was precisely this. >>>


ملی گرائی افراطی چه صيغه ای ست؟

بی اعتنائی به تاريخ و فرهنگ، مليت را پديده ای ناقص و ملی گرائی را امری بی محتوا می سازد

05-Nov-2007 (9 comments)
براستی در گرايش جوانان امروز ايران به ملی گرائی بنياد گرفته از بازگشت به ارزش های پيش از اسلام فرهنگ ايرانی چه خطری وجود دارد که عقلای قوم ملی گرا را وا می دارد تا در کنار هشدار دادن نسبت به خطرات مختلفی که انديشهء امروز سياسی و فرهنگی جوانان ما را تهديد می کند، نسبت به خطر پيدايش «ناسيوناليسم افراطی» نيز هشدار داده و صحنه های ظهور هيتلری ديگر و برقراری فاشيسمی نو را به رخشان بکشند؟>>>


انتها نيز کلمه است
05-Nov-2007 (2 comments)

* فايل صوتی

هر شب خواب آن ماهی را می بينم
که در تنگه ی غرق شده می گردد
و در دی. ان. ای ِ شرابی باستانی
نام تو را می جويد

نامت کلمه است
نشسته ميانه ی آفتاب
و هر که می گذرد از آن
عاشق می شود



The freedom bus

They are using women to appease Islamic extremists. Why?

04-Nov-2007 (22 comments)
The scenario of Ms Bhutto's return is classic or better described a cliché... The international media knows this job only too well, to sell her as the angel of freedom to the frustrated people, stuck between two evils, one military dictatorship and the other an Islamic one. This game of political and media engineering is too transparent to miss. However, what struck me was, the way she was described repeatedly, as the first "Moslem woman leader in the Moslem world." Why did they have to mention this repeatedly? What purpose does this serve?>>>


Sleeping giant no more

Sleeping giant no more

Photo essay: China moving at full speed

by Shahriar
03-Nov-2007 (6 comments)



سگی را لقمه ای هرگز فراموش...

خوب که فکرش را بکنید ما ایرانیها هر کدام یک ایوان پاولف هستیم منتها در راه غلط

03-Nov-2007 (11 comments)
وقتی خوب حّلاجی کنید، متوجه خواهید شد که اصولاً نه برای همهُ مردم ولی برای بسیاری از افراد زندگی عبارت از تلاشی مداوم و پیگیر برای پنهان کردن و یا تغییر شخصیت واقعی شان است. لباس شیک، عطر گرانقیمت، سروصورت بزک شده و عوام پسند، لحن کلام بیش از حّد مودبانه و برما مگوزید، ستایش و خایه مالی، کاسه لیسی گفتهِ شما، حتی آنچه که شما خود کاملاً آگاه به دروغ بودن آن هستید >>>