در آئین "رقص- درمانی"  و "چماق- درمانی"

همه با یکدیگر رقابت میکنند که به کون لغات انگلیسی پسوندهای فارسی ببندند

16-Nov-2007 (12 comments)

بذار ببینم، 21 بعلاوه 4 میشه 25 دلار، یکدونه دوغ 3 دلار، ماست و موسیر هم حالا میگیم 5 دلار، خوب اینکه میشه 33 دلار، دو دلار هم مالیاتش، این 35 دلار، پس چرا اون از ما 41 دلار گرفت؟" ضمن رانند گی داشتم حساب میکردم که یارو گفت چلوکبابش "تو- فور- وان" یعنی دوتاش به قیمت یکی. پس چطور شد دوباره رودست خوردیم و شش دلار از ما زیادی گرفت؟



The Capital, again
is sucking on money.
Hanging about town,
among the riffraffs,
and the worried pants,
I noticed all of their faces
reflected in the glass
of this of all places. >>>




Photo essay: Our dog in Abadan

by Jahanshah Javid
16-Nov-2007 (20 comments)



My home, your home, our home

My home, your home, our home

Photo essay: Classic Iranian home

by Mahfooz Meysam
15-Nov-2007 (8 comments)



Seeds [of peace]

Possibly the most inspiring film I have seen in a long time

15-Nov-2007 (4 comments)
Marjan Safinia and Joseph Boyle's "Seeds" documents one season at a special summer camp, "Seeds of Peace" in Maine, dedicated to helping plant the seeds of peace in young people from war torn or conflict regions in the world, who are lucky enough to be selected to attend. During their stay, along with the usual camp fun stuff, they are involved in various conflict management techniques to help deal with and open up the issues they are affected by in their every day life. Youth from Israel, Palestine, Egypt, India, Pakestan, and Afghanestan share what it is like to be a young person in these countries>>>


مَردُم! خودتان قضاوت کنيد!

در ارتباط با دشنامباران اخير من از سوی مجاهدين

15-Nov-2007 (51 comments)
اين روز ها مجاهدين خلق، در پی اوجگيری هرچه بيشتر تلاششان برای فراهم آوردن زمينه ی حمله ی نظامی آمريکا به ايران، و در آستانه ی ورود به مرحله ی اقرار صريح آقای رجوی به اين که تهديد جهان نه جنگ، بلکه «نه جنگ» است، به صورت سيستماتيک، حمله به کسانی را که هرکدام به اندازه ی وسع خود خطرات جنگ و حمله ی نظامی به ايران را افشا می کنند در دستور کار خود قرار داده اند.>>>


Showdown for Ataturk’s Republic

United States must balance its desire for regional stability with steadfast support for and cooperation with the Turkish government

15-Nov-2007 (18 comments)
Turkey’s ethnic Kurds, the majority of who recently voted for the Justice and Development Party, oppose PKK’s agenda. The Kurdish people recognize that the guerrilla fastidious escapades have promoted regional and international political upheaval. Once, isolated and prone to factionalism, the guerrilla movement is on the rise due to the dire situation in northern Iraq. The Turkish government, which believes Turkish citizens should have no loyalty outside of the state, has responded. On October 17th, the Turkish parliament voted 507-19 to authorize cross-border raids into northern Iraq to root out the PKK. >>>


قایق کاغذی
15-Nov-2007 (one comment)

خورشید مزه نارنج می دهد

و جاده چون رودی سیاه

زیر آفتاب ترش و نارنجی می درخشد.



اما پر از آواز انتظار



خیابان شریعتی کوچه ی ساری

.یاد ت می آید پسری ات را در همین کوچه از دست دادی ؟

15-Nov-2007 (one comment)
امروز می خواهم از تو بنویسم که سالها بود گم ات کرده بودم . از تو که چهارده سال بود در زندگی روزانه ی من نبودی .دقیقا راس ساعت شش عصر بیست و نهم اکتبر دو هزار و هفت بود که از باجه تلفن خیابان پنجم نیویورک به گوشی ام زنگ زدی و...صدایت پس از این همه سال فرق نکرده بود! >>>


Gone with the wind

Gone with the wind

Photo essay: Ancient ruins and museum in Shoosh

by Reza Keyhani
14-Nov-2007 (8 comments)



Propaganda onion

Today, Western propaganda has matured in sophistication

14-Nov-2007 (110 comments)
What is good for an Iranian is good for an American, an Arab, a Chinese, etc. And what is bad for an American, as the US Congress has clearly stated in case of VOA, is bad for an Iranian and everyone else. Ironically, it’s the ultimate manifestation of smart, educated minds rotten by propaganda that when they know VOA and Radio Farda are sources of propaganda, they still approve of their broadcasts.>>>


Lights out

Excerpt from new political novel on U.S.-Iran war

14-Nov-2007 (13 comments)
[Author's Podcast] The President of the United States from the Oval Office, Washington D.C., April 20, 2010: “My fellow citizens, at this moment we are in the midst of an aerial and naval campaign to eliminate once and for all the nuclear threat with which the Iranian regime has defied the international community for years. On my orders, the Armed Forces of the United States of America have begun to strike selected targets that form an integral part of the nuclear weapons program of the Iranian regime or are assigned to protect these facilities..."


Great falls

Great falls

Photo essay: Maryland

by Farrokh Khatami
14-Nov-2007 (3 comments)




سه شعر

14-Nov-2007 (one comment)
درد ما، رنج من، کار کردنی
باغ ما، راز آب، جوی کندنی
آفتاب، رمز نور، بار بردنی
رِنگ ساز، راز شعر، حرف گفتنی


Autumnal comforts

Salads are out, soups are in

14-Nov-2007 (13 comments)
Every autumn, I set myself a new task to learn how to make dishes, I was always too apprehensive or just too lazy to try and make. I always love making fresh homemade soups, they are so easy to make if you have a hand blender and so deliciously moreish too. They can be low in carbs, low in fat… Basically low in whatever you want them to be as YOU are controlling what you put in them! So much better than opening a can of soup and SO much fresher and more flavoursome. Once you start making your own soups, you will never go back to buying them again>>>