Dinner & dance

Dinner & dance

Photo essay: Thanksgiving at Berkeley's Persian Center

by talieshah
24-Nov-2007 (14 comments)



When politicians love journalists

British/American alliance has now publicly started to give a louder voice to Rafsanjanists inside Iran

24-Nov-2007 (122 comments)
I beg to say that the main premise on which Sadeq Saba's new analysis is built upon is just false. In his piece about the harsh criticism against Ahmadinejad, published in a newspaper in iran called Jomhoori-e Eslami, he argues that support for Ahmadinejad is diminishing among within the senior leadership of Iran. That's becoming an increasingly popular theme these days and the way I read it is that the U.S./UK official line against Iran is slightly shifting towards exploiting the remaining limited potentials of Rafsanjanists in breaking the political unity and common will behind the nuclear programme and particularly the decision not to give up on the enrichment. >>>


جای خالی احزاب غير ايدئولوژيک

جهان سياسی ما کلاً ايدئولوژی زده است و در نتيجه فضای لازم برای رشد دموکراسی را فراهم نمی کند

24-Nov-2007 (4 comments)
به نظر من، بن بست کنونی اپوزيسيون حکومت ايدئولوژيک اسلامی، دقيقاً نتيجهء عدم دوری اپوزيسيون از «ايدئولوژی کاری» و آلوده شدن به «ايدئولوژی زدگی» است ـ وضعيتی که نمی تواند آلترناتيوی امروزی و دموکراتيک را در برابر حکومت اسلامی بنشاند. >>>


You walk beside my life
Looking ahead
Lost in what has to be
What can’t be
And I look at a last love
Looking in despair
Turning away from us
And disappearing in the midnight.


Dried Rose Petal
24-Nov-2007 (2 comments)
The girl whose journal was full of poems and rose petals
Turned out to be a cruel hunter
Chasing young prey
To taste still shaking young flesh
On her cherry lips
With her heart hidden in her grandma’s chest
Mask on her face
Sucking nectar like a butterfly >>>


Where is that brave?
24-Nov-2007 (one comment)
Where is that brave, who has seen your face, daring to speak?
Where is beloved, who has longed for you, and didn't freak?
Who has the patience, to smell your scent, from far meadows,
The source of that scent, on head and on feet, began not to seek?
Who on the globe, has seen a picture, behind some curtains,
Kept claiming arts, before your image, didn't go bleak? >>>


از نيمه راه گمشدگی

فلسفه را همچنين می توان به زبان طنز هم نوشت

23-Nov-2007 (2 comments)
داريوش فروهر، در زمان انقلاب، دفترش پاتوق من روزنامه نگار پر شر و شور آن زمان بود؛ و صرفنظر از افق های سياسی متفاوت، صميميت پر صلابتی در او بی اختيار افق هامان را برای لحظاتی که با هم بوديم در هم يکی می کرد. و مجيد شريف، حضورش در اين غربت مضاعف، برايم غنيمتی بود که تنها پس از آن که از دستش دادم معنايش را شناختم. جای خالی مجيد را ديگر هيچکس نتوانست در من پر کند. و او خيلی از اين نوشته ام خوشش می آمد. و خيلی در باره ی اين نوشته با هم حرف زده بوديم و بحت کرده بوديم و گفته بوديم و خنديده بوديم و در دل گريسته بوديم اما.>>>


Roses for Rabia
23-Nov-2007 (2 comments)
her last love poem she lettered
in her blood, her own pool of warm
blood dripping dipping in it
her fingers made of moonlight

as she lay dying on the tainted
tiles of a public bath
bent against the wall

bright Rabia Balkhi
Persian poet painter Princess



From prison

Clear examples of inequality

23-Nov-2007 (15 comments)
This is prison; the women’s ward of Evin prison. This is not my first time here; not the first time I’ve come to Evin. The first time, I came here as a journalist. Alongside the warden, I walked from cell to cell to listen to the stories of women who were here on charges of addiction, prostitution and murder. I heard only a few words from each woman, only what the presence of the warden allowed. That day all the inmates spoke highly of prison conditions in front of the officials and said they had no problems but as I was leaving they slipped a crumpled piece of paper in my pocket that read: "Help us! No one thinks about us here.”>>>


The evil side of extremism

Signs of America's decline are all over the walls for those who only care to look

23-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
We should condemn extremism of all kind, right? Wrong. The purpose of this writing is to demonstrate that, extremism like a coin has two sides-good and evil. Then, why do most of us fail to observe that during the long history of our world, the extremists have been behind all important events and movements such as revolutions, dynasty replacements and other changes, from drastic to subtle? We also need to remind ourselves that only one or a handful of leaders are the engines of the movements and they determine the direction of the change-good or evil.>>>


Embrace Me As You Did "Shams"

In honor of "Mollana"

23-Nov-2007 (8 comments)
O' Mollana, Begging Upon Your Feet ..
Mesmerized By The Presence of Your Spirit ..

Bereft of All Evil, Embracing You In Love ..
With The Spirit Rising, Torrents Rush For Comapny ..

The Blessing of Your "Breath", Meandering My Existence ..
The "Casualness" of Your Stare, Awash in Tranquility .. >>>


Stuffed turkey legs with roasted veggies

Stuffed turkey legs with roasted veggies

Photo essay: Intimate family Thanksgiving dinner

by kfravon
23-Nov-2007 (21 comments)



Gift of love

The legacy of the human spirit

22-Nov-2007 (3 comments)
It was autumn of 1998 when Rumi and I became friends. I was in my first semester of junior year in college; bubbling with excitement and preparations for the following semester which I would spend in Sevilla, Spain. During Thanksgiving break at home, I received a couple of gifts from my brother who had just returned from a business conference in Minneapolis. As the baby of the family, I was accustomed to this. What I did not expect however, was to receive a gift from his friend and co-worker Don, who had also traveled with him. I opened Don’s package to find a small book with a red cover containing 2 CD inserts. The word ‘Eshgh’ (love) was written on the cover weaved-in with its English title, “A Gift of Love Deepak and Friends Present Music Inspired by the Love Poems of Rumi”>>>


Let all tongues speak

Freedom of Expression: Commentary on a poem

22-Nov-2007 (7 comments)

[PERSIAN TEXT] On November 22, 1998 after hearing of the murder of two Iranian dissidents Dariush and Parvaneh Foroohar, who were stabbed to death by the secret police at their home in Tehran, I wrote this poem:

O dagger
I wish you had rebelled
Against that hand!...

Why does the poet address the dagger? Why not the murderer? And more importantly, why not the murdered?



The butterfly that perished with the candle

9th anniversary of the chain murder of dissidents

22-Nov-2007 (8 comments)
Every year, since that sad day when I went to my parents’ house and they told me the horrific news, when the twenty third of November comes along, I cannot but think of one couple—Dariush and Parvaneh Foroohar. When some time later I met their son and daughter, Arash and Parastoo, I saw the amazing resemblance. On this day I always think about them as well, that forever they will have to live with the thought of that awful autumn evening, when they lost their beloved parents.>>>