Dear mom, it's war!

Dear mom, it's war!

Photo essay

by Jahanshah Javid
21-Nov-2007 (62 comments)



شیرین عبادی و حمایت از ظالم

عبادی نمی‌فهمد که اهمیت غنی ‌سازی برای ایران درست به اندازه‌ی اهمیت تامین آب و تلفن و نان شب مردم است

21-Nov-2007 (124 comments)
اولین مشکل استدلال عبادی آن است که در خدمت قدرت است، نه در خدمت قربانی. یعنی درست به همان روشی که مردسالاران وقتی مثلا زنی مورد تجاوز قرار می‌گیرد بجای ملامت مرد متجاوز، زن قربانی را سرزنش می‌کنند که چرا مثلا با زن بودنش (که طبیعتا حق اوست)‌ باعث تحریک مرد متجاوز شده است، عبادی هم ایران را سرزنش می‌کند که چرا با استفاده از حق‌اش بر اساس قوانین جهانی آمریکا را به تجاوز تحریک می‌کند. >>>


My first few days

The smells coming from the dining area down stairs were strange

21-Nov-2007 (11 comments)
November 24, 1978, yes long time ago. The Iran Air flight landed in New York's JFK, late, as usual, I'm sure, and I arrived into US. After getting my one suitcase I walked outside the double doors, right outside of Iran Air terminal. I was wearing my new leather jacket my friend had gotten me before I left Iran. It was barely warm enough for a late November night in the cold New York air. I put my hands in my pockets and took couple of deep breaths. It was cold and crisp. Less than 24 hours earlier I had left Iran. My older sister's help me pack that one suitcase with couple of suits, socks, few shirts, and some personal items. No razor, I wasn't old enough, I was only 17>>>


حدود جهانی شدن ما

چاره ای نداريم که هم جهانی فکر کنيم و هم در ساختن جهان امروز و فردا شرکتی فعال داشته باشيم

21-Nov-2007 (5 comments)
در مسير مطرح شدن مفهومی به نام «جهانی شدن»، ما ايرانی ها نيز، چه آن ها که در داخل ايران و چه آن ها که به صورت پراکنده در سراسر جهان زندگی می کنيم، خواسته و ناخواسته به اين ميدان وارد شده ايم و، به اين ترتيب، مدتی است که، سخن گفتن از «جهانی شدن» در بين ما هم متداول شده است و به نظر می رسد که هر چه پيش می رويم بيش از پيش به بحث درباره ی اين روند و به حضور داشتن در آن تمايل پيدا می کنيم. >>>


East-West bridge

Prof. Davood Rahni's perspectives on Iran-U.S. relations and Iranian-Americans

21-Nov-2007 (15 comments)
I love the U.S. with its many opportunities and the can-do, pioneering and optimistic attitude to life and remain a staunch advocate for the integration of many of the good aspects of western culture with selective reformed aspects of Eastern, particularly the Iranian culture. American culture nurtures individual rights and freedoms of choice, aspiration to excellence and industry, and predictability in one’s life. In comparison, Iranian culture is family-centered, enhances one’s state of mind and spirit with its long history, esthetic literature, and a sense of belonging to one of the oldest and richest civilizations>>>




Photo essay: Summer vacation in Shiraz

by Aria Fani
20-Nov-2007 (9 comments)



My journey

All they want is Peace; all they want is Freedom!

20-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
After another hard-working semester at Miramar College, I figured my brain can no longer function, and after all it was summer time! I decided to go on a vacation, but it was not going to be an ordinary one, I had decided to go to Iran, my home, a country that I had left at the age of seventeen. As I was counting down the days to June 18th, a nostalgic feeling grew in me, “How has the image of Iran changed?”, “What if I find myself distant and cornered from the Iranian youth in terms of life-style and values?” It seemed though that the media had done its job in terms of influencing me!>>>


At least his whores are melancholy

Lucky for Iranians, they’re protected from stories of sad prostitutes and old men by vigilant censors

20-Nov-2007 (10 comments)
At least, his whores are melancholy. Ours are beaten, underpaid, overworked, anguished, and subjected to all forms of torture on a daily basis. Ours passed the melancholy state long ago. I’m referring to a book by the Colombian novelist, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, entitled “Memories of My Melancholy Whores.” It was banned in Iran, after selling out, because the censors discovered that the title was sanitized. The word “whores” was replaced with “sweethearts.” The prostitute in the book is a fourteen year old girl who is the object of a ninety year old mans lust, and then love. Iranians will not be offended by either the title or the 76 year age difference. We know of far worse. We have known far younger whores being the object of madness, for the lack of a better term, not just lust and love.>>>


In search of morning

Memoirs of founder of Iran's largest publishing house before the revolution

20-Nov-2007 (6 comments)
Last spring I read Dar Josteju-ye Sobh (“In Search of Morning”), the memoir of Abdorrahim Ja’fari, founder of Amir Kabir publishing house in Iran. It is an unforgettable book...Driven by equal measures of intellectual curiosity and enterprising spirit Ja’fari built his own version of the great Amir Kabir’s legacy. He educated the public as he educated himself. He saw the potential of the market for new works and ideas and devoted his considerable energy to building and expanding it. He helped create a reading public. By giving decent contracts and royalty to his authors and translators, the former print house worker ended up supporting a class of professional intellectuals. As businessmen go he was a rare breed; he took financial risks on the market for intellectual pursuit. And, lo and behold, Amir Kabir grew and prospered.>>>


Let us back into the universe

Evading the fact that no nation or culture or state can claim to have its own hyphenated version of human rights

20-Nov-2007 (14 comments)
As Iranian human rights activists we are fighting to restore to our nation those rights that are universal and inalienable. These rights are founded on the incontrovertible truth that all human beings are born free and equal. The constitution of the Islamic Republic is incompatible with this omnipresent reality. It is riddled with inconsistencies and discrimination. It stands contrary to all those hard won liberties secured by human beings throughout the ages. Human rights are not a product of the West. Neither are they the inheritance of one race or culture. They are the upshot of the accumulated experience and collective enlightenment of mankind as a whole.>>>


شکنجه‌های رایج

شایع‌ترین انواع شکنجه‌هایی را که در دوران بازجو یی در زندان‌های رژیم اعمال می‌شوند

20-Nov-2007 (14 comments)
تمامی رژیم‌های سرکوبگر استفاده‌ی گسترده از شکنجه را به عنوان اصلی‌ترین و کارسازترین ابزار برای دست‌یابی به اطلاعات به منظور دستگیری، سرکوب، فروپاشی و نابودی نیروهای سازمان‌های مترقی و مبارز و مخالف خود می‌شناسند. آن‌چه که رژیم جمهوری اسلامی را از دیگر رژیم‌های سرکوبگر دنیا متمایز می‌کند، تداوم شکنجه، آزار و اذیت و اقدام‌های خودسرانه و غیرانسانی بعد از دوران بازجو یی و در دوران تحمل کیفر و حتا بعد از آزادی از زندان است. دامنه‌ی اقدام‌های سرکوبگرانه تا آن‌جاست که خانواده و کودکان زندانیان را نیز در بر می‌گیرد. در نظام جمهوری اسلامی شکنجه در سه مرحله و به سه منظور انجام می‌گیرد>>>


Boys to men

Boys to men

Photo essay: Friends, family and...

by Alireza Najafian
19-Nov-2007 (11 comments)



Statues in chador

Statues in chador

Photo essay: Historical building

by shahireh sharif



Now what?

Pakistan of 2007 looks a lot like Iran of 1978-79

19-Nov-2007 (33 comments)
It is now some 28 years from Huyser’s mission to Tehran. On Friday, November 16, President Bush’s emissary, John Negroponte, arrived in Pakistan to tell Mr. Musharraf what to do in order to save his country from turmoil. Déjà vu allover again! The 1979 Huyser mission in Tehran was to get the Iranian army to stay in one piece by standing down. The fear at the time was that the sophisticated weaponry in the hands of the Iranian forces would find its way into the hands of “enemy” elements (read Palestinians). In Islamabad, Negroponte probably sought to ensure that the Pakistani army stays in one piece so the country’s nuclear arsenal does not end up in “enemy” hands (read, a militant Islamic regime). >>>


Let's talk Turkey

A full thanksgiving spread, set to impress anyone who feasts alongside you on the big day

19-Nov-2007 (9 comments)
I must admit, i am not a huge fan of all things turkey, to be honest. I don’t mind it, but the American obsession with turkey on rye, turkey pot pie, turkey sausages and turkey bacon, is just one step beyond insanity for my purist ways. Furthermore (I believe) sausages and bacon should be made of pork! If our little porky pals weren’t so damn tasty, then why would we try and make alternatives to these products, at every opportunity? I know, I know it’s a health thing, and of course, there are two sides to every argument. For the “My-body- is- a- temple” types amongst you, I will gladly point out that turkey is one of the lowest fat meats around>>>