Personal art show

Personal art show

Amir Salamat displays his latest work on his patio

by Jahanshah Javid
17-Oct-2007 (12 comments)



Fighting for the future

Fighting for the future

Iranians in Maryland help children in Iran

by Farrokh Khatami
17-Oct-2007 (11 comments)



The fall of Khatami

Iranian people have moved on

17-Oct-2007 (17 comments)
Although, Khatami delivered well on executing the laws but his evil twin in the parliament cost him his defacement. One thing that people weren’t aware of was that Khatami couldn’t convey everything single-handedly by himself. He needed the parliament to back him up on correcting small and minor laws that could bring some quick results through reforming trade laws, the tax laws, small but incremental women’s right, stopping the Reza Khatami, Navabi, Abdi, and Mirdamadi’s gang for harassing conservatives, and focusing on how to work with the conservatives rather than trying to uproot them. >>>


Coming together

Coming together

Iranian cultural festival in southern California

by Mohamad Navab
16-Oct-2007 (27 comments)



Asieh’s eyes

A strue story

16-Oct-2007 (10 comments)
When the Islamic Republic of Iran assured the western countries that stoning was not practiced anymore, Asieh Amini dared to defy the state by writing about the covert stoning of two people, Mahboubeh M. and Abbas H., for adultery in Mashhad, in 2006. This courageous act of defiance eventually led to launch of the Stop Stoning Forever campaign which has gained international attention and saved the lives of 4 people and halted the stoning of another 10. Asieh, a main organizer of the campaign, has identified, documented, and closely followed up many of the stoning cases; she is even providing shelter for one of them after her release from prison>>>


Guilty pleasures

A journey of sensory overload

16-Oct-2007 (15 comments)
There is something borderline sexual about the dark, velvety smooth, rich and sweet characteristics of one of the most ancient and well known foods in history. The sinful dark master that preys on unsuspecting individuals, intoxicating them and releasing it potency into the blood stream. Inflicting incurable addictions on its victims and imposing an infinite quest for the ultimate ‘Cocoa’ fix>>>


The Putin Pact

The Putin Pact

Russian leader's historic Iran visit

by Javad Moghimi & Hassan Ghaedi
16-Oct-2007 (31 comments)



It all depends

It is the Muslim world that has serious problems, not the West

16-Oct-2007 (118 comments)
A few days ago I was in an Arab coffee-shop. I was drinking tea, which is a common practise of Muslim countries, while listening to what the Arab men were discussing. I also heard one woman, I guess, but all I could see were men. They were seated, smoking, drinking tea, while watching Al Jazeera on a TV set mounted on top of the right corner of the room. I could not understand anything but some of the words, spoken by the Arab public, or said by the Al Jazeera presenter. I thought about joking about what the Arabs, and Middle-Easterners (including Iranians), usually talk about when they get together>>>


Ready for take-off

Ready for take-off

From "History of Iranian Commercial Aviation"

by Abbas Atrvash
15-Oct-2007 (10 comments)



برای نسل های بعد

هواپیمائی در ایران از آغاز تا کنون

15-Oct-2007 (5 comments)
پیرو تاسیس دفتر هواپیمائی ارتش، دولت درصدد تهیه هواپیما برای نیروی هوائی برآمد. سفیر ایران در امریکا، میرزا عبدالعلی خان صدیق السلطنه، در تاریخ 26 دیماه 1301 (17 ژانویه 1923) به دولت امریکا پشنهاد خرید تعدادی هواپیما و آموزش خلبان و مکانسین مینماید، اما دولت امریکا بدلیل اینکه خود یکی از بنیان گزاران وعضو اصلی کنفرانس خلع سلاح بود این تقاضا را نمیپذیرد و ایران اجبارا خرید هواپیما را با کشور های دیگر دنبال میکند>>>


توطئه قتل ولادیمیر پوتین

هفتاد سال ما ایرانیها را از کشور همسایه جدا نگهداشتند

15-Oct-2007 (18 comments)
عرض کنم به حضورتون که ما دیشب یک مقداری آلو خیس کردیم و امروز صبح سحر اومدیم کاسه آلورو بریم بالا که دیدیم تلویزیون داره خبر نقشه سوء قصد در ایران علیه جان آقای ولادیمیر یوتین رو میده! طبیعتاً خوب ما کمی جاخوردیم ولی نه آنقدر که فرض بفرمائید در خوردن آب آلو خللی ییش بیاد. البته معلوم شد که شایعه ای بیش نبود و هدف همان بالا نگاهداشتن قیمت نفت میباشد>>>


Rock hits Tehrangeles

Rock hits Tehrangeles

Kiosk takes the stage in southern California

by sourena
15-Oct-2007 (22 comments)



The rise of Khatami

People were hungry for change and Khatami seemed to have all the appeal to satisfy that hunger

15-Oct-2007 (44 comments)
In the spring of 1996 I was dismissed from college. The impact of the dismissal was so hard on my psyche that I became mentally disarrayed and socially disconnected for a while. The only thing I was seeing was to work hard, make money and flee from the hell hole. A year later at the end of one of those long and tiring days, one of my close high school friends called and asked if we could meet to see how things going on with us. At the same time I knew that there was every Wednesday night gathering at our old high school math teacher, Mr. N’s house. Bunch of geeky looking and politically active old classmates and college students were meeting there talking about nothing but politics>>>



Ancient Aryaian/Persian women warriors

15-Oct-2007 (16 comments)
Over 3000 yrs ago in Persian heritage Men & Women were not different and they were equal. Princesses, and Queens were seen as role models and every women in Persia were always side by side men, equally without any discrimination, They were working together in persia for peace, freedom and glory. Many warrior ladies being captain of armies held the highest position in militaries, side by side with men, in the toughest wars, they fought with enemies. >>>


Iran's oil bourse and the decline of the Dollar

15-Oct-2007 (25 comments)
Over two years ago, Iran announced that it plans to create an oil market, Iran Oil Bourse (IOB) which would trade for oil in euro instead of the U.S. dollar. It goes without saying that if such a market for oil and gas materializes in a reasonable time period; it will compete against New York’s Energy Market (NYMEX) and London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE). But more importantly the exchange of oil for euro becomes a serious challenge to the hegemony of the dollar as a world reserve currency and could spell a beginning of an end to the American empire>>>