
هدیهای از زندان اوین

در این ایام که ملت به وقایع چند روز گذشته می‌‌اندیشد و بسیاری در واکنش به آن فریاد میکشند، مادری در زندان اوین، به یاد

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شکست توهم

اصلاحات به معنای نوعی کمک رسانی به حکومت اسلامی پدیده ی تازه ای نیست. از فردای بنیانگذاری این حکومت عده ای از درون و بیرون

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خاطرات اکبر شاه

من اکبر شاه از سلسله گورکانیان و یا همان مغولی هندوستان هستم. عنوان رسمی من خیلی طولانی و برای حمل آن تریلی 18 چرخ لازم

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Crushed Hopes

The actual results of the 2009 presidential elections in Iran may never be known factually. But the actual tallies of the votes cast may have

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Right Cause; Wrong choice!

Have you heard this expression: “Iranians know what they don’t want but they don’t know what they want.” The events of the last few weeks leading to the controvertial

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Khamenei’s Coup

Large-scale manipulation of Friday’s presidential election in Iran was to be expected, but few could have predicted that Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had

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Windas of Change

Twenty years ago, I wrote a book about the Middle East, and recently I was thinking of updating it with a new introduction. It was

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Wikipedia or “Wicked-Pedia”?

Greetings to All, You may find the following of interest: Daily Mail Article: Wikipedia or “Wicked-Pedia”? >>>

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haghighat bozork

man yek mohandesse computer hastam beh man pule zeyadi dadeh shod keh yek barnameh virussi barayeh computer entekhabat vared konam keh haar  yeki dar miyan

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Polka-Dotted.Postings,’t.working.,.so.I didn’ spaces.between.the.words– which.won’ _______________________________________ and.sometimes.not. by.bolding.the.main.ideas,.keeping.paragraphs short, ____________________________________’t,

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We Never Learn

Wherever there is voting there is cheating. Remember Year 2000 elections in the US? But revolting against it should require a strong motivator. I understand

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The meaning of the Tehran spring

“Landslide” apart, a true Ahmadinejad victory would not be implausible. He could have reasonably scored something like 48%, for instance, ahead of Mousavi, and both

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Let there be Education!

The canvas upon which history is painted; the mirror in which one reflects upon the past; the stones on which marks of civilisation are engraved;

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Is this the right time?

Is this the right time? Is this the right time for the Diaspora leaders/thinkers to put their full support behind Mousavi.This way it will encourage even

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Rumi’s universality

Rumi’s universality: It is often said that the teachings of Rumi are universal in nature. For Rumi, religion was mostly a personal experience and not

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Plan B & Plan C

    رئیس ستاد آقای موسوی به بی بی سی گفت آقای موسوی تصمیم گرفته در صورت جلوگیری از انجام این راهپیمایی یا برخورد شدید با هوادارانش به

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