
Exit By Troops

The National Baha’i Center in Wilmette, IL claims that there are 140,000 Baha’is in the United States. However, it is almost axiomatic among Baha’is that

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Boundless Heart

All the rivers run into the sea; Yet the sea is not full The eye is not satisfied with seeing; Nor the ear filled with

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گذشته‌ای که نمی‌گذرد،

اگر مرگ آيت‌الله منتظری، فرصتی باشد برای خواندن زندگی او و خاطرات او، فرصتی نيز هست برای بازخوانی تاريخ نقض سيستماتيک حقوق بشر در دهه‌ی

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Knowing opponent’s weakness in a fight, any fight, is priceless. Most often than not when such knowledge is put to good use victory, at times

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Christmas Prank

Youtube:Louie decided to leave me his apartment keys for a week, so a group of friends and I decide to wrap his entire apartment in

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ارزوی عجیب

پسری با چشم های تنها و اوای تنهایی دختر و ساز دهنی اش لبهای داغ و خیس و بوسیده هر دو مشتاق بوسه های عمیق

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