Leila and me

Had I only known


Leila and me
by Rosie T.

We talk about the Shah here all the time but we never talk about Leila. I wrote a poem about Leila once. It was exactly three years ago, at the time when I went under. I went under because of a Persian Male--one of those with eyes of Eternity and kohl, who oozed Hafez from every pore in veiled dank misty rivers. You know the type, but at the time I didn’t, and so I fell in love. And he fell out and I went under. Into a very dark place. And when I came back, I’d written this poem. Or this poem had written me.

So walk with me if you will down this very dark road. I will navigate you ithrough it to its hidden light... Biya ta tariki barafshanim.

Leila Pahlavi died alone at night in Leonard Hotel near Marble Arch, in London in June, 2001. The cause of her death was given as a combination of pharmaceutical sleeping pills and other pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, along with anorexia nervosa. If you believe she was assassinated, you may not get much from this poem. In it, I went on Leila's journey to the other side, to Irkalla, the land the Sumerians and Babylonians called the Great Below. And we two, Leila and I, did not go alone. We went with the goddess Inanna.

In Sumero-Babylonian mythology, Inanna/Ishtar, Goddess of Love, makes this journey of her own free choice, to visit her dark sister, Ereshkigal, the Queen of the land of the dead. Inanna must undergo what all the dead must when they enter her sister’s realm. She must pass through seven gates, at each one further stripped of her garments and judged, Once naked. she must be slaughtered by her own sister and her carcass hanged from a peg. But she is rescued by her servant and two hermaphrodites, who embody the balance of the male and female. That is to say, resurrected.

This myth is a clear prefiguration of the Christian Crucifixion as well as the Greek Persephone and Orpheus myths. What is striking, however, is that the journey to the Great Below in this earlier version belongs exclusively to women. It is women’s own violence, grief and rage, which must be confronted and assimilated by themselves, and not projected onto men, if women are ever to be free. In this process lies their Power

I have said similar things about Iran.. No matter how severe the foreign interventions have been, Iran must own its own history. Only then can she be whole. Finally the female voices in this poem who speak violently against the Shah, the Eternal Father, have no political content whatsoever.

Leonard Hotel near Marble Arch
(Descent into Irkalla)

Open the leaves of morning’s door.
-Morning Prayer of Imam Ali


Princess Leila, Leila-joon

They have scattered all the stones

that you gathered for them faithfully.

And they’re gone now, all of them.

What a fine June night to take a walk.

To step into your sister’s arms who

waits for you at Marble Arch.

She’s been waiting far too long

Stumble to her in the dark

but soft my sweet insomniac.

Rest assured, but rest forearmed


This is no valentino runway.


And anyway, you’re far too thin.

It’s right that you refused their seeds.

This is no styx. There are no men

on chariots to pull you in.

(Nor shahbahnous to fetch you).

Still better take some nourishment

for if you do not come back up

good doctor iqbal’s r and x’s

will get all the credit.

Which only feeds the status quo

–-those coroners what do they know–

and this is no connecticut. Come,

take your sister’s medicine.


Now down the hatch we go.


Welcome to Irkalla dear.

Strange no man’s land.

Here are no salad days at brown

no birds no poems no peacock thrones

to dream you more of their irans.

But only sister’s loving hands.

You see how low she bows you, how deftly

she removes your crown. And

you thought they had done so. Let’s

undress the true wounds now.

Princess leila, leila-joon


You’re nothing but a bag of bones.


Strange strange karbala.

That was the first gate.

And seven times she’ll strip you blind

and seven you’ll be judged. Not by the ones

of books and stones

but by the searing pangs of a

kind of a driven labour of love.

Sink sleepwalker deep into her slumber

feeding succorless on placenta of grief you can

see how much she grieves,



grieves for her consort and

for all the endless dead, convulsive

uncontrollable venom of grief she

grieves because she’s angry, grieves because she’s jealous, because

you left her all alone here to rot in this hellhole maligned forgotten

misunderstood stuck in this godforsaken sewer pit this

stinking shithole of a great below while upstairs you rode alpha


romeos with all those lovers you could never love because you

chose to love only him spewing his megalomanias into the wind part

cyrus part che part errol flynn that party at persepolis boy that was rich

not to mention that ridiculous white revolution you

stupid anorectic bitch what the


hell’s gotten into you starving

yourself for the sake of your fucking father well

here are no fathers but only larvae so

don’t you dare to cry out for him missy when she

hangs you out from her peg to dry your

carcass a slab of maggot-ridden meat whose

flesh eats foetal into the bone it is



to cry out

for him for them

we take care of

the forsaking here thank you

listen sleeping beauty

daddy’s little girl

we do the putrefying they

are not answerable we

are the clean-up crew we

are reliable this is

our golgotha our

sacred suicide this is

women’s work lily it is

between you and the



and then in the original myth


the two hermaphrodites fashioned from the dirt beneath the ocean’s fingernails

with the help of the ever-faithful servant

waft inanna back up to the sky


and you Lady ship

would you too rise


as the sun soaked through your window from Oxford Street

and room service knocked on your door


if I only could have held you in my arms and told you so

as you lay prone in your posh hotel shorn of your cast-off robes how

distended into darkness deep in amniotic fluid sac of gall

the embryo is still born. Darling darling

do not fear the fear for her killing bed

is our wedding bed where her rage shall midwife

the chrysalis of foam, sole alembic from which we emerge

Whole, white goddess, parturient of mourning,

Imam, finally, of our own becoming.


would you take from me this silver tray

of breakfast tea and scones

had I only known you Leila


oh, had I only known


Recently by Rosie T.CommentsDate
guess who
Aug 19, 2008
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Aug 17, 2008
Our Generation (for nazy kaviani)
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more from Rosie T.
David ET

To: Roger Rabbit

by David ET on

Thank you for registering and becoming more accountable! 

and yes Ahmadniejad is a real person . You and I may not like him but we can not deny his existence either. I presume you have missed my point there but thats OK one less chicken is an accomplishment for Rosie and I anyway ;-)

Best to you and see you around :D

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Anduh. That's why this poem is here. That's why I wrote it three years ago and that's why I posted it now.
You have to grieve your history, personal and collective, as I have to as well.
This is a eulogy. That's all it is. It's a eulogy for a person (Leila Pahlavi), for a symbol (of whatever she symbolizes to you) , for a nation (whatever nation or all nations), and a world (one world) that are split. It's a eulogy for everyone and everything that cannot live and thrive because we are all split...
male/female, east/west, rich/poor, left/right, old/young, shah parast/akhoond apologist, friend/enemy, sacred/secular, black/white, straight/gay...
it's a eulogy, that's all it is. Grieve it. Grieve her. Go down to the bottom and face your rage, your fear, your despair...within yourselves...as I too try to do....and come back up...a little bit closer to wholeness...to healing the split, the wound...that's all...
it's just a eulogy...don't politicize it....don't ARGUE it...just go down...and come back up...one step closer...to opening the leaves...of morning's door....

Rosie T.

To Kouroush

by Rosie T. on

I'm not timid. I'm just tired of what was happening on this thread.  In any case, I didn't fall for the multiple identities. I just told them, your "accusers" that they'd had their say and thanked them for it and asked them to drop the topic on this thread. I don't have an opinion on the multiple identities one way or the other. Personally I have always maintained that you have no problem spreading vitriole under KS and so why should you need other identities here, and that is still my perception. Nonetheless, we must concede that the human mind is extraordinarily fertile and can conceive of many things--Sistine Chapels, atomic bombs, \Bamayan Buddhas, sailboat races, Venuses of Wollendorfs, Roger Rabbits, worldwide webs--why should it not be capable of conceiving a vocal, un-self censoring cyberidentity KS who uses sundry aliases? I don't think your accusers are right but I certainly can't KNOW for sure they're wrong. And so I deferred on the issue, out of respect to those posters and their concern for me. I thanked them and asked them to drop it, that's all. I never said they were right about the multiple identities, but I did concede that they were right about your negativity being very damaging.

Because you see, several of those who have been hammering this issue at me on the last few threads you and I have been dialoguing on hHAVE done it out of concern for me. And that is the part that you're not getting. You think it's all about you, about this dark cyberpersona you've conceived, and it's not. You accused those people of mistreating me in general and then feigning concern when the opportunity came to badmouth you. And I told you that you were wrong and that most people here treat me very well. People say wonderful things about me that really move me. I told you they were warning me about you out of legitimate concern--warranted, unwarranted, paranoid, not paranoid, it's beside the point--legitimate concern about me. And still you mock them scathingly and you bring this vitriole onto THIS thread of all threads...this thread is a EULOGY Kouroush, it's a eulogy for Leila and for whatever she symbolizes...

And having said that I think I need to write a separate post on that. For now Kouroush all I want to say is that this thread is a eulogy and you did not help me to allow it to be so...but thank you for your most recent post. It is much more in the spirit of this thread as I envisioned it...you see Kouroush the problem is you're so filled with HATE you can't see the goodness anymore in anyone you think is an "ali, mohammad, hussein"--you're BLINDED by hate--you don't understand that some of these people...actually...care...about my welfare...

"Open the leaves of morning's door..."

Fardaa roshaan ast.

Zendeh baad Ahura Mazdaa

Forough Cheraaq  LIGHT. 



Dear Rosie and David Etebari

by Roger_Rabbit on


This is the "real" Roger Rabbit. Am I now any more real than I was yesterday when I signed, unverified, with a chicken avatar? You see Rosie, you are so innocent, so pure, I wished the world would have had a few millions more of you. It woud have been such a nice world. Mind you, in such a world we would have John Mccain as President by a landslide! By the way, you can contact me too. Try it! I am the REAL Roger Rabbit :o)))

And as for you Mr David ET, it adds no more to your "Etabar", if you had shown us a picture of yourself hand in hand with all those colorful charachters you have listed as your witnesses. Very impressive resume ineed but you ruined your crediblity by naming such people as Ebadi or Ahmadinejad as "real" people, though I think the latter is more real than the former. Like our sweet and gullible Rosie, you have missed the plot. 


It is called sarcasm.........

by Nadias on

With all the conspiracy theories on multiple personalities and accounts, I thought I would show, how absurd it can get.

I'm so glad my sarcasm was not lost on you either. :o)

 PS: Interesting how you have kept up with me. Perhaps a little disturbing too. :o) You have my name in the wrong order.

By the way Sasha (nickname) has been put to rest. Yes, I know it was tragic (sarcasm). It was time to leave her behind. I have only posted on two blogs under Natalia (this one  to prove a point and  another one to have some fun with a friend of mine). 

 Now can people get back to the poem. Thank you.


 wicked sense of humor on your new identity and post. :o)


to: Nadia Natalia Sasha Alvarado-Alvarez

by foozool-e-mahaleh (not verified) on

I am really baffled as why you're using several registered user names. It is not like that there is a limit of how many posts you can make with each name!


Delete my article

by Farhad2008 (not verified) on

i put an article with this topic : " juwish party " on friday here in this forum. Today i was looking for the article and couldnt found it. It makes my beleives stronger and just wanna ask iranian.com one ting: can you stopp any idea by cansuring it? Today its me tomorrow, many more would say the same.


Let those who have not

by Saynothing (not verified) on

Let those who have not sinned cast the 1st stone.
I only know K.Sasannian from his posts. He may come across as angry but not malicious. Some of the alias attributed to him are just plain dark.
There are indivuduals with hate in their heart deceit in their mind and fire in their tongue.
It takes love to be a human and conscience to know that.
From all the posts it seems most have never knowingly, willfully or consciously exercised the most basic traits of human character, kindness; Do unto others what you want done unto yourself.
The excuse in all spheres is deflection, why so and so does it.
May the Lord bless Leilas soul, and may He show Mercy to the merciless.
To all those perfect people, let the one who has not sinned cast the stone.

Az Div O Dad Maloolam O Ensanam Arezust.

Kouroush Sassanian


by Kouroush Sassanian on

Why are you so abnormally timid? You get disturbed, you become uncomfortable - get thicker skin or continue hanging around Iranians. I suppose you are on the right track.

Whatever scars your Iranian beloved left  can't be healed here. You certainly are getting the attention he never gave. This is good! I am certainly enjoying the activity, also.

There is one poster here that got it - I thought you would, but you stopped seeing the trees, because of the woods! You even fell for the alleged multiple identity nonsense raised by Seyyeds.

I thought we had something special. I thought we could share beads. Okay, stop take a breath, I am kidding, baba! I have nothing special with anyone here. I have been down the Zion brick road to Urshalem - no complaints, but I have moved on.  We all have selfish agendas here - shouting, look ma no hands!

I will never reconcile with a seyyed. Not because I do not have the desire, but because I know they are driven by fraud and deceit. It is allowed and promoted by the same people that bent them over the barrel of Islam.

These people want to know where they are going in life they must stop to see where they have been. There is a disconnect here! I was watching footage of the Iraq-Iran War. The IRI announcer uttered words you would not expect. He said, "the invaders were pushed back , unlike their promise to make or create another Qadeseyeh." He was referring to the infamouse battle where the Persian forces lost to the Arab/Islamic armies. This was decisive battle for the arab muslims, because it was the begining of the arabisation of Persia.

I thought they see the Iraqi invaders as arabs invaders of 1400 years ago. But, they stop short of cleaning their nation of what has enslaved the for centuries. I don't think Persians will give up on Islam, because they have nothing to replace it with.  It is sad, they have so much potential!

Now, go post another item on your blog and get multiple beads, with multiple organisims [the other kind is only likely with prayers!], and raise those legs to the heavens seeking peace - oh, the humanity, the humanity!

At night, I glance up looking to those taking their last breath seeking heavens, glory
At night, when the silver moonstream casts a picture show on the screen of darkness she makes a lake of limitless  calm, the pain
At night, I spread  my arms to the side like the sails' enternity casting thoughts in the path of the inevitable wind, the light.

At night, I listen to still death, no sound rising deep in the glancing pond,
At night, she screams promising to return, the dust.

At night, joyously voice bright hope like a sunshaft awaiting the milky way with a cast of holy water pouring in her steps, the fire

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Another Anonymous ......believe me they left

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

plenty of comments as testimony of the reality you speak of on this thread. Only the ones that were really hostile towards several on this thread were deleted to keep the thread focused.




Rosie, (typos corrected)...

by Another Anonymous (not verified) on

Maybe you shouldn't have deleted any comments. We need to see those comments right in front of us, as bold reminders of who we are, the reality of supposedly best of iranians, the western-educated iranians; maybe to see why a gang of mullas have been able to ride on us for 30 years, why M.R. shah was just too good for us, why the iron fist of reza shah was just right for us, and why we have not been able to put our own house in order anytime we had the chance.

Keh az maast keh bar maast.

I am sorry rosie, not for us, but for you, that with a kind heart have been on the receiving end of the blows.

Rest in peace Princess Leila.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

It will take time but it is do able......(corrected post)

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Slowly but surely hearts are changing on this website and around the world. As more Iranians let go of the hate, pain, anguish and intolerance then objectivity can take its place. The ability to see beyond the "other" comes into play and we can see that we are all human.

Yes, being a humanitarian is a good place to begin. People should come first.



David ET

Dear Rosie

by David ET on

Indeed that is why Iran or middle east is where it is: Because of the HATE that so many sleep with and wear every morning when they wake up.

Democracy can not be imported, implanted or even legislated. It starts with tolerance, and tolerance starts with hearts. That is why before one is a muslim, a jew, a socialist, a capitalist, a nationalist or a whatever...s/he must be a humanitarian first. It starts with respecting others which in essance is the sign of self respect.

Two Iranins defined this concept so elequently many years ago and is still being used in United Nations (Cyrus and Saadi)  

Anything short of that is rooted or results in hate. 

Yes it is the battle of Ahura and Ahriman and not outside but inside every human heart. I have quoted this here before by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn which summarize it all:

If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?


Thank you for your article and great contributions


Rosie T.

My thoughts on this discussion in general....

by Rosie T. on

I wrote a poem after a heartbreak in which I went on a dark journey with a dead young woman to an archetypal place where I explored my own grief, anger and dispair. This young woman happened to be, for better or for worse, your "princess." I wanted us all to understand what forces might be behind a woman's dependence on men for their identity...in Leila's case, her attachment to her father and in mine my atachment to the particular lover. I wanted us all to explore the positon of women in society in general and Iran in particular which causes such things as anorexia, major depression, drug use and so forth, all DEPENDENCY issues. I wanted us to think that maybe we could see the light if we explored that inner darkness and fought the battle within. I also said it parallels Iranian inability to face and own its own past, with all the grief, anger and rage that may imply. I wanted us to be able to grieve the gruesome circumstances of this poor woman's life and death, as a VICTIM of privilege. And as a victim of patriarchy, as much so as any dissident in Evin Prison. I wanted us on all "sides" to be able to CARE and face it and discuss it and maybe move on to a place, I wanted to heal wounds. That is what I wanted. What I got, including posts I've had to have deleted, was....well...I don't know what to call it. But it was...hateful.... That's not what I had hoped for.

Rosie T.

A couple of replies...

by Rosie T. on

1) David ET is a REAL cyberidentity, because like me has chosen to be contactable directly on his blogspot, and any REGISTERED user can do so. Unlike me, he hasn't divulged his real name but you can't blame him for taking that precaution. David ET is AS real as most in cyberspace are willing to risk. "Chicken" is NOT as real as David, lot by a longshot. He could've also chosen to register and NOT leave a contact.. 2) Jamshid, I didn't say I was against flagging, I said I was against MODERATORS choosing what's on this blog to delete. I myself flagged a couple of very abusive things, and today was forced to request a lot of the discussion to be deleted for being BOTH off-topic and destructive. I've never done anything like that before and I'm not too happy about it. 3) To the Kouroush exposers, you got your point across. Now just ignore him when he's acting offensive. Your attentions to him just incite him when he gets that way. Kourous: I am really ASTONISHED that you would willfully use any submission of mine, and particulary this one ,as a platform for the kind of discourse that just took place her. I went to hell and back with Leila and you and I have had a dialog for a while now: I think you should've respected me (and the memory of Leila) more. I'm deeply, deeply disturbed,

David ET

Dear Roget Rabbit the unregistered chicken

by David ET on

My name is David Etebari and I have articles, blogs and comments here and other place with my real name. I also file my tax return, hold a drivers license and passport with it. You can read more about me and see another photo of mine here //www.stopchildexecutions.com/about_us.aspx

Jahanshah Javid, Dariush Kadivar, Jahanshah Rashidian, Ben Madadi, Azarin Sadegh, ..........Azar Nafisi, Shirin Ebadi, Nazanin Afshin Jam...... and even Mohmoud AhmadiNejad are all real people with real identities who have the courage to be accountable with all its consequences

Rosie is also real with a registered profile and email contact.

and even Roger Rabbit is a registered cartoon character by Disney that you can read about here:


now who are you and what is your accoutability?

No sir/ Maddam !! I still stand by my words that all we really keep hearing so far from you and the rest of unregistered chickens is :



And David ET is not a fake identity?!!!

by Roger Rabbit (not verified) on

David ET's wisecrackers reminded me of this great quip from Ronald Reagan who upon hearing Michael Dukakis's claim the he aspired to be another Jack Kennedy, said " If he is a Jack Kennedy, then I must be a Roger Rabbit."

Now if David ET is his real name then I am definitely Roger the Rabbit!


You gotta see this!!

by m (not verified) on

I was going to register and chose an avatar, yet when I saw this


I changed my mind.

I will remain as I AM!

By the way what did we get out of all these comments?
Well, one thing I have known for quite some time is that if you "ignore" people they will eventually give up!
I'm talking about the ones who deliberately want to bash people, hurt others and degrade everytning and everyone!
Some people here do definitely need to be ignored. Because the truth is they just adore and cherish the attention they are getting!
...and we are letting them!


Aye! The thread is in caos............

by Nadias on

Why are we all so focused on one individual? Why does he matter so much to everyone? Why can people not move beyond him? Kouroush does not want to change. He wants others to feel his pain by inflicting it on them.

Also,  no, Jamshid is not like Kouroush. Jamshid has done a great deal to become more objective.....he continues to work on it.   A lot of people have learned a great deal on this website for the better.

 To those who say that some on this thread are Iranian wannabes, just because a person likes your culture, language and so on does not make them an Iranian wannabe. Many have tried to speak to me in Spanish on this website and that does not make them Mexican wannabes. To learn about and from other cultures simply makes a person cultured, compassionate, enlightened and the list goes on. Don't be so narrow minded.

It is time to redirect the focus of this thread away from KS and back to the poem.

solh va doosti



Re: kourosh

by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on

Very nice. We are all with you. Now go make your own blog and leave this blog alone. Would you?
Whatever message you want to deliver, deliver it in your own blog. That would be fair, would it not?


"Kouroush Sassanian"

by Anonymous-ha (not verified) on

Khourkhsh khan or...Please don’t get so offensive for questioning the fictitious characters. Just look at it this way: sometimes someone leaves a foot print on our heart,we admire a lot of his qualities (surprise... surprise), but at the same time we see other side of the coin that is fuzzy and not clear. Now, our curiosity and interest could bring up questions and wondering - not to blame but to see the other side more clearly...

I really like your analogy saying - "I am you, I am your enemses[sic], your neighbor, your fears, your pain, your hate, your shame, a friend you once had, an enemy you once knew, a love, a person who betrayed you, a person who loved you, a person who scarified all for you." - Probably you are portraying those behind the identities. I have got the feeling that you are trying to make differences and send your message out, but I am wondering how "this”"is going to help!!

Ps – no need to answer...



by realitybites (not verified) on



New Iranian website under construction

by New Iranian Website (not verified) on

I am working on launching a new website by the end of this summer, similar to iraniandotcom but with more editorial control. A little competition will not hurt anyone, and why only have McDonald's when we can have Burger King, Wendy's, Carl's Jr... I believe this site has reached it's critical mass, and there are too many articles and blogs to keep up with anyway. On top of everything else the freedom of expression and speech does not make any sense at all the way it's going. So the hell with this.

David ET


by David ET on

Despite the possibility of imprisonment and torture, those in Iran are still expressing their views, while here we observe frightened chickens, hiding behind their computers, with fake identities, afraid of own shadows, questioning every one who is real, while breaking all barriers of human decency, under the banner of freedom of speech and censorship, claiming a change for Iran, as they type Cock-a-Doodle-Doo.


To those that say Kourosh

by another kos-sher user (not verified) on

To those that say Kourosh Sassanian has used Kos-sher as a screen name, I have a surprise for you, I have used it too, on occacion, if I have a very negative comment to say. So, just relax, and pay attention to the opinion expressed, and don't obssess over the name(s)!



by Ghatebe' (not verified) on

There is history to all of this. If you follow the past 25 to 30 comments, you see that in other blogs, Bahmani's and JJ's, there were issues that were not quite resolved.

Unfortuntely, Kouroush has been less than candid in dealing with these issues. The people who are confronting him here are probably doing so because he could very well be playing a Double Game.

To be honest with you, I am beginning to feel that Kouroush Sassanian has brought all of this confrontation upon himself. Plain and simple.

Kouroush Sassanian

Jamshid I did not mean I was literally you . . .

by Kouroush Sassanian on

At this point, I have one and a million identities!

I have to respectfully disagree with you Jamshid about deleting any posts here. It is a reflection of Iranian society. They spent time on conspiracy while the whole "store" is being robbed right under their noses!

Oh, the Powers That Be can do as they wish! My dog needs to go out again - he loves to go to the mosque to pray! I may have to let him go!


Re: Rosie

by jamshid on

I think you had a nice blog going until today. Now anyone who posts ANYTHING in this thread is getting attacked. It has reached a point that a poster, kourosh, claims to be me. That does it. Your blog is out of control.

I believe sometimes profanities should be deleted, but so are irrelvant BS that would ruin a good blog, and sometimes do so much more effectively than profanities.

It is high time that you take the delete ax and get to work. This blog was going somewhere, but look at it now. There is a limit to being against deletions.

I suggest you delete all the B.S. and get this nice blog back in control.

Kouroush Sassanian

Jamshid is me, I am Jamshid

by Kouroush Sassanian on


Jamshid himself is the culprit - Nzanincanada

by John Foster Dulles, former secretary of state (not verified) on

This Jamshid himself, is one of them. I see him variety of places leaving long insults. Yet, when you look him up he hasn't produced nothing on this website, a blog, a poem an article a picture. He is a negative man. He is abusive.

I hope he changes his methodology.