Leila and me

Had I only known


Leila and me
by Rosie T.

We talk about the Shah here all the time but we never talk about Leila. I wrote a poem about Leila once. It was exactly three years ago, at the time when I went under. I went under because of a Persian Male--one of those with eyes of Eternity and kohl, who oozed Hafez from every pore in veiled dank misty rivers. You know the type, but at the time I didn’t, and so I fell in love. And he fell out and I went under. Into a very dark place. And when I came back, I’d written this poem. Or this poem had written me.

So walk with me if you will down this very dark road. I will navigate you ithrough it to its hidden light... Biya ta tariki barafshanim.

Leila Pahlavi died alone at night in Leonard Hotel near Marble Arch, in London in June, 2001. The cause of her death was given as a combination of pharmaceutical sleeping pills and other pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, along with anorexia nervosa. If you believe she was assassinated, you may not get much from this poem. In it, I went on Leila's journey to the other side, to Irkalla, the land the Sumerians and Babylonians called the Great Below. And we two, Leila and I, did not go alone. We went with the goddess Inanna.

In Sumero-Babylonian mythology, Inanna/Ishtar, Goddess of Love, makes this journey of her own free choice, to visit her dark sister, Ereshkigal, the Queen of the land of the dead. Inanna must undergo what all the dead must when they enter her sister’s realm. She must pass through seven gates, at each one further stripped of her garments and judged, Once naked. she must be slaughtered by her own sister and her carcass hanged from a peg. But she is rescued by her servant and two hermaphrodites, who embody the balance of the male and female. That is to say, resurrected.

This myth is a clear prefiguration of the Christian Crucifixion as well as the Greek Persephone and Orpheus myths. What is striking, however, is that the journey to the Great Below in this earlier version belongs exclusively to women. It is women’s own violence, grief and rage, which must be confronted and assimilated by themselves, and not projected onto men, if women are ever to be free. In this process lies their Power

I have said similar things about Iran.. No matter how severe the foreign interventions have been, Iran must own its own history. Only then can she be whole. Finally the female voices in this poem who speak violently against the Shah, the Eternal Father, have no political content whatsoever.

Leonard Hotel near Marble Arch
(Descent into Irkalla)

Open the leaves of morning’s door.
-Morning Prayer of Imam Ali


Princess Leila, Leila-joon

They have scattered all the stones

that you gathered for them faithfully.

And they’re gone now, all of them.

What a fine June night to take a walk.

To step into your sister’s arms who

waits for you at Marble Arch.

She’s been waiting far too long

Stumble to her in the dark

but soft my sweet insomniac.

Rest assured, but rest forearmed


This is no valentino runway.


And anyway, you’re far too thin.

It’s right that you refused their seeds.

This is no styx. There are no men

on chariots to pull you in.

(Nor shahbahnous to fetch you).

Still better take some nourishment

for if you do not come back up

good doctor iqbal’s r and x’s

will get all the credit.

Which only feeds the status quo

–-those coroners what do they know–

and this is no connecticut. Come,

take your sister’s medicine.


Now down the hatch we go.


Welcome to Irkalla dear.

Strange no man’s land.

Here are no salad days at brown

no birds no poems no peacock thrones

to dream you more of their irans.

But only sister’s loving hands.

You see how low she bows you, how deftly

she removes your crown. And

you thought they had done so. Let’s

undress the true wounds now.

Princess leila, leila-joon


You’re nothing but a bag of bones.


Strange strange karbala.

That was the first gate.

And seven times she’ll strip you blind

and seven you’ll be judged. Not by the ones

of books and stones

but by the searing pangs of a

kind of a driven labour of love.

Sink sleepwalker deep into her slumber

feeding succorless on placenta of grief you can

see how much she grieves,



grieves for her consort and

for all the endless dead, convulsive

uncontrollable venom of grief she

grieves because she’s angry, grieves because she’s jealous, because

you left her all alone here to rot in this hellhole maligned forgotten

misunderstood stuck in this godforsaken sewer pit this

stinking shithole of a great below while upstairs you rode alpha


romeos with all those lovers you could never love because you

chose to love only him spewing his megalomanias into the wind part

cyrus part che part errol flynn that party at persepolis boy that was rich

not to mention that ridiculous white revolution you

stupid anorectic bitch what the


hell’s gotten into you starving

yourself for the sake of your fucking father well

here are no fathers but only larvae so

don’t you dare to cry out for him missy when she

hangs you out from her peg to dry your

carcass a slab of maggot-ridden meat whose

flesh eats foetal into the bone it is



to cry out

for him for them

we take care of

the forsaking here thank you

listen sleeping beauty

daddy’s little girl

we do the putrefying they

are not answerable we

are the clean-up crew we

are reliable this is

our golgotha our

sacred suicide this is

women’s work lily it is

between you and the



and then in the original myth


the two hermaphrodites fashioned from the dirt beneath the ocean’s fingernails

with the help of the ever-faithful servant

waft inanna back up to the sky


and you Lady ship

would you too rise


as the sun soaked through your window from Oxford Street

and room service knocked on your door


if I only could have held you in my arms and told you so

as you lay prone in your posh hotel shorn of your cast-off robes how

distended into darkness deep in amniotic fluid sac of gall

the embryo is still born. Darling darling

do not fear the fear for her killing bed

is our wedding bed where her rage shall midwife

the chrysalis of foam, sole alembic from which we emerge

Whole, white goddess, parturient of mourning,

Imam, finally, of our own becoming.


would you take from me this silver tray

of breakfast tea and scones

had I only known you Leila


oh, had I only known


Recently by Rosie T.CommentsDate
guess who
Aug 19, 2008
what is the color of love
Aug 17, 2008
Our Generation (for nazy kaviani)
Aug 15, 2008
more from Rosie T.
Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

JJ says that nothing is sacred except human life and freedom of speech.

I don't agree with him because I believe that EVERYTHING is sacred.

 Nevertheless, putting myself into the shoes of that godless atheist (   :D    ),  I can see clearly that there are certain abuses of language which are so extreme that, although censoring them may sacrifice "freedom of speech", they are necessary because these abuses are flagrantly ANTI-LIFE.

Without life there can be no speech.  LIFE comes first.  I myself shall flag EXTREMELY offenisve posts and I encourage you readers to do the same.

 I've already advised JJ not to delete entire posts, but simply the abusive language.  So flag on.....flag on....don't worry, be happy... :o)...Do as your conscience dictates.

Zendeh baad Iraanrikaa.  Marg bar marg.

David ET

Dear Jamshid

by David ET on

No , I am not a communist or socialist. Even Karl Marx said he was not a marxist.

I am not Morrissey either, nor am I all the names that Colonel called me.

What is this need to label one another instead of just reading and hearing what we each have to say?

But FYI: I believe in the smallest of governments because all governments including the so called government of proletariat turn to dictatorships. I believe we must not give our rights and controls to big governments of any kind. and no I am not a libertarian either.

I believe in a human being and his/her responsibilibity. I believe we each must assume a more direct role and responsibility for ourselves, our family, neighborhood, state , country and the world than assign it to others (governments)  [or blame it on others] .

I also do not see people by what ...ist or religion they claim to be but for what they do , for their life and for others. They are simply  those who love and care and there are those who don't... 

and this article is not about me so pardon me if I may not reply to more questions about me, because I respect Rosie and her subject which is : Leila and HER :-)

Azarin Sadegh

Each tragedy deserves to be told

by Azarin Sadegh on

Thanks Rosie for your unique sense of humanity and for your true originality. You are going to be our muse, a true inspiration to all of us, the Iranians of Iranian.com. Dear Rosie, Thanks also for writing so beautifully about Leila's tragedy. Each tragedy deserves to be told. That's why there should be millions of books written about millions of tragic lives and deaths of Iranians, rich or poor, Monarchist or Islamist, leftist or rightist, Moslem or non-moslem. We are all the children of Iran and Iran wouldn't survive without all of its own children. Peace, Azarin

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Karl Jaspers, the Heidigger philospher and teacher of Hannah Arendt, the German-Jewish female philosopher who in the 1960's had the courage to decry the trial of Adolph Eichmann in Israel as a media circus, in which "evidence" was given against the accused which had NOTHING to do with his own deeds, wrote about "The Question of German Guilt."  He established five categoires and only a VERY SMALL NUMBER OF PEOPLE were in the first category of the most guilty.


Let it GO, let it FLOW.  I swear to you, Kouroush, every single time you talk like this you tighten the noose around my neck.  My name iis Atafeh.  My name is Leila.  My name is Qurat al-Aiyn.  MY name is Iran Javid.  And you're KILLING me...


Remove your hijab.  Be the "comfort of my eyes."


Like balm in Gilead.


Seppas Jamshid..........:o)

by Nadias on

Very kind of you to share your knowledge. I have jotted down your recommendations on "take care" and "be careful"  

Glad to see your arrival on the thread.

solh  va doosti


Kouroush Sassanian

IRI founders and supporters will be hunted down

by Kouroush Sassanian on

and brought to justice!  The Israelis still bring to justice Nazis who participated in the murder of the jews. These mullahs think they are sitting pretty, but we know nothing is forever. Their day shall come and I will be there striking at their hearts, I will be there watching, waiting to see the fear in their eyes.

You don't reconcile with Evil - you destory it. You don't make deals with the Devil!

Rosie and  Nadia keep talking about peace, and forgiveness! The Mullahs don't want to be forgiven or to reconcile.



by Face it (not verified) on

Leila was an innocent child of iran who longed for her country. She had committed no crime whatsoever, and deserves no blame. We should never be happy of misery of any child, no matter who he/she relates to.

Rosie T.

To Anonymous 2, re chuckling

by Rosie T. on

Chuckling is good.

"Since feeling is first

he who caresabout the syntax of things

will never wholly kiss you....

so laugh, leaning back in my arms,

For life's not a paragraph

(and death I think is no parenthesis) "

                  ee cummings


To Jamshid

by Haeidelberg Soldier (not verified) on

It is none of your ***  business if David is "leftist" or not. You *** just move around to find a weak point in someone and hammer them with your dirty mouth. Why don't you write something positive for a change. You just loaf around...you see what I mean? You always start with a simple question and then come back with three feet long *** to bash them. Go find a job, there are some jobs out there.


I didn't know Rosie was blood relatives with Leila,

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

Jamshid I chuckle that you can can slap someone else about how to "let others be"!

PS. good job on the post, Rosie T.


Re: Rosie

by jamshid on

Very beautiful poem. I enjoyed reading it.

To David ET: Is it true that you are a leftist? I ask because several people stated this and you did not refute it. Regarding Leila, one could use your logic and turn the table and ask you why should you have been more important to your parents than thousands of perhaps very much deserving children suffering across our country? Don't you agree that many of them deserved more than you and I will ever do? The answer is that because you were special for your parents. Why were you special? Because you were more deserving than all other children? NO! Because you were their "blood". Yes, their blood. So being someone's blood may have some meaning to others in many different ways. It doesn't have to have meaning for you, but you should let others be.


Goodbye England's Rose!

by Cheezaki on

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

I am sorry.  I wasn't clear enough.  What I want on this thread is the same as on my last one.  I don't want individual moderates to delete things.  I want this to be a safe zone.  Many of you are in a lot of pain and you should feel free to get it all out your system here.  At the same time, I encourage anyone who wishes to, to flag posts which they deem extremely offenisve.  If jj agrees with you, he'll delete them.  JJ's and my standards for what constitutes "offensive" is more liberal than some of the moderators.  And I really think that is better on this thread.   I certainly didn't mean to discourage anyone from their right to flag posts.

I''ll write more about this later and I will also respond to other posts.  For now I hope I've clarified my position vis a vis moderation. 

 Flag on!

"Slay me with flagons, comfort me with apples,  for I am sick with love."

          --The Song of Songs, attributed to King Solomon



by jamshid on

the other poster was right about the word "solh". However a combination would be better, as in "solh va doosti".

Also, I think "movazebeh khodet bash" sounds better than "moraghebeh khodet bash". The first is used as in "take care", the second, as in "be careful".



by KavehP (not verified) on

I am pleasantly surprised with the level of relative civility and tolerance on this thread.

I have dared to dip my toe in, because Rosie has spoken of dialogue.

Rosie, I read your stuff all the time and think you write beautifully. I am also " non-Zionist. anti-colonialist, pacifist, left-leaning and hopeful".

I also support a constitutional monarchy for Iran, and don't think that this negates my other beliefs.

so how do you want to square up to this "Shaahi", in the political realm? Is my politics really horrendous? May be I have given up my totalitarian ways?

I think you see were I might be going with this.

In the spirit of doosti, I bow to your obvious intellect, and ask you if I really do need to be guided to a new dawn?

I have studied and worked hard. I have lost loved ones. I have hated seeing what has been happening to Iran. Its neither a remarkable nor a tragic story. Its a snapshot of millions of Iranians.

I Was 12 years old when the revolution happened. Life has not been easy during the last 29 yrs. My dad was not rich nor had any positions in the last regime. but we lived a good life, with security and hope. what have I done to be labeled?

I think you are a great writer and look forward to reading many more of your writings which always educates.

God bless

David ET

to iranian.com mederators

by David ET on

Thank you for your concern!  It is TOO late to wipe out what is said, Let the comments be or our responses and threads will not make sense after all this site is filled with them In an anarchy that is imposed on us , due to the self inflicted flaw of iranian.com against the internet norms, after the shots are fired and injuries are made, sending a clean up crew to wipe out the blood will not change anything, so in the words of jj, we have to "get used to IT" , IT being the freedom to abuse freedom :-)

Rosie T.

To All of You from the Band / PS David

by Rosie T. on

Teach Your Children

 (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young)



You who are on the road

Must have a code that you can live by

 And so become yourself


Teach your children well,

Their father's hell did slowly go by,

And feed them on your dreams T

he one they picked, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why,

if they told you, you would cry,

So just look at them and sigh


And you, of tender years,

Can't know the fears that your elders grew by,

And so please help them with your youth,


Can you hear and do you care a


to Teach your children what you believe in.

Make a world that we can live in.

Teach your parents well,

Their children's hell will slowly go by,

And feed them on your dreams

The one they picked, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry, S

So just look at them and sigh



We all know the future of humanity is hanging by a thread.  Let this be the thread from which it hangs and treat it accordingly.  That is all I ask of you,


PS David, voce fala perfeitamente espanhol.

Rosie T.

Dear VY,

by Rosie T. on

Mifahmam.  Khubeh!    :D


Zendeh baad, Ahura Mqzdaa.  Lord of the Light of Knowledge!

And PS...theMorrisey rocks!


To Rosie

by V. Yazdanmehr (not verified) on

Rosie, I forgot...

My apologies as well for the past encounter...

I'm not even a religious person...but as a Zoroastrian, we have been called so many things for the past 1400 years that we have become sensitive to comments about the religion....

BTW, Morrissey is great!!!!

David ET

Infelizmente eu não falo espanhol

by David ET on

Ele tem razão, aqui os personagens são reais e não fictícia, mas divertido para você  rsrsrs

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on


Rosie T.

Colonel, I know EXACTLY / David..

by Rosie T. on

what you're all about.  Why the fucking hell would I stay here if I didn't?

 You HAVE to forgive each other.  You HAVE to move forward.



David:  Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over!  Hand it over, hand it over!     :D

--Fan of Fanaa


What I am all about!!

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

I am bitter and I am angry, maybe  just maybe ROSIE is right, maybe if we all let go of the past, look into the future,  JUST A MAYBE!!!

 if NOT, then we have to deal with all of the American Bullshit , Rosie tries to feed us, don't get me wrong she is pure and has the best intentions but I (( It is only me, I may be too bitter)) don't think she knows what we are all about,  It has been bitter girl, too bitter for a few to to COMPROMSIE!!!!




David ET

Only if you want me to :-)

by David ET on


It is so sad.........:'o(

by Nadias on

When will it be enough Iranian blood spilled for them to be satisfied? How many more families have to loose love ones to provide enough blood shed for people.

As long as people do not get beyond the pain, anger and resentment, Iran will not be completely free. I know it is painful to loose a loved one. Many have lost family members but we choose to let go of the hate and pain. We choose to honor their memory by doing something worthwhile in their name.

Kouroush, I am sorry for your loss but there must be a better way to honor your loved ones. Your loved ones would not want for you to hold on to the pain. They would want you to live completely and happy. It is the best way to honor them.

solh doosti


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Khaaneh siaah ast.

 Khaaneh sefid aast.

Kamoosh.  Sokout.


Como me haces hablar en silencio.  (How you make me speak in silence...).

 You choose.



Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

"At At last I am Born"--Morrisey 

Historians note I am finally born... 

 I once thought that time accentuates despair ...

But now I don't actually care

Because I am born, born, born

Look at me now...

From difficult child to spectral hand,,,

 am born At last I am born///

I once thought I had numerous reasons to cry...

 And I did, but I don't anymore Because I am born, born, born At last I am born At last I am born It took me a long, long time But now I am born,,,

 I once was a mess of guilt because of the flesh...

 It's remarkable what you can learn Once you are born, born, born Born, born, born Born, born, born


Which one shall it be genlemen?  You choose.  Choose now.  For Atafeh, for Leila, they are one and the same.




still born?




Tavalode digar--FF..freedom fighter, frequentl flyer, femme fatale, frightened foetus...


which one?  You choose.


V. Yazdanmehr......I did not mean you :o)

by Nadias on

When I spoke of conflict, I was not meaning you rather explaining why I selected solh to begin with.

It was my attempt at keeping it simple.

In the past I have gotten into trouble because I tend to use informal Persian words like  "man khubam" next thing you know someone thinks I am flirting. I am just a nice person that is all but many see this as flirting. I don't know formal Persian words. My Iranian friends only teach me nonformal Persian. My friends are also young so they teach me Persian words with Arabic roots in them.

On this website we only have words to express ourselves and it can so easily be misunderstood. We cannot hear the person's tone of voice, nor see their facial expressions when speaking said words.

 We simply do the best we can in this world. :o)

solh doosti


David ET

"no more blood"

by David ET on

" An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world is blind."

Mahatma Gandhi


David ET: Are You Morrissey?!!!

by V. Yazdanmehr (not verified) on

David ET,

looking at your profile photo, it looks like you are really Morrissey, the 80's "new wave" artist. Are you really him?!!! If so, welcome to Iranian.com!!!!





Sorry Rosie, I know this is unrelated, but I couldn't resist!! And David, same to you, it's all in good fun!