Reviving the Iranian revolt

I am proud of what my parents' generation did in 1979


Reviving the Iranian revolt
by hoder

At the height of the Iranian revolution in the winter of 1979, French philosopher, Michel Foucault, described what he was seeing in Tehran as "perhaps the first great insurrection against global systems, the form of revolt that is the most novel and the most insane."

"Islam," he wrote, "which is not simply a religion, but an entire way of life, an adherence to a history and a civilization, has a good chance to become a gigantic powder keg, at the level of hundreds of millions of men."

Such praising words about the Iranian uprising are probably the very reason few have even heard of Foucault's dispatches from Tehran for the Italian newspaper, Corriere Dela Sera, in 1978-79.

Twenty nine winters later, the Islamic Republic of Iran is more independent, stable, confident and technologically advanced than ever, while it has remained as the most serious and continuous challenge to the U.S. hegemony in the world.

But what can explain the survival of the outcome of such revolt? What will the future look like for Iran, whose most of its young population now have no first-hand experience of that revolt?

The rise of the first non-cleric president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, can point to some answers.

For sixteen years, Iranian government was in the hands of the Euro-American educated bureaucrats who were gradually departing from the specific subjectivity (rejection of the universals, in Foucult's term) which brought about the Iranian uprising of the 1979. The spectre of modernity slowly started to dominate everything, from the economy to the politics, and the two consequtive administrations picked up a similar project of modernization which the shah had previously failed to continue, and with it, the gloomy consequences started to wane in too: corruption, incompetence, and socio-economic inequality.

The elite's vision of economic and political "reform" was transforming Iran into a very similar country under the shah, only with an Islamic posture. At the same time, the Europe and the U.S. were not only happily watching as Iran was practically undoing its revolt, but even assisting and accelerating the process.

Then came the shock. Ahmadinejad, an outsider to the Iranian establishment who was never taken seriously by journalists and politicians alike, won the election. Compared to his main rivals, he had lower religious credentials, less support from the elite, less money for campaigning, and gave zero promises to normalize relations with the U.S. Instead, he travelled much more around the country and met face-to-face with the forgotten majority of Iranians, talked more about economic equality, and promised more of a serious war on corruption.

He simply pledged a return to the abandoned values of the 1979 uprising, with independence, freedom and justice at the centre. (His promises about a more relaxed attitude toward religious code are reflected in its talks with the British rocker Morrissey to have one of the first non-Iranian rock acts after 1979.)

If Western journalist leave the Northern part of Tehran more often, they will be able to observe how much Ahmadinejad represents a passionate revival of the core values of the uprising. They will also discover how Islam is functioning as the best, but not the only, carrier of those values.

Like many Iranians who have lived in the West for the past 7, 8 years, the rise of Ahmadinejad (and also travelling to other parts of the Middle East) has incited a radical change in the way I see myself, relate to Iran, and view the world. I have finally realised what it was that the entire Iranian nation revolted in order to achieve and how valuable this subjectivity is to empower the world of the marginalised, the poor and the oppressed.

This doesn't mean I don't see the unfortunate intolerance the Iranian government sometimes shows toward dissent and difference. But I argue that such intolerance is a direct consequent of the existential threat that the big powers have posed toward Iran since the day it succeeded in its revolt.

As a post-revolutionary Iranian, who is not religious a single bit, I am proud of what my parents' generation did in 1979 and I do whatever I can to protect and improve the Islamic Republic of Iran in its promises of independence, freedom and justice.

This has predictable made me being labelled as an "agent of the regime", by many exiled Iranians who always do that to anyone with whom disagrees with. But you will see millions like me if you ever visit Iran and not be trapped in those parties in Northern Tehran.

Hossein Derakhshan is a London-based media analyst and writes the Persian-English blog at this article first appeared in The Guardian.


more from hoder

Darius... I get your point

by Ardeshirkhankhan (not verified) on

Darius... I get your point and generally agree with you. But Hoder himself has put up these pictures. And to be fair, I have to say he has never hidden that he is not religious, eats pork and drinks alcohol.


I am also proud of Hoders parents.

by Hassan Kachal (not verified) on

Because if it wasn't for them, who created this sweet boy Hoder, where we bacheh baaza could have gained our reputation from? Vali khodemoonim Hoder ajab teekehee shodi jeegar ;)


ex-pasdar - YOU ARE FAKE!

by x-pasdar (not verified) on

Iam the real x-pasdar (without e). You are the copycat version who is up to no good. So piss off and don't don't eat what others have already puked.



Let's stone him...

by Viva Pahlavi (not verified) on

If stoning was ever justified, I think this guy deserves it badly. i would throw the first stone, with the same pride he defends the CIA-backed coup against the Shahanshah in 1979.

Ben Madadi

Re: Darius KADIVAR

by Ben Madadi on

Good catch ;) Hoder quli is just a person desperate for attention! I am still curious to know where he gets the money from! Are his parents rich enough to pay him all his time to read and write, do pretty much nothing, travel all around the world, in the free world, even to Israel, and live in London? Where does this guy get the money from? He seems to be having such a fabulous time in the West! Can anybody enlighten me?!

Darius Kadivar

Hoder you Toasting with Alcohol ? (Photo)

by Darius Kadivar on

Bah Bah Agha Hoder Khan, I wish I could do this back in 79 ?


How Many Flogs do you deserve for such good company and alcohol ? Hoveyda was executed for less than that !

Ghiam Ghiam Nah Sharghy Nah Gharby Faghat Jomhuryeh Islami ?

Bah Bah



by Ladan (not verified) on

Your way of thought is truely sad. It shows me that you have learned nothing in the past 28yrs. There are those who were for the revolution who have had the courage to stand up and say we made a mistake, that generation was ignorant and arrogant. No communist would ever unite under the banner of Islam! No feminist would place herself under the chador again in order to defy the "west"! In reality all they did was defy their social freedoms, and so many women before had fought so hard for. People like yourself and your parents took us back 1000's of years. Your revolution was stupid! It was influenced by the "west", and if you don't see that you've got alot of learning to do. If we actually knew the meaning of building civil our own civil society we would not be where we are today. If you are so proud of the Islamic Republic, go there. What are you doing out of Iran?


I am proud of what my parents' generation did in 1979.........

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

.........since then has the Situation changed totaly. the work which is to be done since 1979 is much harder as before: To keep what the parents achieved. The Islamic Revolution - UP TO MY PERSONAL OPINION - the only real revolution in the History of man and its Achievments must be kept. The looser of the revolution are barking and grunting and threating and they WANT to come back. what is achieved by revolution must be kept and rescuded. The Revolution needs the PERMANENCE. I am, for my part, conffessed that the Honourable Iranian Nation - the ones who founded thier ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN, are living there and are willing to protect the Achievements of thier Revolution - will not have any Problem to do so. It is very unlikely for some marines to step up either street in Iran. alone in the strait of Hurmoz they will have to leave thier warships and scape per pedes for thier lives. The ones who can not scape will be treated in the most modern best equipped Hospitals and emergency centers in the republic. They know themselves better about all what will come IF they come and behave respectless against the heroically active honourable Iranian nation. Obama is the next man in the USA. he has allready said that america do not have neither the facility nor the budget nor the men who were willing to go to make war. may be as Tourists, if they get the VISa. Greeting.
P.s. : my parents were not active 1979. Greeting

Darius Kadivar

More Farrokhzad (youtube)

by Darius Kadivar on

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Fereydoun Farrokhzad Explains Khomeiny's Tozeehol Masael

by Darius Kadivar on

FYI/Fereydoun Farrokhzad Explains Khomeiny's Tozeehol Massael (youtube):


One Brave Man Slained by the people you are so Proud of Mr. Hoder !

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on


Hoder Your a Dissapointment ... 

I was going to answer you in detail not in the hope of convincing you of the contrary but simply to put up my points in regards to your glorification of one of the most bloody, unjust and intolerant events of the past century that established what was clearly stated in its leaders Green Book, I mean Ayatollah Khomeiny's Toziol Masael. But I think its no use to convince a mule that you are both in action and in thoughts. I never insult people for what they think or stand for or anything else for that matter as a rule. But your clear support is an insult to the generation of MY PARENTS and many otherss who worked so hard to turn Iran into a more progressive and modern country and contribute in their own way to help others to achieve the same social and professional level by teaching at the Universities and turning some of them into bright and competant Doctors, Engineers, Nurses, technicians or any other job they dreamed of achieving.

As for Foucault he was a radical philosopher trying to gain attention for his often absurd positions and wrote his article in the Italian newspaper with the utmost ignorance of what Iran was and what it was achieving under the shah reign.

I suggest you to read his History of Madness which probably would be suited for reading by nuts like you before you ever install your intolerant mindset.

If you think to ask an Irish or Scottish Rock star to come an sing In Tehran as a gensture of tolerance by Iran's current President Ahmadinejad or any future Ass Head who keeps on censoring films and imprisons journalists and writers and intellectuals or considering Miss Binoche as a Danger to Iranian Youth to say the least is what YOU Consider as an EVOLUTION .


By the way since when was the Revolution a Revolt ? Are you using this term because unlike what you claim to support for this revolution and its ideals ( religious and NOT secular) are ebbing over time ?

I won't nor ever defended the Shah's Secret Police or Brutality under his reign. Crimes are Crimes no matter what color or justification political or strategic but that does not mean that one has to justify other brutalities and mismanagements that took place during the Revolution. Such as replacing professors in the Universities like my father by students. That was the least of the absurdities that took place to justify the revolution, not including all the unjust executions of INNOCENT people to justify what was being spread by the likes of Khalkhali and Ibrahim Yazdi "That Spilling Blood is a Necessary to Purify our corrupt society inherited from the Shah's reign."

Beyond that you are insulting all those who are working hard to end Human Rights Violations in Iran.

If we can and should be proud of anything but again with knowledge not just irrational slogans and propaganda is to study the 1906 Constitutional Revolution and what THAT generation did for bringing Iran out of the Middle Ages.

Your No Agent of the IRI you are just a stupid ignorant young man who is in search of an ideal that never existed nor was defended by Khomeiny or the Revolutionaries of 1979.

Fereydoune Farrokhzad explaining Khomeiny's Tozeehol Masael ( I recommend you to watch:




Q, you do the same..

by Jesus (not verified) on

You called everyone opposing Hoder a fascist, and implied that we deserve worst than the exaggeration of IR. To use your language, who the f**K are you? Are you the chief editor of this website? This is a free country, not your backstreet, basij central IR. Shut the f**K up, and don't read our comments It seems you already knew of such reaction. The editor here is more than capable of deleting people's post, as he has done numerous times, while calling this a a forum that holds nothing "sacred".
No one is holding a gun to your empty head, although the idea gives me a cringe, you know, why waste such a precious bullet on a empty head full of waste. Now, go take care of your own business, and don't be islamic hypocrite. You know the kind that likes to preach to everyone not to do something, but he himself does it very well...


To the ignorent author

by Kurdish warrior (not verified) on

So you are proud of what this Regime have brought to us (Genocide 1980 Kurdistan region, Cinema Rex Abadan, denying basic civil liberties for its religious and ethnic minorities, Denying women's right, stoning, unemployment, drugs etc...Are you blind? Where in Iran are you really coming from? I don't think you are an IRI agent but an ignorant individual who need to do more research before publishing your article.


همه‌ی مردم نفهم نیستن

یه دوست (not verified)

آقای هودر کاملا مشخصه که یادداشت شما سر هم بندی شده. مثل دانشجویی که باید انشایی بنویسه و می‌ره اینور و اونور می گرده یه جمله از این‌جا یه جمله از اون‌جا ور می‌داره سر هم می‌کنه چند جمله هم از خودش اضافه می‌کنه و فکر می‌کنه استادش هرگز نمی‌فهمه. حرف‌های گنده‌ای که در مورد احمدی‌نژاد پیدا و سر هم کردید رو هر کسی که شناخت متوسطی از ایشون و شرایط انتخاب شدنشون داشته باشه بخونه واقعا تعجب می‌کنه. همه ویدیوی ایشونو دیدن که چطور از سفرشون به نیویورک و پلک نزدن رهبران جهان و هاله‌ی نور تعریف می‌کردن و هر کی ایشونو نمی‌شناخت با دیدن اون ویدیو شناخت. آقای خاتمی با بیست میلیون رای برگشت گفت رییس جمهور یه تدارکات‌چی بیشتر نیست اونوقت شما از احمدی‌نژاد که همه‌ی عالم می‌دونن چطور به این پست رسیده این‌جور تعریف می‌کنید. شما از هر کی می‌خواین پول بگیرین برا هر کی دوست دارین بنویسین و تبلیغ کنین. اما مردمو نفهم فرض نکنید.


aaj: you don't like his writings, don't read it!

by Q on

No one put a gun to your head. What's the point of coming here and threatening him? I have read Hoder's writings and this is a typical treatment he gets from most Iranians. He is not obligated to write for your or anyone else's amusement.

The subject or "logic" doesn't matter. It has been good enough to get published here and elsewehre. You say you have responded "in the past", most people would say every article needs a new rebuttle. But whatever the response, what's the use of insults and cursing?


Imam Hosein-e Derakhshaan !

by Majid on

The glue manufacturing co. 3-M annunced today that they're working on a new solvent to undo the stickyness of some noses to some butts !

Is that a good news or what ? You can choose between more glue or this new solvent !

So, hang in there brother.


You should switch travel and residency plans.

by Comment is Free?! Not in Iran it ain't! (not verified) on

Rather than residing in London and frequently visiting Iran. . .you should follow your heart and reside in Iran (under the conditions created by the aftermath of the source of your pride), and visit London frequently.

But alas, you won't because one has to only visit your facebook or Orkut page to see that you are very much a part of the very thing you claim to live outside of. . .in fact your page is a virtual directory of Bacheh Maroofs from Elahieh and Zaferanieh, and yet you claim to live outside of the bubble of northern Tehran. . . .

Well guess what, having lunch at Naderi on Thursdays or Deezi under Hafteh Teer doesn't really qualify as being "one with the masses." You see unlike most people here, I don't just know your type. . .I know your very social circle.

The (1 Pa Europa, 1 Pa Tehran)folk, whose very lifestyle in Tehran is why the masses are so desperate as to elect Ahmadinezhad.

I too travel to Iran, but unlike you I can handle the reality of my life without having to write "pseudo-patriotic" articles about how wonderful the "movement" was, from abroad, to assuage my guilt.

To state that the government "sometimes" shows intolerance, is about as credible as saying Tobasco is "sometimes" spicy.

Whatever mental gymnastics it takes to explain why you are "fighting the good fight" from London is cool with me.

I have a much simpler explanation for my living abroad. . . .I am a product of the actions of your parents' generation.

I dream in English and translate English into Persian when I speak because of your parents. So I am not vested in Iran, I have a fleeting interest, but not enough to want to fight their fight.

If I did, I would be fighting it from Tehran, not abroad.

So please cut me some slack, I know your days are spent roaming the "rough streets" in Tehran, but your nights are spent with a bottle of Francois Dulac (22,000 Tomans a bottle but who cares if you don't have to worry about money right?), Ziba Shirazi playing in the background, and a circle of friends visiting from Malibu, West LA and Toronto.

At night you have the benefit of Pars Online ADSL and Pizza from Raaz with friends, while the people you are "tight" with spend the night wondering where tomorrow's subsistence is coming from.

Well guess what. . .where you spend your nights creates where you spend your days.

You're right about one thing, you are a journalist (if you say so) who leaves Northern Tehran to follow your story. . . but you make damn sure to be back before dinner, returning to the comforts you left in the morning.

Again if you think this is nonsense go visit your own Orkut page, go through your friends list and ask yourself how many of those friends have parents whose exploitation of everyday Iranians provides them with the 2 million dollar apt in West LA (oh yeah I forgot the kitten)!

Keep up the writing. . .but don't forget to look in the mirror in the morning. . .preferably for 30 seconds longer than it takes for you shave. . .it might affect your "Media Analysis" of Iran, if you see the source of Iran's problems.

Unlike those who accuse you of being an "agent" of the regime, I call you, your friends and family as the source of what is ailing Iran. . ."Norther Tehran" notwithstanding!

The Guardian where anyone and their mother can comment as a Journalist has a blurb over published articles such as yours: "comment is free". . . well in Iran it isn't. . .people pay every day for commenting about the source of your pride.


Q; Read the facts, before defending your buddy!!

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Read Hoder's article(s), any one of them. Do you see any logic?. If you have not read his articles (past and present), do yourself a favour and read a few and then come to your own conclusion and see why so many people hate him. He has burnt good and bad, nationalists, ex-prisoners, right, left and center.
He has crucified any one for any reason who may have criticised IRI. His mission is now known to all, even if he says anything half decent, no one buys it anymore. He is nobody anymore. He has burnt many bridges.

I always thought you are a decent man with honourable unbiased thoughts, but FORTUNATELY, here we learned otherwise.
Do you know how many people, how many times answered/objected his articles in past? has he ever improved? no Sir, not a bit, he is the same, but changed colors many times.
He is quoting from M.Foucault, who was praising revolution at the start. Many millions done the same, including 90% of Iranian; were they right? no Sir, all were wrong, including Foucault who is well known for changing his opinion in many occasions. There are strong evidence that Foucault was gay, do you believe he would have tolerated seeing execution of young, under aged boys who were hanged in Khorasan last year? shame on you, shame on Hoder, and shame on unholy, unislamic regime of Iran.
If Fouvault was alive, he, like many millions, Iranian and none-Iranian would have condemned the regressive revolution after we saw what had happened to a once noble, pride nation of Iran.
To answer your question, I am not graduated from any of those universities you mentioned, nor I want to know about them, but I am proud student of "university of humanity" and you are welcome to join but first you have to be qualified.

Bahram the Iranian

I answer your question Mr Kamangir

by Bahram the Iranian on

Sir I learned(from your own writting), you live in Vancouver, you will find many many pepole here in vancouver to answer your question and they dont have to be Iranians. why chiness,east indians,east european and even many west europeans like britishs,frenchs, italians,,,south africans austrilians and even americans live here??????immigration and travell around the world gaining life experience, learning about other pepole and places will be beneficial to every nation and guess what? I should give credit to ourselves for being such a good imigrants uploading here and downloading in iran.

what you think about 1979 reveloution in Iran of course will be up to yourself, however assuming, anybody who is living in the west should follow the same stereotyping attidue of the western media toward iran wouldnt be very correct.



Bravo Hoder!!!

by ex-pasdar (not verified) on


I think that AHMADINEJAD is pushing the Mullahs out of the scene and will become more democratic like Italy and France in World War 2. Who are these outside patriots like Pahlavis and Rajavis. They are bunch of losers! I have been listening to Ahmadinejad's speeches on and he is right. Throughout the Persian history, nobody could destory the ancient empire: Arabs, Mongols, and Turks. IRANIANS have rights to nuclear power as a nation.


What a bunch of fascists...

by Q on

How much must you people hate freedom of speech to treat Hoder like this? What makes you think you deserve any better than your worst exaggeration of the IRI?

Why don't you answer the man, on the issues instead of threatening his life?

Where is Department: Oh shut your f-ing pie hole, moron! First off, Hoder is in UK or Canada, not US. Second, half of Iranians outside Iran go back to Iran once a year. Third, if "homeland security" ever answers your phone call, be certain that you would be the one thrown in jail for wasting government resources trying to silence protected speech. You are the one who needs to get out, you don't understand shit about this country.

aaj sr: You're not going to get too many votes for a black guy at a KKK convention either. But even so, your math skills make me think you didn't exactly graduate from Sharif or Amir Kabir, or Pasadena City College. You know what I'm sayin?


Well said, I am so proud of you sonny...

by Resurrected Emam (not verified) on

I am indeed so proud of you that I want to get out of my skin out of happiness. You are probably wondering who I am. This is your Emam, the real Emam, the actual Emam, the original Emam, the 13th Emam. Yeah, I know, you thought I died in 1989. But no way Jose, I cheated the angel of death, the Ezraeel, in the exact same way that I cheated those 30 million iranians in 1979, from those bozo so-called intellectuals, to my endeared islamists, from stupid leftists to the jobless thugs and opportunists. I learned it from the masters, from the sacred land that you live in. From those who sent me to iran in that famous UFO in which I proclaimed that I felt nothing for iran after 15 years of exile, and none of those 30 million iranians really heard a word that I was saying.

I managed to pour those gullible iranians to streets twice, once in 1979, pretending to be a living Emam, and then again in 1989, posing as a dead Emam. Both times, I lied to, and I cheated intellectually inferior iranians in the exact same manner. And I cheated the angel of death, Ezraeel, by bribing him with the wealth of the cursed country of iran, in exact same way that I have been bribing Indians, Chinese, Russians, and a long list of other countries. And now I am resurrected once again in the form of the honorable leader of the shitty islamic republic. Yeah, it is really me, in a slightly different mask, but deep inside I am the same devil that I was, and I use the exact same tactics. I am sure you are wondering what is then buried in my Mausoleum that so many people go and ask for clemency and healing. I tell you the truth, even though I have never said anything but lies in my whole life. I tell you the truth because I am so proud of you sonny: just between you and me, there is nothing buried there in the Mausoleum except for excrements of one of my dogie relatives.

Al-Hoder Al-Aziz, I am so proud of you sonny. I want to offer you a position with the islamic republic of iran. We have lots of job openings as economy of suppression and oppression is booming and we badly need additional man-power. You can choose your own salary and fringe benefits. Sonny, allow me to list a few of job openning in the IRI:

(1) Torturer for young and old, for male and female political prisoners.

(2) Executioner of mofsedo-fel-arz'es. We currently have some 70 to 80 juveniles on death row. We don't want to keep them waiting.

(3) Prison interrogators and beaters.

(4) Prison rapists for both male and female prisoners. This position is very attractive for sadistic islamic fanatic people in particular, expecting huge returns in their after-life.

(5) Embezlers on behalf of various arab countries.

(6) Bribers for every country in the eastern hemisphere.

(7) Dress code enforcer. Very attractive for sadistic islamists, specially for dealing with beautiful young iranian girls' dress code.

(8) Students and workers' uprising suppressors.

(9) Women and minority oppressors.

(10) Jobless thugs to go around and beat people and show up in gatherings in support of the regime, including going to fake friday prayers and raising their fists while yelling.

(11) Numerous other positions as thugs, desperados, gangsters, criminals, mafiosos, muggers, smugglers, hooligans, goons, robbers, outlaws, rogue elements, and like, to enforce various shariah laws from drinking to sex, from walking to talking, from illegal exports to imports, etc.

Fringe benefits are immense. Depending on your performance sonny, you have access to unlimited financial gain as well as transfer of house, villa, and belongings of whoever we can find an excuse to steal from, in an islamic manner of course.

You also have access to best cuties in iran. The running rate is currently an affordable 100 english pound for a one-month sigheh of a cute 18-year old girl in tehran. Sigheh with shorter duration of second-hand women is definitely less expensive as desperate female resources are quite plentiful in our beloved islamic republic.

And lastly, but not least, a humongous number of beautiful virgins will be waiting for you in the after-life upon your eventual arrival to the other side.

Sonny, I am so proud of you and your parents, and am anxiously waiting to see you back home in islamic republic of iran.

Best Regards,

Ayatollah K..Olagh Khomeini, stager of the biggest fraudulent revolution of history in iran.




Kissinger interview

by YoaMamaO'Henry (not verified) on

هنري كيسينجر، وزير امور خارجه سابق آمريكا كه هم‌اكنون 84 سال سن دارد، در گفت‌وگويي با مجله آلماني «اشپيگل»، با حمايت از «جان مك كين»، درباره مأموريت آلمان در افغانستان، نقش اروپايي‌ها در مبارزه با افراط‌گرايي اسلامي و احتمال مذاكرات مستقيم با ايران سخن گفت.

در اين گفت‌وگو، اين سياستمدار كهنه‌كار آمريكا، با اشاره به اين‌كه اروپايي‌ها پشت نقاب منفوريت بوش پنهان شده‌اند، علت اصلي عصبانيت آمريكا از ايران را شفاف خواند و آن را رويكرد جهاني و تمدني ايران در جهان دانست.

در بخشي از اين گفت‌وگو آمده است:

• زمانه عوض شده، اما هنوز هم برخي ملاحظات اخلاقي موجود است. آيا رئيس‌جمهور جديد آمريكا بايد به ايران رفته و با محمود احمدي‌نژاد بر سر يك ميز بنشيند؟
كيسينجر: برخي بر اين باورند كه صرف گفت‌وگو و مذاكره، جايگزين تنش خواهد شد، اما من بر اين باورم كه مذاكرات، تنها در صورتي موفق مي‌شود كه بازتابي از واقعيت عيني باشد. مسأله كليدي درباره ايران اين است كه آيا اين كشور خود را يك نهضت مي‌داند يا تنها يك كشور عادي؟ اگر ايران بخواهد كشوري مورد احترام بدون ادعاي سلطه مذهبي يا شاهنشاهي باشد، آنگاه مي‌توان با اين كشور به دركي مشترك رسيد، اما تا هنگامي كه ايران درنيابد اين يك شانس تاريخي براي احياي روياي با شكوه فارس‌ها نيست، نمي‌توان مذاكره كرد.
• بنابراين ايرانيان بايد فشار غرب را احساس كنند تا به اين نتيجه برسند؟
كيسينجر: ما نيازمند مخلوطي از فشارها و پيشنهادها هستيم و بايد بدانيم كه تحريمات در تناقض با اين هدف بدون تأثيرند.

• چيزهايي مانند همان بازي طعمه و پيشنهاد‌ها چه؛ آيا گمان مي‌كنيد رئيس‌جمهور آمريكا، بايد با رهبر ايران تنها پس از اعمال تحريمات كارساز و كارآمد ديدار كند؟
كيسينجر: هرگز نبايد با چنين گامي راه را آغاز كرد. نيكسون سه سال پس از اين‌كه ما مذاكرات اوليه را با مائو انجام داديم، بر سر ميز مذاكره با او نشست. من گمان مي‌كنم ديدار با رئيس‌جمهور ايران، نقطه پاياني راه ارتباط دو كشور خواهد بود، نه آغاز آن.
• مورخان مي‌گويند ماجراجويي‌هاي ايران، مانع تمركز آمريكا بر ديگر چالش‌هاي استراتژيك اين كشور مانند خيزش چين و هند شده است؛ آيا ابرقدرت آمريكا بيشتر دچار پريشاني نيست تا اينكه تحت فشار بيش از اندازه قرار گرفته باشد؟
كيسينجر: به نظر من، ما هم‌اكنون با سه چالش عمده روبه‌رو هستيم؛ ناپديد شدن دولت ـ ملت، خيزش چين و هند و سوم ظهور مشكلات و چالش‌هايي مانند انرژي و محيط زيست كه با يك قدرت حل نخواهند شد.
ما نمي‌توانيم تنها روي يك مشكل تمركز كنيم، بلكه بايد با هر آنها روبه‌رو شويم، چرا كه در غير اين صورت، در هيچ كدام موفق نخواهيم شد. خيزش آسيايي‌ها مسئله بسيار مهمي است، اما نمي‌توانيم به اين علت، ديگر چالش‌ها مانند مبارزه با راديكاليسم اسلامي را كنار بگذاريم.


To Sina: You are in minority 1 to 46

by aaj sr (not verified) on

So far, there are 46 replies to Hoder's article; 45 are rightfully hating, disagreeing with his Islamist propaganda, and mostly, those who know his background believe he has changed since last 2 years and he will change again in due time when the "wind is coming from a different direction" or if he is no longer in marriage with one of the high ranking Ayatolla's daughter, (this is after his trip to Isreal.)
It is interesting to see (link attached) Hoder's different point or view,
asking for impeachment of Ahmadinejad not long ago.

(sorry somthing wrong with forwarding the link, I had to rewrite it a few times, still not functioning).

Agha Sina: you have 2% approval ( and that's your own vote) and 98% hate/disagree with Hoder, supporting the brutal, barbaric, inhuman, so called Islamic regime and since you are his follower, that means 98% hate and disagree with you too. So please get lost and stay home, this is a very democratic voting system to tell you please shut up!.

p.s. Personally I left Iran because I could not tolerate people like you and Hoder, we do not need you guys here.


Hodder what are you smoking bro..?

by Too optimistic! (not verified) on

What about the dictatorship? What about this
retrograde, make shift constitution with so many
preposteros consuls!!

Bunch of old rag mullas making decision for the country in this day and age? Fanatism has no future.

Ahmadinejad may be a patriot but he is a fanatic at times lunatic who can only survive thanks to criminal activities of Israeli government in neighborhood.

Independence does not have to be achived at the expense of fanaticism and ignorance.


"You frequent iran Often

by Where is Department of HOmeland security (not verified) on

"You frequent iran Often
and you support the IRI..."

Where the hell is the Department of Home Land security??? How could these scum bags travel to a terrorist country, support a terrorist country and be allowed back into US???

Ben Madadi

Excuse me, somebody, please!

by Ben Madadi on

Does anybody know where this fellow gets his money from? I looked up to see what this hoder fellow is all about and I saw that he's a very active blogger and he's got a lot of money because he seems to be chaning clothes a lot, travel a lot. He's having a hell of a time in the same bloody West he disregards. Anyway, I don't care about that, but where does this guy get the money from? I'm not suggesting anything. Just curios!


In my opinion Hoder is an

by Sina17 (not verified) on

In my opinion Hoder is an oasis in the middle of a vast arrogant, ignorant, and racist desert of the Iranian diaspora. As an Iranian who frequents Iran often, I am always bewildered of most of the things I read on sites like You would think these that these people were the base of the neo-con islamophobe SCUM!

Regardless I read your blog often Hoder, and am a huge fan. Keep up the good work, you have my support, and the support of most bright Iranians.


smells like...

by Jesus (not verified) on

The whole smells like shit, just the foulest of all odors, bull shit, and it is all because of this nonsense, so called "article". If I had a half blind, paralyzed donkey, he would have done a better analysis on Iran than this guy. It is amazing how these Allah loving islamists lie right in your face...Deception is the name of their game, and they are masterful at it...


Bacheh: nice try to get out of it

by Q on

why do you need to meet me to show me the agents? Why not email, or post right here? If you have credible info, and you hate the IRI so much, what's the problem?

I'm a good hour away from Yorba Linda, assuming you are telling the truth, which I very much doubt, it would have to be planned well in advance. I actually used to work in OC.