Reviving the Iranian revolt

I am proud of what my parents' generation did in 1979


Reviving the Iranian revolt
by hoder

At the height of the Iranian revolution in the winter of 1979, French philosopher, Michel Foucault, described what he was seeing in Tehran as "perhaps the first great insurrection against global systems, the form of revolt that is the most novel and the most insane."

"Islam," he wrote, "which is not simply a religion, but an entire way of life, an adherence to a history and a civilization, has a good chance to become a gigantic powder keg, at the level of hundreds of millions of men."

Such praising words about the Iranian uprising are probably the very reason few have even heard of Foucault's dispatches from Tehran for the Italian newspaper, Corriere Dela Sera, in 1978-79.

Twenty nine winters later, the Islamic Republic of Iran is more independent, stable, confident and technologically advanced than ever, while it has remained as the most serious and continuous challenge to the U.S. hegemony in the world.

But what can explain the survival of the outcome of such revolt? What will the future look like for Iran, whose most of its young population now have no first-hand experience of that revolt?

The rise of the first non-cleric president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, can point to some answers.

For sixteen years, Iranian government was in the hands of the Euro-American educated bureaucrats who were gradually departing from the specific subjectivity (rejection of the universals, in Foucult's term) which brought about the Iranian uprising of the 1979. The spectre of modernity slowly started to dominate everything, from the economy to the politics, and the two consequtive administrations picked up a similar project of modernization which the shah had previously failed to continue, and with it, the gloomy consequences started to wane in too: corruption, incompetence, and socio-economic inequality.

The elite's vision of economic and political "reform" was transforming Iran into a very similar country under the shah, only with an Islamic posture. At the same time, the Europe and the U.S. were not only happily watching as Iran was practically undoing its revolt, but even assisting and accelerating the process.

Then came the shock. Ahmadinejad, an outsider to the Iranian establishment who was never taken seriously by journalists and politicians alike, won the election. Compared to his main rivals, he had lower religious credentials, less support from the elite, less money for campaigning, and gave zero promises to normalize relations with the U.S. Instead, he travelled much more around the country and met face-to-face with the forgotten majority of Iranians, talked more about economic equality, and promised more of a serious war on corruption.

He simply pledged a return to the abandoned values of the 1979 uprising, with independence, freedom and justice at the centre. (His promises about a more relaxed attitude toward religious code are reflected in its talks with the British rocker Morrissey to have one of the first non-Iranian rock acts after 1979.)

If Western journalist leave the Northern part of Tehran more often, they will be able to observe how much Ahmadinejad represents a passionate revival of the core values of the uprising. They will also discover how Islam is functioning as the best, but not the only, carrier of those values.

Like many Iranians who have lived in the West for the past 7, 8 years, the rise of Ahmadinejad (and also travelling to other parts of the Middle East) has incited a radical change in the way I see myself, relate to Iran, and view the world. I have finally realised what it was that the entire Iranian nation revolted in order to achieve and how valuable this subjectivity is to empower the world of the marginalised, the poor and the oppressed.

This doesn't mean I don't see the unfortunate intolerance the Iranian government sometimes shows toward dissent and difference. But I argue that such intolerance is a direct consequent of the existential threat that the big powers have posed toward Iran since the day it succeeded in its revolt.

As a post-revolutionary Iranian, who is not religious a single bit, I am proud of what my parents' generation did in 1979 and I do whatever I can to protect and improve the Islamic Republic of Iran in its promises of independence, freedom and justice.

This has predictable made me being labelled as an "agent of the regime", by many exiled Iranians who always do that to anyone with whom disagrees with. But you will see millions like me if you ever visit Iran and not be trapped in those parties in Northern Tehran.

Hossein Derakhshan is a London-based media analyst and writes the Persian-English blog at this article first appeared in The Guardian.


more from hoder

Q: I live in Yorba Lind in SoCal! Does that surprise you?

by True Bacheh Akhoond (not verified) on

Right off of the Imperial Highway? Do you want to stop by and visit me? I'll show how many of you supporters of the IRI are freelance writers and photographers!?


Rajavi the traitor strikes again!!

by Anonymous___ (not verified) on

"According to the exiled National Council of Resistance of Iran, Tehran is actively pursuing a nuclear weapons programme, despite a recent US intelligence report which had said that Iran had abandoned such a programme in 2003."

Shame on traitors!!!


Q, I would love to make love to you in a tractor tire!?

by A Gay Hezbollahi (not verified) on

You are so hot and horny! I would love to insert my rode in your tail!?


Bache Akhund, I'll show you how I earn my living

by Q on

I have also "detected" many patterns. Many of which your sorry ass falls into, but I will hold that to myself until the time is right. Get the picture !? !? !?

You speak with all the authority and self-assuredness of a fat hog with alzheimer's, happily munching through troughs of excrement with a wondrous bliss! Your lier/liar explanation has the pathetic credibility of a broke old man with a terrible comb-over hitting on Miss America 2008 at a sleazy bar in South Boston. "Listen to me, please. I know something!"

All of you, under your biographies, state that you are "freelance writers and photographers!?"

If you are not a liar (note the spelling), you will kindly show me all the other regime agents that you have found who are writers and photographers. I never said I was "freelance" but if you find me even 5 people which you say are like this, I will be humbled to answer your question. You are not a liar, are you?

I suspect we will meet when you reincarnate under another ID. Take care for now, my retarded detective friend.

PS. this poem is for you. I want you to really think about this.

remember it's you and me,

my dear stalker,

everytime you engage me,

I learn more about you,

than you about me.


Why aren't you living in Iran?

by Kamangir on

There was never a revolution in Iran. What took place in 1979 was an international conspiracy in order have a much more profitable Western agent in Iran. The main Iranian weak point was and is the Islamic religion and that was really exploited to the end.

I'm not sure why 4 million Iranians would choose the exile and dispora, in many cases under very harsh conditions, if 'their' revolution was really theirs. I'm not sure why Iran nowadays besides oil and natural gas, exportes it most valuable asset, its most educated and skilled youth. I won't even go on about our international reputation as country of terrorists, backward losers.

The writers seems to contradict itself. The title of the article is: Revolt whereas then he refers to it as 'revoultion'. I do agree with the fact that there was a revolt (ashoob) but that was not a revolution or anything close to it.

My question to the writer of the article is: Mr.Hoder, if you're so proud of your parent's accomplishements in 1979, why is it that your parents brought you to West? Why aren't you currently living in Iran? Would you please answer my questions?






To Alborzi: Yes, it takes courage

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

It takes courage to have children, little boys, do your bidding for you...the Iranian military (army, navy, and air force) all trained under the Shah's regime defeated the Iraqi invasion. While Khomeini and his shipishoo sepah and obash va arazel basijis were shitting their pants, the Iranian military forced Iraqi troops back into Iraqi soil. In 1982 Saddam was ready to sign a peace accord and concede defeat but Khomeini pushed for more war and destruction, which continued for an additional 6 years leaving millions dead, and thousands wounded. That is very VERY courageous...

It wasn't Khomeini who "organized" the masses against the Shah. It was the people's desire to get rid of a despot.

Next thing I know, you're going to claim that it was your beloved intelligent and courageous Khomeini who nationalized Iran's petroleum industry and not Mossadeque. You are a little revisionist!


And I am ashamed of you Hoder-

by Fair (not verified) on

If you had one ounce of decency, you would not be proud of the catastrophe that your parents' generation created for our youth, our generation, and at the same time sit safely in the west while student, women, workers, and other activists in Iran are tortured and put down in a way and on a scale that the Shah could never dream of.

Independence? Freedom? Justice? Bullshit! Iran is farther away from these ideals than ever in its modern history. What kind of MORONS do you think we are? Your parents? People don't buy this crap anymore, your parents failed miserably 29 years ago and took us down with them. Go back and suffer with the youth for which you arrogantly make prescriptions, instead of sitting here making fun of LA or north of Tehran. At least LA and north Tehran Iranians do not oppress anybody.

Khomeini's courage? Intelligence? Are you kidding? What courage does it take to sit in the heart of the capital, surround yourself with antiaircraft guns and order millions of teenagers to their futile deaths? Promising them that "emdadhaye gheibi" and god will help them? And then eating poison and telling people not to question why?

Iran had many enemies in its history, such as the Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, etc. But in all these cases, there was an Iranian who sold the country to those enemies. This Iranian was always Iran's worst enemy. As far as I am concerned, you and your "parents' generation" that you are proud of are that worst enemy- the Iranian who sold us to the enemy. Shame on you and I hope you all burn in hell you useless scumbags.

Be Fair.


Hoder, very soon John McCain will UNDO what your

by Soldier (not verified) on

parent's generation did!? Right after a massive bombardment of the Islamic Republic by the US Air Force and one the US Marines take over the streets of Tehran, we will go after your parents' generation and bring them to justice or preferably bring justice to them> That day is not that far!?


Dosein Herakhshan, The Disgusting Traitor...

by Anti Traitors (not verified) on

You're a f#&king traitor working as a dumb weak copy of a double agent distracting the poor already suppressed Iranians desperately for the brutal monarch regime of Iran which hijacked the revolution of a nation looking for political freedom but at the end of the road not only didnt regain that but also lost their social freedom and civil rights.

You are less than a dirty disgusting agent for that middle age style regime which has destroyed all the resources of our precious country by its retarded idealogical mindset funding the minor parties in the middle east and Latin America, from Palestine to Nicaragua...

Your dirty job is to distort the truth to prolong the life of a sick body of a fascist regime dying because of a severe cancer in a mortal stage...

You sold your soul and can not fool people for ever with your none-sense crap articles which populate nothings but bunch of rusted fallacies thru a dumb word games leading to no where...

Every single day, some of my classmates get suppressed , arrested, imprisoned, tortured physically and, physiologically solely because of their belief ...

A single monotone retarded set of people less than 200 with almost a chain of family connection like a spiderweb hovered over this poor country and people have no way out... you can keep justifying the shits with your disgusting sold spirit...

But every single day passing, the less you can have to feed with your toxic junks as time betrays you.

You will be among the unforgivens... .

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.

Abraham Lincoln.


The Ass Kisser Strikes Back

by the real Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

I think it is time for Hossein Agha to pay his tuition at SOAS in London and that is why he has published another ass kissing piece. No content and only shallow empty rhetoric we have all heard for the past 30 years. Hossein Agha has learned to drop names like Michele Foucault etc..just to make it look like he has actually read their works.

What a chump! He only writes when his rent is due or his refrigerator is empty so his other buddy Hossein Agha will send him a check.


Alborzi: Khomeini bought

by kookooalborzi (not verified) on

Alborzi: Khomeini bought weapons from Germany, US (via Israel) and made arms dealer rich by needlessly extending the war for 6 more years...what the hell are you talking about...please stop listening to IRNa and Aftab and Basiji Magazines...


Why was Khomeini couragous

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Bacheha please do not take intelligence and confuse it with religious beliefs. Different sects have
really strange customs. Like those who shave their wives head, I thought that was from chemo. Anyway his intelligence was the fact that he was able to use Mojahedins to organize leftist, intellectuals, workers and he organized bazaris. It was just beyond any imagination that he was able to get a rich, heavily armed nation to throw shah out. To boot he was able to force USA to kick out Shah, he was brilliant.

He was courageous during Iran-Iraq war. Iraqis were backed by the world and they had Arabs to get money (kind of soosooli) but he toughed it out, he was courageous, not many people could endure under those odds.



by proud zoroasterian (not verified) on



Hooder: Are you a freelance writer/photographer too!?

by Synonomous Anonymous (not verified) on

Do you write for the same organization that Q writes for? Do you publish your photos/images in the same magazine that Q publishes in? Or maybe you and Q write the names of the anti-regime activists and report them back to SAVAMA!? Oh, I see you guys take photos of the anti-regime activists and activities, digitize them, and email them back to your headquarter!?

Does IRI pay more for freelancing in Canada or America? Does anybody know?


Dear Q: There is peculiar pattern among the supporters of IRI!?

by True Bacheh Akhoond (not verified) on

My inquisitiveness regarding whose front you represent stems from the fact I have noticed a peculiar pattern among the so-called intellectual supporters of the Islamic Republic of Terror.

All of you, under your biographies, state that you are "freelance writers and photographers!?" Since when freelance writing and photography are considered as honest tax-paying professions?

By the way, my reference to you being a "lier" was not meant to be insinuated as a person who does not tell the truth "liar" even through we all know that you never tell the truth, but rather it was meant to imply that you are in a horizontal position since someone called you gay!? Do you get the picture, lie,lay,laid, lier!?

Tell me Q Jan, how do you make the ends meet? I'll tell you if you tell me!?



by Ayatoilet (not verified) on

Mr. Hossein Derakhshan,

You would not have so much pride in the revolution if you or your parents were victims of Islamic Republic's torture chambers and the execution machine. Is there ever going to be justice for all the suffering and the blood shed by ignorance of the masses?


If the regime allows women

by sad (not verified) on

If the regime allows women to dress freely and alcohol becomes available, would you change your mind about disliking

That is the least of Iran's problems. The biggest issue is the corruption of the regime and looting and utter mismanagment of the limited national resources of Iran. The IR is a corrupt entity who doesn't care about the welfare of its citizens or the future generation of Iranians. (please look at the GDP and Income per capita). Mexico has a higher GDP and inocme per Capita.

If it did, I would even wear a Bruka and go and help my hamvatan. In 20 years or even sooner Iran will no longer be an exporter of oil. Not only Iran is running out of oil but all other oil-producing countries. In the future there are going to be alternative fuel sources available and the oil will not be such a hot commodity.

Last night Obama in his victory speech said a profound statment, which we could easily describe what we face in Iran:

I'm not running because I think it's somehow owed to me. I'm running because of what Dr. King called the fierce urgency of now, the fierce urgency of now.

Because there's such a thing, Houston, as being too late, and that hour is almost upon us. We are at a defining moment in our history. Our nation is at war. Our planet is in peril. The dream that so many generations fought for feels like it's slowly slipping away.


is there no end

by MRX1 (not verified) on

to the amount of ass kissing that this guy does for IRI?




by Fred on

The liking or disliking of the Islamist Republic is not a subjective matter. The ones who profess astonishment in the dichotomy in effect declare their bias. When you have a regime that chops limbs, has mobile gallows,   lashes human beings on the regular basis, systematically oppresses women and do it all and then some year after year for thirty years staying impartial despite it all takes exuberance in gullibility or outright apologist attitude. Those who under any pretense, be it anti-Bush, anti-Capitalism, anti-Imperialism, creepy nationalism or whatever else they conjure up defend and/or belittle the crimes of this regime should know that their defense of this regime makes them in the best case humanistically-challenged and at worst an accomplice in all the crimes of the regime.


What a load of non sense !!!

by The true Irani (not verified) on

What a load of non sense you just talked about !!!!!
I don't want to get into it as there is so much rubbish in your article that I could write till tomorrow to dismiss it.

You are proud of your parents' generation's achievements................!!!!
THIS REVOLUTION IS NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF. If you are not intelligent enough to see the harm it has done to Iran and the Iranians for the past 30 years, then you are a true child of your dumb parents.

Ahmadinejad elected in a democracy...........!!!!
Who are you kidding you stupid man??
There is no democracy in Iran and a piece of no good big mouth like you should have realised it by now because if you go back to Iran, you will end up in Evin next to the real democracy seekers, and that is just because you have a big mouth!!!
After spending time in Evin, I'd like to see how proud of the revolution you will be then.


By the way, whatever happened to the lawsuit against you?? When are you going to go bankrupt?? If your opponent has run out of money, then please let us know as I am sure all of us will be happy to contribute to his suit against you.
There is another example of what YOUR BIG MOUTH has done for you.



by Fatollah (not verified) on

What is your point, hoder? That Ahmadinejad is calling the shots in Iran!? Or How modern Iran has become under the Ayatollahs - Ahmadinejad? Or how popular he is among ordinary people of southern Tehran? Tehran has 14 million, what about the other 60 million? I was there when he was elected, I read about his promises in the newspapers and heard his many speech on TV. Do not get me wrong, I would want to vote for him, especially when my pension is not enough to cover even the rent, let alone food, clothing, medical bills and so on. Retired Iranians congratulated one another in 2005 election! That is right and most of them were not even religious people! You know how we Iranians are!? We always make the same mistakes when it comes to promises! A bad habit, I guess! Well, he raised the pensions and salaries! His intentions were good and honestly Mr. Ahmadinejad who happens to be a Daneshgahi (he brags about it in front of foreign journalists) has everything under control, the inflation, housing, food, gasoline, gas and so on! The prices, I mean! Or is it the Great Satan at work again? He is a Daneshgahi, just like Dr. Rezaee! The latter obtained his credentials while he was Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp. fighting the enemy during an eight year old war, continued in his post after the war and somehow managed to have time and put himself through school and obtained his degree in economics! How do they do it - with all those responsibilities? I wish Dr. Rezaee became President. Did you see his campaign ads in 2005- election? In 1980s this man would punish you if you had a name called Dariush, Koroush or Sasan, and in addition were good looking which were not your faults, and even worse if you did smell better then his thugs, which was your own fault - I have a short memory, it is flushed every 6 month. I wish, I had kept one of his campaign ads for you to see, because this man referred to past history of Iran and Iranians, talked about "Pahlavans" of old times (he regards himself as one!) with picture of Damavand Mountain and himself, all values from Irans glorious past! As If you were reading Shah-naame.

I am sure, Iran has become an advanced nation, sending rockets into space, will soon have its own cape canaveral and we have become a modern state!

The Iranian leaders level of education is high! It is unbelievable!

You are such a looser and a morron hoder! Get a life.

Kouroush Sassanian

Hochegareh Akhond!

by Kouroush Sassanian on

Where will you flee, which country will grant you refugee status, whose sympathy will you have? Your words are heavy with the pain and blood of thousands of innocent people slaughtered by your proud IRI.  

Wear that dark, red-stained cloak with pride while you can - your time will come, also!   


Those who disagree and those who agree

by Abarmard on

I fail to see why we could not have both people who like the regime and those who don't. It's really hard for some to imagine some people liking the regime, for whatever reason, but I am not a bit surprise. Look at the population and see that they are many multimillion dollar rich business men and their companies who are benefiting from IRI. There are many families who are getting support from the regime and so on. Everyone has their own reason. You and I might disagree with them, but they have a right to like or dislike something.

More importantly for us is to realize the realities of Iran so we can plan the future. If the regime allows women to dress freely and alcohol becomes available, would you change your mind about disliking the regime? Sounds funny, but some of us are happy with just that. Let’s realize what we want. If it’s democracy, well instead of preaching it, we must obey it. I fail to see many of you thinking Democratic (or actually freedom of speech is what I mean). Practice it here and learn it so we can preach and build it for the Iran tomorrow.

First we all need to visit Iran or visit Iran more often. We all do need to go as many places as possible, not all tourist attraction, so we can see and feel what people like. What I see in Iran is a population that is traditional and some are willing to give their lives to protect that. To them IRI is that tradition and/or values. Even the US has moved more towards religion and “values”, so don’t expect too much from Iran.

How can we progress?

We should start from us who are educated in the west and have learned many possible lessons that the majority of the Iranians have not been able to experience. We can take two routes, one is to act superior to the majority of Iranians and let them know that they are living in the dark. Or we can try to see their points along with what we have learned try to communicate our experiences to them. To communicate is to become Iranian again and talk from Iranian point of view! Trust that people will find the best way to move Iran forward. If you don’t trust that, if you have no hope, then you have no Rights to Iran’s future. Iranian hope is for us to pave the path for them to walk into freedom, not for us to bring “freedom” to them. That to me is impossible.

Finally I would like to know in more detail about what Mr. Hoder is seeing that many of us have failed to see. Does he see hope of reform for Iran? What are the reasons behind seeing that hope.
I would be more interested to hear that kind of discussion than just shouting hateful sentences.


Naturally, those who have

by sickofislamists (not verified) on

Naturally, those who have been beneficiaries of the regime and are their very existence depends on the regime (Basiji and families, IRGC and families, Officials and families, mullahs and their Tribes, embassy people) are all vested in keeping the Islamic Republic as their 'spoil trough', and those who have blood on their of course, they want the regime to stay.

We know that the the Basiji and IRGC are subsidized by the regime to keep their loyalties intact. They are about 20% of the population.


to true bache akhund

by Q on

Q: Whose front do you represent?

I don't know why you keep asking about this. But you are all wrong. If you absolutely must know, I represet the Popular Front (of Judea), which is an anti imperialist group.

Also, genius, it's spelled "liar".


A few observations about HODER from a fellow blogger

by An Iranian blogger (not verified) on

1) Hoder was never very well liked as a person in the blogging community; even when he claimed to be an activist for freedom of access to Internet and a voice for bloggers in Iran! He was known to be a fierce self-promoter and in search of fame at any cost! He always used and still does, very foul language ind escribing and dealing with people. He does not tolerate criticism at all and has always shown an inability to engage in healthy dialogue. This is not an accusation! Just go to his Persian or ENglish blogs and see for yourself!

2) But In the past 2 and a half years, Hoder came to confirm the blogger community's dislikes by revealing his true colors!!! He has attacked and chastised anyone who has dared to raise an objection or criticism of the ruling faction of the IRI. His stance is in support of the Revolutionary Guard generals currently ruling Iran. Furthermore, he has a particularly venomous objection and animousity against the former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and his sons and their sphere of influence! Hoder's constant use of foul language and almost daily referencesto Rafsanjani and "Rafsanjanists" implies a factional motive which is quite possibly related to his father's strong political and business affiliations in Iran!

3) As claimed and mostly documented by other bloggers, Hoder is believed to have jeopardized the life and safety of several activists and their families and helped IRI security forces by investigating and "exposing" past activities of anti-IRI activists who are or were being persecuted and/or arrested by the IRI security forces. For example, he would do extensive search of the Web and find and publish any and all records of these activists' often academic work with American and Western NGO's and pro-democracy organizations (such as NED). This information, albeit mostly available to the public and accessible already, is often presented and headlined by Hoder on his popular blog in such a way that it gets noted and misused by IRI agents and radical media. In several cases people have been huirt and arrested by this type of activity. He also continues dogging and investigating/exposing people who were arrested by IRI and later released and left Iran. Ramin Jahanbegloo is an example of this type of activity by Hoder.

4) Another questionable practice by Hoder is his use of past relationships against people now. For example Hoder has posted on his photo blog and other sites many photographs of well known activists and anti-IRI disidents that he took in the past years when he was friends with them due to his brief work in Khatami era newspapers in Tehran. These people trusted him with private moments, often in their homes and allowed him to take these photos. Many of these people are now being harrassed by the IRI security agents becase of these photos but Hoder refuses to take down these pictures inspite of requests by these people to him.

5) Since his sudden change of heart 2+ years ago from a fierce pro-freedom and pro-blogger activist (who even visited Israel in support of IRI relations with Israel!!!), Hoder's has become a pro-IRI freelancer and his websites and blog have become clearing houses of information and accusations against anyone who says or does anything against IRI. If you say anything against Ahmadinejad, he will expose you and if you say anything in praise of the radical rulers and Ahmadinejad, he will give you a link!

6) Hoder used to attend 2 or more conferences and seminars each month in different countries to promote Internet freedom and blogging culture (at his own considerable expense!!!!) Since his change of heart, Hoder has been Jet Setting across the globe (again at his own expense!!!) defending Ahmadinejad and the IRI everywhere he goes.

7) His sudden change of heart 2+ years ago (and right after he was kicked out of the US by the way!!!), he says, is due to his genuine belief that the radical ruling faction currently in charge of IRI is the one true anti-Imperialist force in the world and must not be undermined or weakened by petty criticism because of un-important things such as freedom of the press, women's rights, human rights, etc! This is apparently due to his recent realization of a "post-structuralist" ideology of some kind!!!!


To Ali P.

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

I left Iran at a very young age, right after the IRANIAN REVOLUTION, not the "ISLAMIC" revolution. I recently went back after a 28 year absence, and to my dismay the Iran that I left behind is not the one that I found when I went back in 2007. Iran has changed and not for the better. I spent about 8 months there, and I didn't spend my time "partying in northern Tehran", but went there with the objective of getting a real sense of what it would be like to live in Iran on a daily basis. I am an educated person, not materliastic; I don't live in LA, I don't drive a BMW, I didn't have tons of plastic surgery...I am just a normal, regular, academically over-achiever Irani. Before going to Iran I always thought of myself as a "Redneck Irani" one could say "bala chemshme Iran/Irani abrooye"...What I experienced in Iran turned me into an American redneck...I came to appreciate all the US has to offer, and all that has gone wrong with post-revolution Iran and Iranians. As I said before, I spent a lot of time there, and I spoke to a lot of people, from different segments of society...from Shahre Rey and Robat Karim to Farmaniyeh...I never met a single person who was happy with the situation in walk down the street and everyone looks miserable, with good reason. The running joke in Iran was it was too expensive to live, but even more expensive to die because the cost of burial is so high.


آیا اسلام در سرزمینمان جنایت و تزویر و غارت نیست

Babak25 (not verified)

آیا اسلام در سرزمینمان جنایت و تزویر و غارت نیست

February 20, 2008

گیل آوایی

هیچ حادثه یا اتفاق تاریخی نمی تواند جنایت فاجعه باری را توجیه یا تفسیر کند که در سرزمین ما ایران روی می دهد. از دو سال اول قدرت گرفتن روحانیون در کشور ما و پس از آن انتخابات انتحاری ملت ما در "جمهوری اسلامی آری یا نه" ی خمینی، همواره شاهد فجیع ترین جنایتها در جامعه مان بوده ایم. از تجاوز به اسیران زندانی در زندانهای حکومت اسلامی با تکیه بر اصول دینی بکارت دوشیزگان گرفته و گرفتن شیرینی و بهای گلوله تیرباران فرزند از پدر و مادر تا جنایتهای خونبار آیت الله ها تحت سکوت یا تایید مراجع تقلید در مغاکهای کرم آگین حوضه های علمیه، حتی فرزند کشی آن دیوانه خرافه مستی که از قدرت گرفتن جانیان همپالکی اش که هستند هنوز نواله بر همان باور و ایمان و اعتقاد مالیخولیایی می خورند، مرحله به مرحله سقوط هرچه بیشتر جامعه خود را شاهد بودیم.
اگر پیشتر دخترک بی گناهی که مورد تجاوز قرار گرفته و از روستایش گریخته تا زندانی شدنش به بهانه ولگردی و سپس آزادی او و قتلش توسط پدر، بود، امروز پدری دیگر دخترش را سنگسار می کند و نیز تیر باران هم.

براستی سکوت یک جامعه تا کجا باید باشد؟ سکوتی از این دست سقوط فاجعه بار انسان در جامعه اسلامی ایران نیست!؟

خشونت، قتل، دزدی، تجاوز، بی تفاوتی به آنچه که در جامعه روی می دهد، نشان از چیست!؟

سی سال حاکمیت اسلامی با آن همه ادعای دهن پر کن مسلمانان که حد اقل در دوره هم نسل ما از فداییان اسلام گرفته تا گروه های دیگر چون مار در آستین جامعه ما، چه طرفندی از خدا و قران و احکام الهی به بار نشانده اند!؟

آیا جامعه مسلمان ایران تا بدین حد از حقارت و جهالت و خرافه به نکبت و شوربختی تن داده اند که حتی در مقابل جنایتهای هولناک سنگسار دخترک چهارده ساله ای را در نیابند که از کجا به کجا کشیده شده اند و چه به جامعه انسانی به ارمغان آورده اند!؟

می گویم جامعه مسلمان زیرا به غیر مسلمان، خود ِ این تحفه های خداداده، باور ندارند! می گویم مسلمان، چون همین مدعیان عدل علی و آزادگی حسین ابن علی سالار شهیدان و سینه چاکان دوازده امام و چهارده معصوم و اراجیفی از این دست، مو از ماست می کشند و به ساده ترین اشاره یا انتقاد علیه اسلام سینه چاک می کنند، چگونه تا بدین حد کور و کر و ابله هوچی گری می کنند!

براستی، غیرت و ناموس و شرف و حرمت حریم اسلام و قرآن شان چه شده است!؟

چگونه است زخم انسان سوز ِ سنگسار دخترکی چهارده ساله حتی بفکرشان وا نمی دارد که اسلام ناب محمدی به چه روزی نشانده مردمانی را که دست به چنین جنایتهای هولناک می زنند!؟

شرف مسلمانی شان جریحه دار نمی گردد!؟

رهبر دهن گنده اش که چنان سینه چاک می کند و از چاه جمکران خرافه، الهام می گیرد و در اوج بی غیرتی اش دم از غیرت زده و حزب الله به میدان می فرستد، شاهکار اسلام و قرآن را نمی بیند که تحت حاکمیت نحسش مردم به چه مرحله ای از سقوط رسیده اند که هیچ کس را بر هیچ اصلی وقعی نیست! در بی غیرتی محض، غیرتمندانه جنایت می کنند!

آیا ندای الله اکبری که از مناره های سر بفلک کشیده مساجد نان به نرخ روز خوران، گوش می آزارد، با چنین جنایتهایی که در جامعه اسلامی امری روزمره و عادی شده است، با چه شعور و ایمانی به نماز اقامه می شود!؟

گند این همه جنایت تا کجا باید باشد که آبرو باختگان انسان نما، بخود آیند که چه کاشته اند که چنین درو می کنند!؟

صحبت از کفر و کافر و ملحد و غیر مسلمان و آمریکا و اسراییل و بمب اتم و انرژی هسته ای نیست! صحبت از قتل فرزندان سرزمینی است که تحت حاکمیت همین جانیان زیسته اند. صحبت از فرهنگ حاکمیت جنایتکاریست که چنین به بار نشسته است که جز جنایت و قتل و تجاوز و دروغ و تزویر و غارت، پایه و اساس جامعه خویش نکرده است.

رخدادهای کنونی در حاکمیت اسلامی ایران بگونه ای هولناک است که حتی باور آن در فکر انسان امروز نمی گنجد. بر ایرانی امروز چه آمده است که چنین خفت بار و حقیر نظاره گر جنایتهای هراسناکی می شود که در جامعه روی می دهد و آب از آب هم تکان نمی خورد!

روزگار سیاه استبداد کور و خونبار را در سرزمین مان فراوان از سر گذرانده ایم. دوره های تاریخی ما نمونه های بسیار بدست می دهند که انسان مسخ شد و بخون نشست. نمونه های مقاومت و ستیز با حاکمان کوردل نیر به موازات همه این نارواییها و شوربختیها فراوان بوده است، اما در روزگار کنون چگونه است که بزغاله های رییس جمهور شده در مالیخولیای هاله نور، به هر نماد انسانی ریشخند می زند و رهبر عمامه بسرش هست و نیست جامعه انسانی را به فاجعه می برد.

ایمان و اعتقاد مردم چه شده است !؟

آن همه سینه چاکان ناموس و غیرت و دین و خدا و قرآن چه می کنند!؟

آنانی که بنام قرآن و اسلام دست به جنایتهای هولناکی می زنند که پشت هر انسان با ذره ای از شعور انسانی را، می لرزاند، چگونه شرایط چنین دهشتناکی را گردن می نهند!؟

قتلهای آشکار را خود کشی می نامند، تجاوز به ناموس مردم را لاپوشانی می کنند، مرد بیکار تهیدست را بخاطر دزدی آفتابه انگشت می برند و کلاهبرداری میلیاردی ابلیس زادگان آیت الله ها را جریمه صوری می کنند! اینهمه بی عدالتی، تجاوز و غارت و دروغ و تزویر آن هم با تکیه به آیات قرانی و دادگاههای شرع مقدس اسلامشان، تا کی!؟ تا کجا!؟

جنایت و ریاکاری و حق را ناحق کردن، در آشکاری بی انکار را چگونه اعتراضی نیست!؟ حکم جهاد فی سبیل الله شان چه شده است!؟

چرا آیت الله های صد من عمامه ای خفقان گرفته اند!؟ زنی دستگیر می شود و مورد تجاوز قرار می گیرد و به قتل می رسد، هیچ یک از این عالمان ربانی، آخی ازشان در نمی آید! دزدیهای کلان از بقول خودشان بیت المال مسلمین می شود، از سنگ صدا در می آید اما حوضه های همین آیت الله ها و مراجع تقلید صدایی در نمی آید! دخترکان بی گناه بر بستری از تفکر خرافه ای و فرهنگ ضد انسانی و تباه همین حضرات سنگسار می شوند و این همه بیداد و نماد سقوط و مرگ ارزشهای انسانی در حکومت اسلام ناب محمدی رخ می دهد اما گله وار هریک سر به آخورخویش کرده اند!

این ننگ را انسان ایرانی بکجا برد که در میهن بلا زده اش چنین سیاهکاریها و جنایتهای هولناک نسبت به فرزندان سرزمین اش روا می دارند.

براستی هیچگاه خدا و قران و اسلام تا بدین حد با ننگ و شوربختی و سیه روزی مترادف نبوده است که امروز میهن ما دچار گردیده است.

آیا اسلام در سرزمین ما به انتحار خویش نشسته است!؟

فوریه 2008



Mr. Proud...

by Anonymous ... (not verified) on

What are you doing in the comfortable protection of the west then? Prouds should be in iran as either torturers or executioners, thugs or looters, oppressors or repressors. You, with your kind of attitude, have a hot position waiting for you and should not waste you precious time in the lousy west writing junk day-in day-out; instead you should seize the prime opportunity that you have in IRI; and don't worry about the cost to ordinary people of iran at all, the hell with them; they deserve what they have had from 30 years ago to eternity. As your Emam said, even if only one person survives that is enough for islam. Let that one person be you or one of your role models. The hell with the rest of iranians.

Ali P.

Wishful thinking?

by Ali P. on

Everyone is always telling us how "Iranians" feel about this person or that person or the 1979 revolution. I have not been to Iran in 25 years, and I am not fooling myself into thinking that the Iranians abroad are a sample of all Iranians, as a nation. I am also skeptical of those who after a two weeks visit to Iran tell me what "Iranians" really believe.  

  No doubt, as much as most of us- I presume- here on this forum dislike anything associated with the Islamic Revolution, there are Iranians who agree with Hoder. I just wish a toll could finally be taken to figure out how many Iranians , in Iran, today are proud of their parents'  Islamic Revolution .