The True Story

Israel is engaged in limited precision strike counter attacks to protect her citizens


The True Story
by Zion

We have seen an unprecedented but expected propaganda attack against Israel in recent days going over to pure anti-semitic hatred every once in a while. Israel is being condemned for protecting her citizens against continuous rocket strikes and provocations by Hamas, and as usual being charged for "crimes" she has not committed. As the one-sided propaganda against Israel is being waged on all fronts, including on this website, it is important not to forget that there is another side to all this that is being deliberately ignored, silenced and covered up by the sheer amount of one sided attacks. Here are some videos and articles that tell Israel's side of the story, for those who seek the truth over propaganda, and fairness and rationality over hatred and bias, so that they can see both sides of the conflict and make their own minds based on reality.

Israel is engaged in limited precision strike counter attacks to protect her citizens, as any other responsible state is expected to do in face of months of assault by its enemies on her territory. There is a common trend meant to down play Hamas constant attacks on Israeli civilian and residential population. Reality on the ground for Israeli families that have to live under constant attack is quite different:


Despite common claims, Israel is not bombing Gaza's residential areas indiscriminately. The targets are terrorist head quarters, missile launchers and smuggling tunnels. Most are deliberately hidden in among residential areas by Hamas to increase civilian casualty. Israel does its best to avoid civilian death by precision strikes:


Examples of Israeli humanitarian aid to Gaza:


Expert Opinion:



more from Zion

Are Iranian Muslims as good as the jewish ones?

by IraniIrooni (not verified) on

Its a simple question and any thoughtful response would be greatly appreciated.


Im ignoring this thread from now on

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Zion just crawled under his "Your all nazi's and bad people" rock, and that's most likely the only thing we will hear from him further in this discussion.

PS: The Hamas rocketing at the beginning didnt recieve alot of attention because of your blockade of Gaza and the murder of hosptial patients, kidnappings and asasination of Hamas, Islamic Jihad members. You can try try try again to convince the smart readers of this site that the war began/truce broke when they launched rockets, but that is not the case. Find an American christian forum and they will buy that BS, but not here.

You have no arguments, no defense, your a pro war criminal apologist, no better or purer than Hamas and as for you debunking people on this site, the only thing you have debunked is the small hope that Israel had a grain of humanity left in its government and people.


Feraydoon Demehri

by Anonymous65634 (not verified) on

Well then sir, I suggest you get a gun and start in Vancouver and work your way around. Friday would be a good day to start.


The True Story

by Feraydoon Demehri (not verified) on

Dear ALL,
I am a Canadian citizen with dual nationality. At the present I am in Iran and watching the Iranian TV and the propaganda put out against the brave Israelis fighting courageously against the evil that is Hamas and Hezbollah is nauseating to the extreme. As usual the Islamic regime shows women and children being killed by the Brave Israeli bombardment.
When one watches the palestinian hooligans and terrorists demonstrating, it is interesting to note how well fed and well clothed they are much better than the wretched Iranian population.
The propaganda machine of Hamas and Hezbollah is funded and programmed by their Islamic backers in Europe and North America.
The Islamic population of Europe including UK is increasing by leaps and bounds and within the next 50 years will be a majority, comprising mostly of Arabs,Pakistanis,Bangla deshis,Turks with a sprinkle of Iranians.
The situation in North America is no better. In Canada Islam within a decade or so will be the major religion comprising of mostly Pakistanis, Iranians and Arabs.
America is destined to lose its super power status both politically and economically in the very near future to the chagrin of Iranians turned US citizens. And when this happens the Brave Israelis will succumb to Hamas and Hezbollah. It is well the Sheikhdoms of the Persian gulf also digest the fact that the US will not be able to protect them in the near future. And nothing will change this course as was the case with the Byzantine and Persian empires. America will be gone and the Islam will rule over Earth.
Feraydoon Demehri
Vancouver, Canada


Inexcusable Israeli crimes

by Q on

Zion, give up the BS, please, no one is buying it. It is so obvious you are just here to make lame excuses and call people antisemetic.

Unfortunately for you Zion, the clear inexcusable Israeli crimes do not depend on anything we have done or haven't done.

Israel routines targets and kills Palestinians, we don't make that much noise about those incidents either. When small numbers of people get killed on either side, you usually see some noise from here and elswhere.

Had Hamas killed 400 Israelis in 72 hours, it would be considered a massacre you bet we would have made "noise" about it. You don't have to believe me, but that's the the truth.

Israel is and always has killed far more civilians in this conflict. There is no way to get around that.

you are just an extension of the Hamas and Hizbullah menace over here. Aren't you?

You are far more delusional than even I thought possible.


I thought...

by Zion on

... you all condemned Hamas and only cared for peace and civilian deaths and didn't want to drag yourself with such complexities. Now that your nonsense is challenged and debunked, you are all of a sudden justifying crimes in the good old way again eh? My question is simple, if you are truly interested in civilian death of both sides, why didn't you make all this noise when Hamas was bombing Israel so you could prevent all this, even if, and I am just being the devil's advocate now, Israel had any part in pressuring them in to launching their rockets. After all, you were all ready to separate the problem at hand from the terrorists of Hamas that you all made sure you duly "condemned" first to save some face. Who do you think you are fooling here, you are just an extension of the Hamas and Hizbullah menace over here. Aren't you?
How many times? How many times are your lot to be exposed?


Zion is zionist PRman! Zionists R disgrace to human race! Shame!

by gol-dust on

Israel instigated the attack by first suffocating the palestinians, cutting food and even water to them! Worse than SHEMR! when Gazans try to survive and defend themseleves, then israel and you say: see they are attacking us so we had to defend ourselves!!!!! what a joke! these zionist tricks are very old and don't work anymore! The world has learned what a bunch of bastards they are! Obviously the elections in israel and US has a lot to do with it! These people have no respect for human lives especially arabs! They are the most hateful skunks! Don't cry about holocust when you are worse yourselves! You are disgrace to human race!

Good thing they close to the see so they can someday drown without traveling far! And bastard arab governments (especially Mobarak)colaborate with these fleece!


Zion, watch this

by Samy (not verified) on

You only need Hezbollah to solve all your problems.



IRI are Supporters of Death and Distruction

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

These Islamic thugs of the IRI are the ones who gave bad advice to the Hamas. The Hamas were just a bunch of idiots and naive retards. Even Egypt got sick of them and Mubarak blamed them for what is happening. The breaking of the cease fire by them was a huge mistake and now they are paying the price.

This is IRI's fault for giving financial support to retard Islamist who do not understand world politics.

Death and destruction is the natural outcome when Islamists help other Islamists.

Death to the IRI!


Let's talk about human beings being blown up.

by Ostaad on

Blaming HAMAS and/or Israel for the war is an exercise in utter futility. The point is hundreds of people have died, many more on the Palestinian side than Israel's, but people are people and their lives deserve protection. It's high time the "international community" imposed a cessation of hostilities on both sides immediately and put a robust international force in Gaza to keep both sides separate. Leaving the Palestinians at the Mercy of the Zionists is like expecting the Nazis to protect the Jews. HAMAS is being hit hard and has answer to the Palestinian people about their safety and security so it is ready for a deal. Israel is running the risk of "losing" this one too, the same way it lost the 06 war with Hezbollah. The US under W would not lift a finger to help anyone because nobody is paying attention to GW. Obama will have a huge economic mess and most of his attention would be focused on the US economy. Time is on HAMAS's side because it is not facing an election unlike the Israeli side. HAMAS can hunker down and drag this war on with the ultimate goal of bringing international pressure on Israel to stop military aggression. In that case HAMAS can declare victory just by not giving in. The piece posted by Zion is a desperate piece of warmed-over, off-the-shelf talking point PR whose main objective is to divert attention from the human suffering on both sides. The fact is Israel massacring the Palestinians by air attacks. That is illegal collective punishment and needs to be stopped. Of course the citizens of Israel deserver security, but their government is not working towards achieving that goal. All Israeli politicians are after is votes. Iran will milk this situation to the max, and why not, meanwhile the price of oil is climbing.

Mola Nasredeen

Gaza, Isn't this what the Nazis did to the jews?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Maxwell Gaylard, U.N. humanitarian coordinator for the Palestinians Territories, said 2,000 people have been wounded in the past week and a "significant number" of the dead were women and children. "There is a critical emergency right now in the Gaza Strip," he said. 

The U.N. World Food Program began distributing bread in Gaza to Palestinian families. It said there had been a drastic deterioration in living conditions, with shortages of food, cooking gas and fuel, as well as frequent power cuts.

Isn't this what the Nazis did to the jews? Like in Poland for example?


All the best wishes to Israel

by mahmoudg on

She has evey right to defend heself against Hamas and Hezbullah Terrorist groups.  If in the process they can oust the terrorists that have high jacked Iran, so be it.  We will owe them a debt of gratitude for freeing Iran from the clutches of demon. 


If only Hamas submits!

by Anonymous iranian 123 (not verified) on

If only Hamas submits, like west bank they would get money from everywhere,food, medicine and everything that Gaza lacks.


Israelis will be the true heroes if

by Anonymous~i~ (not verified) on

they send a few massive missiles on the strategic locations in the Islamic Republic where the mullahs and their supports live.

May lord Moses bless the Israeli nation



by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

"Israel is a sovereign nation state. She is responsible for the safety of all her citizens. In recent weeks her citizens were deliberately targeted to be killed in schools and hospitals as well as residential areas. No nation state can be expected to ignore direct assault on her territory and the lives of her citizens. It is preposterous to set a minimum bar on the number of casualties, civilians of a nation state, above which the state is allowed to retaliate. No other country is subjected to such a meaningless standard. ANY attack on the territory and civilian population of a country is an act of war and will allow the state to retaliate. I don`t know how many Iranians died in the air attack on Tehran by Iraq. Iraq had declared war on Iran, and setting a number for Iranians who were permitted to be killed by Iraq before Iran was allowed to retaliate would have hardly been acceptable to Iranians. Yet the exact same thing is expected of Israel and Israeli lives."

We were not occupying Iraq, starving them, taking their lands and settling on them, demonizing them and running two major prison conclaves of 1.5 million Iraqis while hosting 10 000 Iraqis in our dungeons, having their children die in hospitals because aid didnt reach in time etc etc etc etc If we did, and they attacked us, they would have full moral right to launch rockets, stones and spit on our faces. I would have personally helped them.

So don't you dare compare our holy defence of our nation that was attacked, a defence that was rightful, pure and just, to your pathetique "Eretz Israel" project that belongs in the colonization era of the 17-18 century. Only shame I have from our war was that Khomeini wanted to march to Karbala and we went on the offense.

"The situation is simple. If people here believe that Hamas are true representatives of the Palestinians in Gaza, when Hamas targets Israeli territory and citizens, it can only mean that the Palestinians in Gaza have declared war on Israel through their representative. So when they do get a war, they have only themselves to blame. Israel, and any other nation state for that matter, can not be bound to retaliate proportionate to the strength of her enemy. She has full right, and duty, to respond in anyway that she sees fit to protect her citizens and end the threat. The typical propaganda about `disproportionate response` is simply bogus. The allies in WWII were not expected to constantly calibrate their attacks on the axes forces to make sure they only retaliate `proportionately`. They managed their war as they saw fit in order to win that war as soon as possible. Americans did not look for two towers or minarets in Afghanistan to hit so that their retaliation would be proportional to Nine Eleven attacks either. The exact same criteria should apply to Israel."

I agree slightly, true, countries are not bound by any law to not act like animals in reality. So by all means, carpet bomb Gaza, no, Gas them, its cheaper. Show them who is bigger and stronger. Then they will try to do the same with you, and you to them.. and God.. I wish we could ship you and those Hamas animals to Mars, build a small colony and give you a metal bar each, leaving us rest alone in the region.


"As for Israel having made a confined camp of Gaza, this is utter nonsense. Gaza has TWO borders, and only ONE of them is with Israel. Israel has been under attack and at war, so she protects HER borders and does whatever she sees fit at her side of the border. It is simply not possible for a region with borders to two different countries to be confined by only one of the two. Again if Palestinians were concerned about the supplies they receive from Israel and did not want it closed, they should not have engaged in war with Israel and should not have attacked her."

Again, I agree barely, Egypt has just as much to blame, they should have given your government the holy middle finger and let aid and food roam freely through the Egypt Gaza boarder.

Other than that, how mercifull of you to allow 1.5 million people have two small windows to crawl out of like animals when they have to, with your leash around their neck. Im shure they are very gratefull for that. A bouquet of Quassams with a "I love you" Hallmark card is coming your way. Now keep telling your speed boats to ram those aid ships.


"The fact that Israel is expected things that no other nation state is expected to abide by, and no other nation state will ever abide by, and the fact that when Israel acts as any responsible nation state is allowed to act and has to act in face of attacks on her soil, that she immediately becomes the target of another full fledged propaganda assault and hate campaign, where issues such as Holocaust or `Zionist nature` and so one are immediately brought up, points only to one reality: The ideological hatred of Israel and her very existence. Pure and simple. The rest are just excuses. Those who engage in such hate campaigns or parrot standard nonsense about disproportionate response or Gaza concentration camps or the `unfortunate` mishap of not many Israeli deaths so far, must realize they fool no one. It is clear what their real beef in this matter is and it is clear to which camp they really belong."

Haha, seriously mate, Go F yourself, Just because your people, the black people, the armenian people, our people or any other people has experienced huge proportions of racism hate and violence before, do not give us blank immunity to kill and murder people in mass military actions. Like clockwork you pull out the anti semitism card. I better call my old jewish gf, have us make out while taking pictures and mail it to your jewish a##. YOU and YOUR GOVERNMENT are under the same scrutiny crap the US was in Iraq, the French was in Algeria, the Soviet was in Afghanistan and Apartheid Africa was in South Africa, Under alot of criticism. And you deserve it, that's how the world works, your ideology is Zionism, your country was founded on the idea of creating a home country safe from persecution (the holocaust). Live with it, defend it, but dont come here and spread whiny nagging BS about you being over all forms for criticism because of the past. Have some self dignity.


Zion and Fred have the right idea

by AnonymousIrooni (not verified) on

Israelis will never live in peace until it decides to follow Zion and Fred's plan to get rid of all the muslims, arabs, and iranians around them. I'll say it for them because they seem to dance around it. Fact: that's the only way this will be done. I'm pretty sure Turkey can stay, or maybe not.


Kaveh Islamists are destroying

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Any chances for peace. I now realize this. The Islamic Republic must be destroyed in order for peace to be achieved in the middle East.


RE:Kaveh Nouri

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Whatever they are, they are in control of the military and their territory (IRI, Hamas). If peace is to be found, they are the current players, unfortunatly. We should try changing IRI, but they are in charge currently, sadly. But because I hate the IRI does not mean I have to like something that smells just as bad, Israel.

I never said Hamas "stopped", my point was that Hamas was stopping more than Israel.

Another point where you and I disagree is the fact you keep saying on this site that Hamas and Hezbollah should "be held responsible". Israel should be kept just as much responsible as these organizations. This BS about eradicating a guerilla organization by dropping thousand lbs bombs into a small ghetto of 1.5 million is murder plain and simple. The same goes for the US murdering pakistanis, Iraqis and afghanis in violent airstrikes.

Israel knows its killing civillians. Israel knows its doing this to terror the civillians there to not vote for Hamas or to support it in the future (this will bite them in the a¤¤), Israel is doing this for its own political party politics, Israel knows these actions wont demolish Hamas and countless more points. Is hamas any better? Not much, but this Fox News idea that somehow this is Hamas'es fault is lunacy, any sane person with the ability to read the facts and history of the recent year would say it hangs more on the side of Israel.

Btw Tzipi Livni represents the MODERN party of Israel.. she and her ilk are supposed to be "moderates". over 80% of the Israeli people support the war. Now just imagine what the world has coming when the Likud come in charge. It would be like taking Khomeini DNA, making 500 replicas, fusing their brains together and creating one nice extremist society, with Ariel Sharon creaming on the top and pink Zion sprinkles.

Only this time, you have 5-6 million people thinking they are Gods chosen supreme people avoiding another holocaust on themselves, and they have 500 nukes with one of the worlds most sophisticated air-forces. Enjoy


A Few Points

by Zion on

Israel is a sovereign nation state. She is responsible for the safety of all her citizens. In recent weeks her citizens were deliberately targeted to be killed in schools and hospitals as well as residential areas. No nation state can be expected to ignore direct assault on her territory and the lives of her citizens. It is preposterous to set a minimum bar on the number of casualties, civilians of a nation state, above which the state is allowed to retaliate. No other country is subjected to such a meaningless standard. ANY attack on the territory and civilian population of a country is an act of war and will allow the state to retaliate. I don`t know how many Iranians died in the air attack on Tehran by Iraq. Iraq had declared war on Iran, and setting a number for Iranians who were permitted to be killed by Iraq before Iran was allowed to retaliate would have hardly been acceptable to Iranians. Yet the exact same thing is expected of Israel and Israeli lives.

The situation is simple. If people here believe that Hamas are true representatives of the Palestinians in Gaza, when Hamas targets Israeli territory and citizens, it can only mean that the Palestinians in Gaza have declared war on Israel through their representative. So when they do get a war, they have only themselves to blame. Israel, and any other nation state for that matter, can not be bound to retaliate proportionate to the strength of her enemy. She has full right, and duty, to respond in anyway that she sees fit to protect her citizens and end the threat. The typical propaganda about `disproportionate response` is simply bogus. The allies in WWII were not expected to constantly calibrate their attacks on the axes forces to make sure they only retaliate `proportionately`. They managed their war as they saw fit in order to win that war as soon as possible. Americans did not look for two towers or minarets in Afghanistan to hit so that their retaliation would be proportional to Nine Eleven attacks either. The exact same criteria should apply to Israel.

Nevertheless Israel, unlike Hamas, CHOOSES not to attack civilians indiscriminately and TRIES to target only Hamas headquarters, tunnels or military equipment. However Gaza is the most densely populated region on earth and civilians unfortunately will be hit, as German civilians were hit in WWII air rides or as Iraqi civilians were hit in Iran Iraq war. The responsibility is ENTIRELY on Hamas, and if they are the true representatives of the Palestinians in Gaza, then they have only themselves to blame. They don`t want to have casualties, they should not fire rockets into another countries territory. How successful they were in killing the other countries civilians as was intended in that assault is beyond the point. Simple as that.

As for Israel having made a confined camp of Gaza, this is utter nonsense. Gaza has TWO borders, and only ONE of them is with Israel. Israel has been under attack and at war, so she protects HER borders and does whatever she sees fit at her side of the border. It is simply not possible for a region with borders to two different countries to be confined by only one of the two. Again if Palestinians were concerned about the supplies they receive from Israel and did not want it closed, they should not have engaged in war with Israel and should not have attacked her.

The fact that Israel is expected things that no other nation state is expected to abide by, and no other nation state will ever abide by, and the fact that when Israel acts as any responsible nation state is allowed to act and has to act in face of attacks on her soil, that she immediately becomes the target of another full fledged propaganda assault and hate campaign, where issues such as Holocaust or `Zionist nature` and so one are immediately brought up, points only to one reality: The ideological hatred of Israel and her very existence. Pure and simple. The rest are just excuses. Those who engage in such hate campaigns or parrot standard nonsense about disproportionate response or Gaza concentration camps or the `unfortunate` mishap of not many Israeli deaths so far, must realize they fool no one. It is clear what their real beef in this matter is and it is clear to which camp they really belong.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Elected? With all due respect.....these murderers in the IRI were elected by the populace too.

But they're still a bunch of murderers.

Tzipi Livni is a wacko. She doesn't represent mainstream thinking anymore than any other extremist.

Hamas stops, but Israel keeps on, you say. But you see, Hamas didn't really stop. When Hamas stops, Hezbollah picks up the slack, or some fringe group activates.

It's like these telemarketing scams you hear about, when they get caught they re-open in the building next door under a different name.


Kaveh,You might as well call youself Zion 2!

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

You may have an Iranian name,but you have a pro jewish or pro Israeli agenda.Your so called Hamas or Hizbullah terrorists are someone elses freedome fighter.Israeli would not have a problem with its Arab populations or neighbors if she gave back their lands.Simple solution to a complicated matter.



by Anonymous888 (not verified) on

You're right, I'm stupid and blind as my Zionists friends are. I beg you pardon.


888: did you read the article you are commenting on ?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Are you blind?

Arab occupied territory that publishes shameless Zionist propaganda on its front page?


How was Masjed today Islamists?

by Keyvan Sohbani (not verified) on

As you can see, its Friday, all the Islamists went to the Masjed to get instructions on how to respond and spread misinformation and lies in favor of the terrorists.


I wish Isreal success

by MRX1 (not verified) on

I truly wish Isreal success in crushing Hamas and the rest of their roach ilk. However surrounded by quiz link and liberal idiots in Isreal, U.S and Europe it will be tough to continue this campaign on a long term basis.


Fred it is the other way around - Zionist propaganda is not

by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on

cutting it anymore!


If Hamas Did Not Exist

by raha darband (not verified) on

Israel Has No Intention of Granting a Palestinian State
If Hamas Did Not Exist

There Aren't Two Sides to the Story of a Real Rape
The First Casualty of Israel's War


RE: Kaveh Nouri

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

"But this isn't a war on Palestinians, Saman. It's a war against Hamas and Hezbollah. What complicates matters is that these terrorists are mixed in with the general population in Gaza and the West Bank and in Southern Lebanon. They have gained the trust of the locals with their so-called "humanitarian" gestures.

Another key difference, which I know will unfortunately be lost on so many of those who simply cannot see past their hatred of Jews and Israel:

When these terrorists attack, they target civilian areas. Shops, markets, restaurants, cafes. They deliberately attack unarmed civilians.

When the IDF retaliates, they target safe houses, headquarters, various places that these specific terrorist operatives are located, ostensibly planning new "missions". Unfortunately, tragically, Palestinian civilians are often killed and maimed....again because these terrorist targets are mixed in with the general population.

The loss of life is indeed tragic......but it is Hamas and Hezbollah who need to be held accountable first."
I had the same mentality like you did, but not anymore. This is why baradar.

Hamas was elected by the populace in Gaza and in the West Bank, that elevates them to a political party. They halted such suicide suicide missions in 2005 but told Israel that they would continue with illegal random rocket attacks if Israel continued to assasinate and kill its members, which Israel off course did.

Israel supported a coup with Abbas and the US against them, sat a blockade on them, and broke the truce several times during the mediation with the Egyptians. The blockade caused the death of several hospital patients, children included.

Israels argument was this: Hamas does not accept Israel, therefore, we must blockade.

That argument does not hold. A government in another country does not have to accept you for it to be peace, one only needs a truce. Hamas has said, and Ive read this from transcripts, over and over again that they wont accept a Jewish only state that the likes of Tzipi Livni wants (see her comment about Israeli arabs finding their identity somewhere else), but a cease fire would be acceptable.

Hamas stopped the suicide bombings, reined in on the various resistance factions and tried putting a lid on the rocket fire, BUT, they saw no change in Israeli positions. The assasinations, blockades, international sanctions etc continued and it simply boiled over for them.

Then came the fatal kidnapping of 6 Hamas members on top of that, and that caused Hamas to lose its argument over the other militant factions, and the fireworks began, mainly from Islamic Jihad.

Im Iranian, your Iranian, we can both agree that Iran should stop supporting Hamas, and look more after its own people and military first. But dont be fooled by the cheap Las Vegas arguments that these Israelis are tossing at you. They have done so much crap themselves, they are drowning in their own excrement together with Hamas. They talk about peace and terrorism while they are breaking one UN resolution after another (40 or something so far), killing civilians with sanctions or war, just because they want everyone in the world to accept their apartheid state wish.

I dont hate jews, but I do hate any country that tries to form its identity on religion or race, and doing it by stealing other peoples land illegally while killing them off and demonizing them. Be it white Apartheid South Africa, Jewish only state of Israel or a Bahai murdering Islamic regime of Iran.

They are all the same SH¤¤. Dont be dragged into a corner by either of them.

default has become Arab Occupied territory

by Anonymous888 (not verified) on

This nonsense by these Iranians who are more Palestinian than the Palestinians is very disturbing. Its very sad to see this much attention given to these losers in Palestine who can not get their act together.


Stale demagoguery

by Fred on

After three decades the Iranian Islamists’ usual sophomoric demagoguery just ain’t cutting it anymore.