13-Nov-2008 (one comment)

And Now a Word Fromyour Sponsor - oil rain dance

Empire(Zionism) & oil rain dance loooool




I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
13-Nov-2008 (26 comments)

Will Obama need a tourist visa to visit IRI?!


Facing Obama, Iran Suddenly Hedges on Talks

Washington Post
recommended by Fred
13-Nov-2008 (one comment)
Darius Kadivar
13-Nov-2008 (9 comments)
Nice Clip of some of the young and beautiful talents of contemporary Iranian Cinema. >>>
Mahasti Shahrokhi
19 November 2008, 7:00pm, Room 102, 22 Russell Square, London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) >>>

The wild, wild east! And they have real WMDs, too!

News Goffer

Gunmen Abduct Envoy in Pakistan

The New York Times / Jane Perlez
recommended by News Goffer
13-Nov-2008 (3 comments)