
I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
06-Nov-2008 (6 comments)


Moving forward

America today is not the America before this election

06-Nov-2008 (33 comments)
The American voters proved me wrong. They proved my scepticism that they (almost 75% white population) would not vote for a black man. I am actually glad that I was proved wrong and that Americans proved that they have so quickly moved so much, from slavery, and then segregation, to even electing a black president in such a short time; short for human social progress that is. America is great because of its ability to progress, evolve, and become a better and better place. We can say so much about this election and there is indeed a lot to say. People my type do not usually get excited about much, especially individuals, and very often pretty much about anything. Others get excited, and then get disappointed. When you don't get excited, you have less chances of disappointment too. Life seems a bit more boring like this. But it is a much safer place when you take the boring approach>>>


Change -- towards Iran

What do Obama and Khatami have in common?

06-Nov-2008 (65 comments)
I want to let you my fellow hamvatans know that the result of this election does not automatically translate into fulfill any of your wishes. There is no comfort zone and there will be a ton of hard work ahead of us. Regardless of the result of the US election, that we celebrated dearly, naively and perhaps prematurely, we should think hard how we can prevent the US policies towards Iran to be hijacked again. I voted for Obama but for the hope of change not seeing the repeated scenes in US politics. I recommend Mr. Obama to visit Iranian modern history especially the part that relates to President Khatami. Believe it or not, the last 30 years of Iranian modern history resembles much of US 200 years of existence. Mr. Khatami came with a broad message of hope and change>>>


Waiting for an Ordinary Day

A personal diary from Iraq

06-Nov-2008 (3 comments)
My first glimpses of Baghdad are burned deep into memory, as if they belong to a vanished place. Palm groves swish in a soft autumn breeze, as the muddy waters of the Tigris River stream through the city. The green riverbank is lined with shabby fish restaurants, and the skyline is dotted with an architectural variety of marble palaces, blue-domed mosques, gigantic statues made of steel, colonial houses with engraved balconies, and multistory, seventies-style office buildings. The roads, wide and well paved, are jammed with cars. In a crowded market, peddlers push wooden carts full of fruit and fresh herbs, and a bookstore is stocked with old translated copies of Russian literature and Shakespeare’s poetry>>>

Iranians are optimistic

News Goffer

Barack Obama: the view from Iran

The Guardian / Ian Black
recommended by News Goffer


ترکمنچای دوم

جدایی دریای خزر و منابع نفتی آن از ایران خدشه ای جبران ناپذیر به تمامیت ارضی ایران

06-Nov-2008 (33 comments)
هدف از مذاکرات بین کشورهای همجوار دریای خزر تقلیل سهم ایران در دریای خزر از 50% طبق قرارداد 1940 به 11% می باشد. درصورت موفقیت این مذاکرات تمامیت ارضی ایران دوباره خدشه دار خواهد شد و ضررات ناشی از آن به مراتب سهمگین تر از قراردادهای ننگین گلستان و ترکمانچای خواهد بود. زیرا که در کل 11% سهمی که برای ایران در نظر گرفته شده منابع نفتی وجود ندارد و در نتیجه عقد قرارداد جدید دست ایران از تمام منابع عظیم خزر کوتاه خواهد شد. دو مقاله زیر تفسیری در این مورد به کوشش تیمسار آریان پور و آقای سازگارا می باشد که مکمل یکدیگر می باشند. مقاله آقای سازگارا موقعیت فعلی را ترسیم می کند و مقاله تیمسار آریان پور تاریخچه خزر و موقعیت آن در دوره پهلوی را. آمار ارائه شده تکان دهنده هستند. اگر دست روی دست بگذاریم و از این فاجعه جلوگیری نکنیم عواقب آن دامنگیر چندین نسل آینده خواهد بود. متاسفانه اکثر ایرانیان از این خطر آگاه نیستند.>>>


چکامه ی روشن آشیانه
همگان گفتند:
شاید که مرا
درنگ ِ این سروده
به آشیانه ی اشتیاق ام
مگر نشانه ی روشنی گردد،
و من رفتم
از پی آن چکامه ی شاد و
آن دگر همزاد ِ آینه. >>>

Obama Keeping His Promise on Iran


President Elect Obama Releases Official Policy on Iran

Change.gov / Obama-Biden
recommended by salim
06-Nov-2008 (4 comments)

Time of Grief for "Minorities" !


Iranian leader welcomes Obama win

bbc world news
recommended by Baba
06-Nov-2008 (one comment)

Obama's Triumph Is America's Too


We are stronger for our diversity

Wall Street Journal / Elizabeth Wurtzel
recommended by varjavand
06-Nov-2008 (10 comments)
People in Radio Zamaneh who... feel stronger personal affiliation with Mr. Jami than devotion to Radio Zamaneh continuation and developing further, are free to start a new media outlet for their own>>>

make up your mind

Jahanshah Javid

Iran sends mixed signals on Obama victory

LA Times / Borzou Daragahi
recommended by Jahanshah Javid
06-Nov-2008 (8 comments)
Ali P.
06-Nov-2008 (25 comments)
IRA's conservatives' take on the result US presidential Election >>>


Darius Kadivar

Ben-Hur stage show with Andre ( Aminollah) Hossein's Music Score set for London

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BO's team


Obama choosing team, as economy takes new tumble

rfi / Salil Sarkar
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