Manoucher Avaznia
07-Nov-2008 (11 comments)

ماه رویا؛ فاش گو آن محرم اسرار کیست؟

آن که از آن باده دارد جام برخوردار کیست؟

Food for Thought
07-Nov-2008 (9 comments)
The stupidity of the neo-cons has come to an end. The White House is to be taken over by Obama's men. But who makes his policy? >>>
07-Nov-2008 (2 comments)
Time travel is the concept of moving between different moments in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space. Come and see the empire in future and PAST! >>>
07-Nov-2008 (6 comments)
Onion: Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are.>>>

Why am I not surprised?


Iran's Ahmadinejad congratulates Obama

recommended by Zion
07-Nov-2008 (41 comments)

Sarcastic but frighteningly plausible


OBAMA 2012

New York Post
recommended by Zion
07-Nov-2008 (3 comments)
07-Nov-2008 (9 comments)
We are all driven by the same instincts, hopes and needs.>>>
bajenaghe naghi
07-Nov-2008 (2 comments)
today dilip sri veriveraji came to my store. he is the neighborhood guru >>>


Halloween in Hollywood

Halloween in Hollywood

Photo essay

by Jahanshah Javid
07-Nov-2008 (13 comments)


07-Nov-2008 (23 comments)
In the past 3 days since Obama's election, talk radio hate mongers such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have ratched up the hate rhetoric exponentially. The hate speech is unbelieveable>>>
Jahanshah Rashidian
07-Nov-2008 (115 comments)
جهانشاه جان، اکر قصوری پیش امده و سیاست سایت نیازبه تجدید نظر دارد، هنوز دیر نشده و وقت انست ا نرا مسئولانه تر اداره کنید تا این سایت سهمی در وظائف ملی بعهده بگیرد و بعد از سفوط ج.ا. سرفراز باشد. >>>


Musical Circularity

Musical Circularity


by Saeed Siadat
07-Nov-2008 (2 comments)


the CEO of >>>

Iranian people happy, the IRI not

News Goffer

Iranians Hope Obama Lives Up to His Name

TIME / Nahid Samidoust
recommended by News Goffer
07-Nov-2008 (4 comments)
07-Nov-2008 (4 comments)
خانم مجری شبکه خبر از دست گیج بازی عوامل صحنه عصبانی می شود و نتیجه همانی می شود که در ویدیو می بینید >>>