Somehow, in this artificial world with the Eiffel Tower to my left and a Japanese pagoda to my right, I had found a little piece of home, a true world that I remembered somewhere in my memory, though I had left it behind eleven years earlier
It appears likely that, for the umpteenth time, we are up for disappointment. We may end up witnessing no more than a refurbishing of the middle east wing of the White House, and its upholstery. The Middle East may remain backward, divided and occupied.
Iran's National Soccer Team Tied with UAE team on its way to World Cup 2010
But something funny has happened since Obama got elected. I look at African-Americans (and other blacks) differently
This was an essay i had to do at school I got a 10:
چکامه و سروده ای اماتور بخوان ای کودک ايران ز کورش پور از مام اييران
بخوان فردوسييش ان پير توسی ز پند و چامه اش ايران پرستی
Remember that actions speak louder than words
First of all my dear campaign leader for regime change in Iran, please give poor Machiavelli a break and beware of applying his ideas to your activities. ‘The Prince’ is not a recipe book for concocting fast political food. Instead of looking for some self-serving quick fix, invest in the loyalty of the people you are working with. Earn their respect and rely on the kindness and sympathy of those you are trying to liberate. Remember that the art of leadership does not consist of setting man against man. If you think of people as numbers, pawns and vehicles, this attitude sooner or later becomes evident in the conduct of your campaign and the way you organize and direct your regime change activities. Instead of bringing people together you then have the opposite effect of tearing them asunder and making yourself despised by everyone
We are kidding ourselves in believing that oil companies are interested in anything but their profits
Ok, there is this old dude, T. Boone Pickens. He’s an old oil dude, or as they say it in Texas, “ole” to replace “oil” not “old”. He’s been yapping about alternative energy, dependency on “foren” oil, which is actually “foreign” oil, solar energy, natural gas…blah blah blah... He started this fine concern about our air and dependency just last year. He is 80 years old, mind you, and just last year, after 54 years of being in the oil business, he just realized that we should look for alternative energy. After years of producing, oil and knowing what it does to the environment he had an epiphany in 2007 and started talking. Couple of years, few months, or even a few days from meeting his maker he became an environmentalist