Manoucher Avaznia
14-Nov-2008 (18 comments)

ما به هوای روی او فاصله ها دویده ایم

هم به زمین خزیده ایم؛ هم به هوا پریده ایم.


14-Nov-2008 (one comment)
موزو انشا : عزدواج! >>>

Palin Africa comment a hoax


A Senior Fellow at the Institute of Nonexistence

New York Times
recommended by Zion
14-Nov-2008 (16 comments)


The Obama Drama, Osama and Al Qaeda Marching Band.

Darius Kadivar
14-Nov-2008 (one comment)
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Takes Oath as Roi de Jure Reza Shah II in Cairo October 31st, 1980 >>>
Darius Kadivar
14-Nov-2008 (4 comments)
King Juan Carlos 1st of Spain and Queen Sophia visit Shah and Shahbanou of Iran. Mehrabad Airport Official Tribune (circa 1976)  >>>
14-Nov-2008 (19 comments)
Excuse my language, but choosing between the Pahlavi monarchy or Islamic rule is like choosing between "eshal" and "estefragh" for breakfast. >>>


Darius Kadivar

Obama suggests Clinton the Job of Secretary of State

recommended by Darius Kadivar
Orang Gholikhani
14-Nov-2008 (4 comments)
زندگی جمله ای نا تمام >>>
Mahasti Shahrokhi
14-Nov-2008 (3 comments)
"خورشید، گل، بازی" نام فیلمی است درباره فروغ فرخ زاد که کلاوس استریگل فیلمساز آلمانی؛ این فیلم از زاویه دید پسرخوانده ی فروغ، از چشمان حسین منصوری، همان پسری که فروغ از جذامخانه با خود به خانه ی خود آورد و بزرگش کرد، روایت شده است. >>>

Israel is an Apartied regime

The Prince

Gaza In Crisis

Gaza Today / Sameh Habib
recommended by The Prince
14-Nov-2008 (4 comments)
bajenaghe naghi
14-Nov-2008 (32 comments)
i am a reseller for some of america's major multi million dollar companies.  >>>
14-Nov-2008 (13 comments)
The last action of "Presidential Pardon" has been used and/or abused every time a US president leaves office. Will GWB be able to block all the classified material from being exposed to the public? >>>

Scott Ritter's Columns


With Iran, Obama Needs More Carrot, Less Stick

// / Scott Ritter
recommended by smhb
Darius Kadivar
14-Nov-2008 (144 comments)

The Former Crown Prince of Iran congratulates President Elect Barack Obama for his election.
