01-Apr-2008 (6 comments)
Turkey's Newroz gift to Kurds, Our Iranian brothers - Breaking the arm of a 15 year old boy in front of TV Cameras!>>>
01-Apr-2008 (14 comments)
Voy Eez eet dat ven I essay sumtink, no buddy gets it?>>>
01-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
Daneshmand argues that a women has so much power that she can influence her husband either in a positive or negative manner. >>>
01-Apr-2008 (6 comments)
Former American Hostages and Iranian Hostage Takers recollecting their experiences of the incident. >>>


Energizing as ever

Energizing as ever

Photo essay: Southern California

by Mohamad Navab
01-Apr-2008 (23 comments)



Bethesda in bloom

Bethesda in bloom

Photo essay: Near Washington DC

by ebi amirhosseini
01-Apr-2008 (4 comments)



Hate vs Hate

The last respectable home for the bigotted

01-Apr-2008 (34 comments)
A new film entitled Fitna, the Arabic word for ‘dissension’, by Geert Wilders, a rightwing Dutch parliamentarian, shouldn't be suppressed and should be made widely available for all to see. Not because it has anything valuable or insightful to offer in the debates and discussions surrounding Islam, modernity or the convulsions wracking much of the Middle East. Quite the contrary, it must be seen so that it can be openly criticized and shown up for the insipid propaganda video it is. To suppress the film in the name of political correctness has been a gross miscalculation, which has only gone to underscore the seductive mystery its creators have cleverly cultivated>>>


Bring back America's better half

American people are hoping for a deep and genuine change

01-Apr-2008 (12 comments)
The U.S. is a global power, and it can remain powerful basically through fair mutual relationships with other nations. While we influence many events in the world, our economic prosperity is also partially rooted in other nations, and in the age of globalization American interests ultimately cannot be protected by militarization of foreign policy. In global relations, America has helped the people of some nations to achieve better lives, but at the same time it has also recognized and supported some of the most brutal regimes in the world. In recent years, because of abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, the U.S. has lost much of its credibility as an advocate of human rights and democracy>>>



از مهدكودك فرار كردي اومدي خانوم بلند كني؟ هوي هوي مواظب باش توي ديوار نري

01-Apr-2008 (8 comments)
با بلوغ همه چيز حتي بوي بدن آدم تغيير مي كند و تازه خيلي علامت ها ، اتفاق ها براي آدم معني دار تر مي شود و ديگر شنيدن خيلي از ديالوگ ها و برخوردهاي اجتماعي يا ديدن نگاه ها اشاره ها ، بي معني و عجيب نمي شود. بلوغ آدم را وارد لانه ي مورچه ها مي كند و مي گويد كه مدام بايد به دنبال شيريني رفت و به دستش آورد و شايد اگر شد براي بعدها ذخيره اش كرد. در عوض اعصاب آدم از چيزهاي جديدي خرد مي شود كه قبلا پشيزي ارزش نداشت. احساس هاي دوگانه اي در مقابل خيلي ها به آدم دست مي دهد. ناموس ، پرستيدني مي شود اما با دوست دختر خيلي چيزها را مي شود گفت و خيلي كارها را مي شود كرد. >>>
01-Apr-2008 (7 comments)
The parade on madison avenue was a well calculated insult which showed some of the worst qualities of Iranian civilization passed off as it's best. >>>
01-Apr-2008 (9 comments)
English poetry >>>
Jahanshah Javid
01-Apr-2008 (16 comments)
Washington DC, January 20, 2009: >>>
The story of the Shahyad monument as told by Hossein Amanat, is a glimpse at the dedication, humility and love of Iran’s heritage by its Bahá’í architect. >>>
01-Apr-2008 (26 comments)
Unvaght Chi Kaar Mikoni ?? ;) >>>
Mohammad Ala
01-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
Yale University is offering free courses in Astronomy, English, Philosophy, Physics, etc., online. >>>