Food for Thought
Timeline 1, variant 83 T1v83, as it's known, did not contain good news for us, the citizens of the world. ... it was highly classified ... this bad-news variant now seems to be changing... >>>
Bahram the Iranian
16-Apr-2008 (23 comments)
This blog is meant to show intolerance in US a country proclaiming to be champion of freedoom and liberty. >>>


Best of 1386

Best of 1386

photo essay

by iran Novin
16-Apr-2008 (10 comments)


16-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
Interviewing people and officals about who is a better driver in Iran, men or women? >>>
Iran has 4.5 million disabled citizens (5.5% of the country), which was the reason for better laws and regulations for people who have diability. >>>


The Islamic Mission to Europe

Translation of never published work

16-Apr-2008 (8 comments)
On the auspicious day of 25 of Shawwal (the tenth Muhammedan month, beginning with the feast of breaking the fast of Ramadan) of the year 1346, representatives of the Muslim nations were solemnly invited to participate in a conference in Samarrah, one of the prosperous cities of Arabia, in order to deliberate and consult about sending a team of missionaries to disseminate and promulgate the orthodox Islamic teachings throughout the world. Mr. Crown of the Orators (Taj ul-Mutakallimin) was the president, Mr. Nightingale of Islam (‘Andalib ul-Islam) the deputy, Mr.Helm of the Law (Sukkan u-ShShari’a) the consultant and accountant, and Mr. Chief of Commanders (Sunnat ul-Aqtab) the stenographer of the conference>>>


The Pomegranate Path

Chapter One: Head’s Roll

The sun was just beginning to rise over the March horizon as Ollie’s new alarm clock began to ring. He struggled to open his eyes, but with the room still dark and the bed so invitingly warm, he fought to resist the temptation to lay back down for just a few minutes more. The last time that he closed his eyes for just a few minutes more, he ended up being an hour and a half late for school. This is the reason why his mother bought him this damn new monstrosity. As he struggled to consciousness, the fleeting thought popped into his groggy head that this was no ordinary clock; no, this was Big Ben!>>>


نگاه بامدادان

فکر آب روی خود کن؛ بگذار مدعا را

16-Apr-2008 (7 comments)
ز سر کرم که گوید مه شاد خوش لقا را
که به رسم دلنوازی بنوازد آشنا را؟
نه به دل شکیب ماندم که طریق عقل پویم
که به اوش وام دارم قدح جهان نما را.
چو ثمر فراتر افتد ز دو دست کوته ما
SCE Campaign
16-Apr-2008 (4 comments)
"According to Amnesty International, there are currently at least 79 Iranian children on death row >>>
Mohammad Ilyas
در ھشت دہ صد سالگی عیسوی نادر شاہ پادشاہ فارس(ایران) حملہ بر ھندوستان کرد۔ >>>
Honest Hassan
16-Apr-2008 (34 comments)
Joys and miseries of being Iranian... >>>
Hossein Bagher Zadeh
16-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
معلوم نیست كسانی كه خارج گود نشسته‌اند و برای مردم نسخه می‌پیچند چه خدمتی‌ به مبارزات دموكراتیك این مردم كرده‌اند. > >>>
16-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
Episode 7: Parvin >>>
16-Apr-2008 (one comment)
شیرزنان اولین هفته نامه ورزش زنان ایران است >>>