Terror in EU overwhelmingly non-Islamic


Terror in EU overwhelmingly non-Islamic

Middle East Times
recommended by sadegh
21-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
21-Apr-2008 (2 comments)
Talented Iranian Shepherd Makes Ney (Persian Flute) sounds using his larnyx. It is part of a dying 3,000 year old tradition. >>>
21-Apr-2008 (4 comments)

"Self Explanatory".


No Nuke Juice for Seyyeds


Iranian nuclear shipment halted

PA News
recommended by alimostofi
21-Apr-2008 (one comment)


What a night!

What a night!

Photo essay: iranian.com benefit dinner/concert

by kfravon
21-Apr-2008 (30 comments)


Obamania in Iran?


How Iran Sees the US Primaries

Time Magazine
recommended by Q
21-Apr-2008 (one comment)
21-Apr-2008 (10 comments)
Happy ridvan to all of humanity.Happy the day of joy and hope ,the day that gave us the hope of unity of mankind. >>>

Medical News: Diabetes


Immediate Relief

60 minutes
recommended by IRANdokht
21-Apr-2008 (3 comments)

Trita Parsi's article on Iran/US future

News Goffer

POLITICS: Can the U.S. and Iran Share the Middle East?

Inter Press Service
recommended by News Goffer
21-Apr-2008 (9 comments)
Honest Hassan
21-Apr-2008 (16 comments)
inspired by Niki's Language Decoder >>>

Peace !


Maybe there is some use for Carter, after all

Associated Press
recommended by Mehdi
21-Apr-2008 (3 comments)
21-Apr-2008 (27 comments)
Two news articles: a world of discrimination and hypocrisy >>>


Flying at your own risk

Banning the sales of Boeing passenger planes is a disregard to human lives

21-Apr-2008 (44 comments)
The political relations and animosity between the U.S. administration and the Islamic government is besides the point of this article and would not be discussed here. This article is about the people, the real innocent and simple human beings, about the mothers and fathers who, every now and then, tragically lose their sons and daughters in an air-crash in Iran, in a series of disastrous incidents that there would be no end to it, unless some drastic actions are taken. The people in mind here are the men, women and children who have been and still are being deprived of safe air travel>>>


The Knock of Love

A gathering of Cardinal elements ruling my being and actions

21-Apr-2008 (one comment)
In a late afternoon, at a spacious hotel room with a large balcony facing the high rising waves of ‘Coogee Beach’, making surfers looking like driftwood, in Sydney, I heard a knock on my door. Immediately, a smile broke upon my face as I was getting to the door, just to confirm that no one was out there. You see…for a few moments prior to that knock, my ‘Heart’ and my ‘Mind’, accompanied by my ‘Intuition’ had gotten together on an intimate chat (that soon would become almost a public chat forum among all the elements of my Being), discussing the arrival of my beloved>>>


آدميت، پدر تاريخنگاری مدرن ايران

مصاحبه ي فرشاد قربانپور با خسرو شاکري استاد بازنشستهء تاريخ (مؤسسهء تحقيقات عالي علوم اجتماعي، پاريس)

21-Apr-2008 (3 comments)
آثار آدميت نشانه از يک نظم فکري، شيوه ي علمي، و دقت و سنجش حرفه اي برخوردار است. آدميت نخستين ايراني ای است که تاريخنگاري و تاريخشناسي را با آموزش حرفه اي آموخت، و نه” الله بختکي “چون بسياری که نام مورخ گرفته اند. در عين حال، او تنها مورخ عصر خود است که از ارثيه تاريخنگاري مورخاني پروسواس چون بيهقي بي بهره نمانده است. او تداوم تاريخنگاري علميِ سنتي و پيوند آن با تاريخنگاري مدرن است. >>>