“Leather & Spank” (real name withheld by request) asks: In your today’s response to Kobra Khanoom (July 11) you mentioned S&M and that made me ask this question.
نفسی باور این قصه ندارم
که همان کودک کِز کردۀ خارا سکنات دوشم
Iran recently conducted defensive and deterrent war games, code named
"Holy Prophet III"" in the Persian Gulf waters
This word continuously is brought up by Arabs & Muslims, as an excuse for their violent behavior and objection to the existence of Israel, and the presence of European and U.S. countries in Middle East and the Gulf regions.
Beltway insights for the Iranian American community.
Beltway insights for the Iranian American community
Photo essay: Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Alireza Ajam >>>
A short story about scuffle between famed peace activist and reactionary media
I first learned of Howard Zinn’s arrest by noticing his photo in
Boston Globe’s front page, next to the headline: famed historian, activist jailed for punching a man -- and knowing Howard’s life-time credential as a non-violent civil rights leader, I was naturally curious, to say the least, actually down right skeptical, and then, when I read the news story and discovered that the “victim” was a "distinguished" member of right-wing Fox TV, I allowed my suspicion a couple of notches down yet sufficiently in gear to warrant a healthy doubt about the veracity of the story – that Zinn had “attacked” him after a heated, accidental, exchange over wars in the Middle East.
An interesting article from Tom Engelhardt.