Persia:Ancient Soul of Iran

Cy of Persia

A glorious past inspires a conflicted nation

National Geographic / Marguerite Del Giudice
recommended by Cy of Persia
16-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
16-Jul-2008 (17 comments)
Many still don`t know about the booming industry in palestinian territories designed specifically to produce staged victimhood footage: Pallywood. >>>

Let the dance be


US plans to station diplomats in Iran for first time since 1979

The Guardian
recommended by Hajminator
16-Jul-2008 (one comment)
Manoucher Avaznia
16-Jul-2008 (6 comments)

نگفتمت که گلا بیا به خانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که بخوان خوش این ترانۀ ما؟

ebi amirhosseini
16-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
I've been following & sometimes reading dear "RedWine 's " blogs,although like many others,I rarely left a comment on his blogs,but... >>>


Easy riders

Easy riders

Photo essay: The bikes of Italy

by bahmani
16-Jul-2008 (4 comments)


16-Jul-2008 (one comment)
Tehran’s narcotic police have busted weapons and drug dealers in an overnight operation to maintain the city’s social stability. A large number of arms magazines and cold weapons were also confiscated in the operation. >>>
Jalil Bahar
As surely as the sun rises and sets everyday; one day the sun will set for the Theocratic Regime in Iran. Hopefully that day will be soon>>>
16-Jul-2008 (34 comments)
in koja o oon koja ! >>>
Red Wine
16-Jul-2008 (9 comments)
روزمون بدون خالي بندي شب نميشه!!! >>>


Where it hurts

Oil embargo can render the IRI more vulnerable

16-Jul-2008 (59 comments)
The fact is that Mullahs continue to ignore sanctions with little consequence for the regime even though Iran's economy is stagnating. What is the alternative? Will international sanctions produce the desired effect? Is there any chance to solve the dilemma with the IRI? Can the group of six results in a breakthrough? Is a military intervention a right solution? The answer to all of them remains negative. As long as the UN does not directly punish the plague of IRI, not people who already suffer from this totalitarian regime, a real solution is not available. The UN can consider various sanctions on the IRI: >>>


Art of dealing with people

If you were offered the grand task of running Iran, what would you do?

16-Jul-2008 (9 comments)
It is a fact that we Iranians always talk about politics in any public or private occasion. It is partly due to not having a voice in running our own affairs. I believe in democracy and as a researcher like to involve everyone to join in trying to run our own country. Remember big projects always start from drawing board and this is it. Let’s assume, for some reasons, the situation in Iran completely changed and mullahs decided to pack their bags and run (no government lasts forever)... I created a list of your chosen agenda in alphabetical order. Need to remember these are important issues to consider at least for a short while at the beginning:>>>
16-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
Can you imagine a U.S. Presidential ticket of Ron Paul & John Stewart? >>>


شنلی در مه

مجسمه ای در موزه لس انجلس

بچه که بودم در ذهنم کمترین تردیدی نداشتم که آن چیزی که آن وقت ها " چیز واقعی" می نامیدمش، بعدها وقتی بزرگ شدم، وقتی از دست مدرسه و رویا کُشی پر هیاهو آنجا نجات پیدا کردم، وقتی آرزوهایم را عملی کردم،‌(‌رفتن به دانشگاه، نقاش خوب شدن، عاشق شدن، شاعر شدن، سفر کردن...) خواهد آمد. امروز در سی و سه سالگی می بینم که " آن چیز واقعی" برای همیشه غیر قابل دسترس خواهد ماند. از خواب که پریدم حال عجیبی داشتم. چیزی بین رویا و واقعیت. تشخیص آنکه کدام یک واقعیت دارد سخت بود. در رویا همه جیز ساده است. یک عالمه کلمه به ذهنم هجوم می آورند که مثل شیطانک هایی رقصان در سرم می رقصند و می خواهند بیایند اینجا اما به محض اینکه پا در ثانیه می گذارم همگی مثل مهِ بلندیهای جاده کارپنتریا در سراشیبی آن طرف جاده و آفتاب محو می شوند.>>>



After 30 years, US to send diplomats to Iran

recommended by mostaghel
16-Jul-2008 (3 comments)