Someone stop this train!

Ebrahim Nabavi on the threat of War

21-Sep-2007 (34 comments)
It has been six months that we, Iranians, are approaching a fall in the train of fate. Meanwhile people who have the power to intervene are in different conditions: Ahmadinejad: He welcomes a war. If a war begins he hopes that the world would come to his rescue and USA would be trapped in the quagmire of Iran. USA would be defeated and he and his friends would be war heroes. They could move against his rivals and get rid of all opposing factions and social groups. They would rule Iran comfortably without fear of domestic opposition.>>>
Daniel M Pourkesali
21-Sep-2007 (8 comments)
What is completely lost in all the irresponsible saber-rattling and irrational rhetoric threatening the use of force is the failure to realize that Iran of 2007 is anything remotely resembling Iraq of 2003. While the preparations are eerily familiar, the calamitous outcome of such a reckless attack will be far more devastating with dire global ramifications which will dwarf those of the current Iraqi debacle. >>>
Are their so called 'Sanctions' just a mirage?>>>


برخورد دشمنانه

انعکاس سیاسی کنفرانس اخیر زنان در واشنگتن

کنفرانس امسال چندین ویژیگی داشت که برخی از آنها را مطرح می کنم. شرکت وسیع نسل دوم ،شرکت قابل ملاحظه مردان که بیش از سی درصد جمعیت در کنفرانس بوند ، امسال برخلاف سال گذشته کنفرانس از نخبه گرایی برحضر بود بدین خاطرتمام سخنرانان انتخابی در کنفرانس جدید بودن به غیر از یک نفر از سخنرانان که قبلاً در بنیاد سخنرانی کرده بود. آن چیزی در کنفرانسهای بنیاد معمول شده بود تعدادی از سخنرانان مثل دور قمری هر دو و سه سال یکبار دعوت می شدند تا نظرات تکراری خود را با یک مقداری کمک و زیاد مطرح کنند و از طرفی تعدادی از دوستان هم عادت کردن که یک نوع بحث را بشنوند.>>>


Voices that Radio Farda fears

Report the truth from both sides

21-Sep-2007 (11 comments)
To president of Radio Farda, Jeffrey Gedmin: Below please find my response to your opinion piece, Voices That Tehran Fears, in The Washington Post: Oh come on! You make it out to seem as if Radio Farda is this enlightened beacon that will save Iran and bring about freedom, democracy, and peace to Iran if only it could operate freely. The truth is your programming is mostly silly irrelevant pop songs with the occasional filler of watered down news that has little substance and reaches us here with a scratchy signal that makes it hard to listen to. >>>


A new dawn

Reading comments can now be even more fascinating than the original article

21-Sep-2007 (7 comments)
I thought the ease of commenting could bring about substantial changes to the way that the site is used in the future. After seeing a couple of comments on one of my recreant photo-essays, I realized that the future has arrived and things have changed already. A simple calculation revealed that since the publication of the article mentioned above only 14% of posted articles managed to remain immune to comments (all articles till 18th Sep were included in this calculation). Let’s not talk statistics, but at the first glance an increase in the number of articles commented on is apparent.>>>


Opening the floodgates

Making iranian.com blog Better

21-Sep-2007 (8 comments)
First one was about people. I learned that despite the lightning speeds and freedoms of anonymity in internet communications, people are still the same people. Before that, I had imagined all along that if only the good people of Iran, who obviously all wanted to resurrect their cultural honor and advance the cause of democracy in Iran, could, and were allowed to communicate directly with each other, something would click, leaders would emerge and actions would snowball. Not so. Not so fast, anyway. If there are benefits to communicating freely and spontaneously, it will still take time>>>
SCE Campaign
21-Sep-2007 (one comment)

See the music video here. This music video was made from a documentary film made by BB2 called "execution of a teenage girl". The song "24" is by Jem. On August 15th, 2004 a 16-year-old girl was hanged in a public square in Neka, Iran. Her death sentence was for "acts incompatible w chastity". Her name was Atefah Rafavi Sahaaleh. The only evidence against Atefah was her own forced confession.

One of the benefits of the Fed's recent decision to cut interest rates, has been a weakening of the dollar relative to other currencies(because the dollar now earns less interest, there is less of a demand for it relative to other currencies, hence it is less expensive relative to other currencies.) >>>
20-Sep-2007 (one comment)
Kash asheghi NaboUd.... Age ea jaei boud bare dad zadan ta hanjarat pareh she be man bego hatman,ea jaei ke faghat nafas bekshi , vaghti asemouno mibenam jolum az fart zibaei khol misham,az hasodi miterkam,az in ke nemidounam chera alan eanjam v farda chi mishe ? mikham ba souraat beram tou baghaliya,ama kou jourat??? >>>
20-Sep-2007 (3 comments)
He has recently requested to visit the site of the world trade center and "lay a wrath". It's a win win situation. He knows if he is allowed to he will be hailed as a sympathetic saint who cares about people of the world...>>>


I am Mohsen Namjoo (5)

Five-part short film

20-Sep-2007 (15 comments)


I am Mohsen Namjoo (4)

Five-part short film

20-Sep-2007 (one comment)


I am Mohsen Namjoo (3)

Five-part short film

20-Sep-2007 (2 comments)
As I reflect on what Bush and the neoconservatives have done to/in Iraq, it reminds me of a makeover show. But instead of a person a country is being made over; too look good according to the standards of white super rich middle aged Christian men. >>>