

To go or not to go


15-Sep-2007 (33 comments)
I don’t know maybe I have some serious mental problems, I mean, there are other young Iranians here who are all too bikhiyaal and haven’t been to Iran for years. When I ask them if they miss it at all they shrug and say the old “I miss my family I guess”. Or maybe it’s because everytime I go back, I have such a good time with baahaal people and then come back here to this boring, soccer-crazy, whisky-drinking freckled-faced, freak of a country. I don’t know. I asked my mamman about it a couple of days ago and she said the same old “you just think it’s like that because you were there for a short time” crap. Which may be true for some people but not me.>>>


Xena's gone

There is something just so unthinkably horrible about the silence, the vacuum, the hole in the world of those left behind wondering

15-Sep-2007 (13 comments)
One day three weeks ago our favorite cat disappeared. She was the most beautiful cat we have ever owned. She was smaller than a full size cat but she had a very leonine profile, grey with black tiger stripes, a bushy tail and yellow eyes. She could do a higher standing jump than any creature I have ever seen. She could launch from the ground to the roof of our house or a neighbor’s house in a single bound. At night I could hear the wooden gate rattling outside my bedroom window when she would jump up on it... that is the only sound she would make as she stalked through the night but it was enough to let me know that she was there. She spent a great deal of her time high above the ground walking along fence tops or roofs in the darkness and shadows like a Ninja.>>>


 پس از شنیدن صدای بوق

...و پیام های زیر ...پیغام بگذارید

15-Sep-2007 (9 comments)
پیغام گیر شاملو :

بر آبگینه ای از جیوه ء سکوت
سنگواره ای از دستان آدمی
تا آتشی و چرخی که آفرید
تا کلید واژه ای از دور شنوا
در آن با من سخن بگو
که با همان جوابی گویمت
آنگاه که توانستن سرودی است