What about relations with Iran under President Obama?
Barack Hussein Obama has "proven the impossible," or so the saying goes among people who just two weeks ago were swearing up and down that "America will never elect a black man President." Within foreign policy circles, the conventional wisdom of all the pundits is that people in the Middle East are so racist, or have such a low perception of the American people, that they will be "shocked and awed" by the selection of a black man to the point of capitulation and cooperation with America. That is wishful thinking for the most part. I don't think the race issue is or has ever been nearly as extraordinary a factor with the developing world as it is with the developed one. For decades now the rest of the world has seen many diverse faces representing America
A personal re-cap of what happened Tuesday night!
Congratulations to all for witnessing one of the most historic moments of our lives. Obama's victory was not just an American victory, it was a victory for all nations. It gives hope and inspiration to all human beings around the globe and it brings back our belief in the future, that good, common sense, and the notion that we are "our brother's keeper," as Obama so brilliantly kept saying during his campaign, prevails over self-serving greed that has consumed the human race in the last decade. In my opinion there have been many heroes during this race, those who have brought us inspiring moments, demonstrating grace, human decency, and above all, unity for the good of all in the midst of all the chaos and the dirty political race to the top. I can never forget Hillary Clinton's concession speech and her grace and complete selflessness in her support for the under dog who came from the back and beat her in the race of her life. And then that of Bill's
No matter when and where
We are born or raised
Two visions hold our attention
These are fear and love
Those who promote fear
Urge us to put bigger locks on our doors
They want more cops on the streets
And more defense spending
They want to build better walls and borders
They are suspicious of others
نظامی فقط زوم می کند روی عشق خسرو و شیرین و از نهصد و نود و هشت زن دیگر سخنی به میان نمی آید
چندهمسری در ادبیات ایران، را به طور مثال در"خسرو و شیرین" نظامی داریم، توجه داشته باشید که چون در ایران آقایان همیشه مقدم اند، اسم خسرو خان قبل از نام شیرین خانم می آید، در داستان "خسرو و شیرین" زنهای دیگر همه در مه و غبار به سر می برند و فقط از مریم می شنویم و دسیسه هایش برای ملکه و یا سوگلی شاه باقی ماندن و سر به نیست کردن هووها. از آن طرف شیرین پس از آن که به همسری خسروپرویز در آمد، در قصری وسط بیابان (انها که قصرشیرین را دیده اند می فهمند چی می گویم) زن دوره ی شکار خسروخان شد. یعنی خسرو پرویز گه گاه برای شکار و یا به بهانه شکار به آن منطقه می آمد و جلوس می فرمود. شیرین در آن غربت و برهوت برای رفع تنهایی با جوان هنرمندی گرم گرفته بود تا این که فضول ها و فتنه ها به شاهنشاه خبر دادند که چه نشسته ای زنت با فرهاد گرم گرفته و شاهنشاه هم با حقه ای فرهاد را از سر راه خود برداشت. یعنی چند همسری وجود داشت ولی فقط برای آقایان و هر آقای ایرانی هم سلطان خانه ی خویش است دیگر!
In Memory of Bijan Kargar-Moghadam [1]
Sa'di called death a wolf
Who snatches sheep at every moment
From the herd of the village.
But I saw you, on that white bed
Lying like a feather-plucked bird
With closed wings and browned skin,
And death like a hungry traveler
Sitting before a white tablecloth
With silver knife and fork in hand
And a red glass on the side
I have never been happier to be so wrong
Not much has happened to me as an Iranian, a foreigner in this country for the past thirty years. A few fights and angry exchanges here and there, but I have been left alone for the most part. I came to a very “blond, blue-eyes” region in America with black hair and dark skin, but managed to make way more friends than enemies right off the bat and was treated well. I kept thinking about that while I watched tears rolling down Jesse Jackson’s face tonight. He was born and raised here in this country. I kept thinking of what he may have gone through, what he heard, endured, how he managed to keep it together and how hopeful he was when JFK came onto the scene. I kept thinking how proud he must have been to walk with Martin Luther King and how he dedicated his life to equality