On the political map

Despite defeat, Darius Shahinfar attracted attention and respect of political observers

14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Darius Shahinfar, the first generation American of Iranian descent who captivated the attention and interest of the Iranian American community from coast to coast, lost his bid to be the Democratic nominee for New York’s 21st Congressional District last night. The disappointing result was the culmination of a ten month journey which saw Mr. Shahinfar embrace his Iranian-American heritage and identity. The long-shot candidacy of Shahinfar in a five-person field was particularly notable for the serious amount of money he was able to raise for a political neophyte in his first election>>>


What is the truth?

The problem of the Iranian Youth

14-Sep-2008 (7 comments)
The “Cultural and Arts” division of the IRIB channel 3 has released a two episode documentary program directed at explaining the problem facing the Iranian Youth. It is centered around the popularity of Iranian Rap music and titled “Shock”. The program is quit dreadful in the level of untruthfulness and absurdity is uses to explain the issues and problems facing the young people of our nation. Some of the readers here might ask, “well, what did hell did you expect”? My answer is, more than what I saw!! A little about the Iranian youth, this crucial demographic group between the ages of 15 and 29 comprises more than one-third of the nation’s population>>>


آن سه شنبه ی شوم

ساعتها طول کشيد تا عظمت فاجعه را درک کنم و ساعتها طول کشيد تا باور کنم که در آن سه شنبه ي شوم بيش از چند هزار نفر کشته شده اند!

14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
آن روز، از زماني که با صداي زنگ ساعت چشم از خواب گشودم لرزه اي به جانم افتاد. بايد سريع حاضر ميشدم و چشم به راه تعميرکارِ شوفاژ ميماندم، گفته بودند براي تعميرِ دستگاه در طول روزِ ۱۱ سپتامبر سر ميزنند ولی ساعتش را مشخص نکرده بودند. سرتاسر روز در خانه ماندن و انتظار! دلهره اي غريب داشتم. دلهره ميراثي! دلشوره مزمن! يا به قولِ خاله ام: «دِلَه هولَه» دو سه روز بود که زير پلکم ميپريد و دستانم بي جان بود. گمان بردم که از سر خستگي است و بهتر است حداقل امروز را خانه بمانم و استراحت کنم. در خانه ماندن و انتظار صداي زنگِ در؟ هميشه حسِ وقوعِ حادثه اي شوم مضطربم ميکرد. پيش ترها به يادم مي آمد که هر بار پيش از هر حادثه شومي در خانواده، گرفتارِ اين دلشوره بي مورد ميشدم و از پيش آمدي ناشناس ميترسيدم و بي دليل کلافه بودم. حس ششم نبود؟ >>>


Diaries & Jallad

A novel: Chapter 16

Ibrahim, staring in the eyes of the chief psychologist for a moment, turned his eyes toward Kemal tied to the bed and with his right hand all bandaged up and, fighting tears, whispered, "it's a malignant tumor in every poet's heart." "You can go inside and see him if you like but just for a few minutes. We have given him some pills and he shouldn't be disturbed by any heavy conversation, if you know what I mean," Dr. Assadi, holding the door knob and waiting for Ibrahim's acceptance of his stiff condition, knew he was taking a small risk by letting that seriously intellectual-looking man inside and, yet, was hedging his bet that Kemal would be happy to see one of his friends. >>>