Propaganda is a Two-Way Street

Iran, Israel, and the looming threat of war

23-Sep-2008 (21 comments)
In the ceaseless and invariably bellicose calls for war (both open and clandestine) against Iran, perhaps one argument invoked by pro-war pundits and politicians stands out and takes pride of place above all others: Iran, it is claimed, "poses an existential threat to the state of Israel." It's certainly been a favorite of Republican presidential nominee, John McCain. Furthermore, Sarah Palin, McCain's running mate, when asked about America's response in the event of a unilateral Israeli military strike against Iran, repeated an astounding three times the AIPAC-by-rote reply: "I don't think that we should second-guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security.">>>


Sacrifice to success

12-year-old boy triumphs into successful international lecturer, businessman, and author

23-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
It was in the midst of the horrific slaughter of the Iran-Iraq War that I received a call from a distraught, but concerned father who wanted to save his only son, twelve years old at that time, from the certain fate that awaited him. The caller was my brother who had been teaching with his wife at the Iranian school in Kuwait for the past three years. He had received a notice from the Ministry of Education to immediately return to Iran with his family. My brother and his wife were ready to go back and continue with their teaching at home, but they wanted to know if they could send their son away on a temporary basis? The wish and aspiration of my Atlanta born wife and I, as it was with many other Iranian ex-patriots, was to save as many children as we could>>>



Kish exuded a mystical attraction that tugged at our senses in unknown ways

23-Sep-2008 (one comment)
With the borders closed, many turned their gaze inward and began exploring parts of Iran they had not seen in years. Despite the ongoing war, there was a boom in the tourism industry; this time it catered not to foreigners but to Iranians themselves. There was plenty to see that was out of range of artillery shells and mortars, so we took every chance possible to visit parts of Iran that neither of us had been to previously. One of our first trips was to the island of Kish, a windswept strip of coral in the Persian Gulf. Prior to the revolution, the Shah had spent millions converting the barren piece of land into a world-class resort that catered to rich Iranians and Arab sheikhs>>>


سه کلوز آپ از "شکیبا چون خسرو!"

گویی که خسروی خوبان با آن همه خوبی و انسانیت در بهشت برین زیسته است!

23-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
خسروی خسروان، من و تو، با کمی پس و پیش، جز این که از یک دانشکده عبور کرده باشیم هیچ پیوندی نداریم. پس دانشکده بود و تئاتر بود و دانشکده هنرهای زیبا بود و صادق هدایت روزی در آنجا کار کرده بود و شما بعدها به دانشکده پای گذاشته بودید و دپارتمان تئاتر بود و رئیس دپارتمان در آن سالها بهرام بیضایی بود... خاطره اولم برمی گردد به دیداری در پیش و یا در آنتراکت و یا در پایان اجرایی از برشت در یک حیاط یک مدرسه. تابستان پنجاه و هفت بود. من تازه از اولین سفرم به اروپا برگشته بودم و موهایم را کوتاه کرده بودم و پیراهن مردانه و آبی بلند پدرم را با شلوار جین پوشیده بودم. آن شب در حیاط آن مدرسه، چندتایی از بچه های دانشکده هم بودند و تانیا (همسر سابق ات) هم بود و تو هم بودی. با هم سلام و علیک کردیم و تو از من تشکر کردی و من هاج و واج ماندم که چرا؟ >>>