2010 Winter Olympics Torch relay in Victoria
The Olympic Flame that was lit in Olympia, Greece, on October 22, 2009, finally arrived in Victoria, British Columbia (BC), on October 30th, where and when the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay began its 106-day, 45,000-kilometre cross-Canada journey. The cross-country journey will be completed at Vancouver’s BC Place on February 12, 2010, as it lights the Olympic Cauldron, signaling the start of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Here, I'd like to balance all the Olympic hoopla in the media by relating some of the Cassandra facts exposed (with sources) by the Olympic Resistance Network groups
Iranian people seek democratic change and the democratic world can help
The Green Movement has demonstrated that the desire for democracy is very strong in today’s Iran. This is the main characteristic of the GM: a national and peaceful democratic movement. It encompasses a wide range of political tendencies as well as various strains of the civil society, from women and students movements to teachers, lawyers, workers, business people, arts and culture personalities and human rights activists. Indeed, the GM highlights a culture change in Iran. Never in Iran has such a peaceful and well-disciplined large group of people taken into the streets in their millions calling for democracy and basic human rights
The youth of have no interest in shouting "death to America"
While the 1953 coup was a strategic mistake by the US for which the Iranian people paid dearly, it serves as absolutely no justification for taking US diplomats hostage 26 years later. Taking hostages did not gain anything for Iran and Iranian people, other than more suffering. It did not protect the regime in the least from any similar coup attempts, in fact if the US wanted to take hostile action in Iran it would have been more justified since it had been attacked (the US embassy is sovereign US territory under international law)
مقایسه ای کوتاه بین ایرانیان و آمریکاییان
by Ali Alavi
ما ایرانیان عزیز که در اقصی نقاط دنیا سکنی گزیده ایم با آشنایی با جوامع غربی و نوع نگاه آنان به زندگی – توانسته ایم به عرصه های جدیدی دسترسی پیدا کنیم. بخشی از هم وطنان ما در ایران هم توانسته اند به بخشهای سرگرم کننده زندگی غربی مانند فیلم و سریال ها (از طریق دی وی دی دوبله شده و نه با تماشای کانالهای ماهواره ای انگلیسی زبان و دیگر زبانها) و شوهای رقص و غیره آشنا شوند بی آنکه بتوانند در آن کشور ها زندگی کرده و نوع زندگی اجتماعی و سیاسی آن کشور های دموکراتیک را تجربه کرده و حتی با آن نوع نگاه آشنا شوند
Organized religion is rife with lies and superstitious
It is argued that masses are ignorant, they follow the clerics. Some fundamentalists believe they are doing God’s work in forcing weak believers to practice their religion. In order for evil to triumph it is for people to stand by and do or say nothing. Salvation is found by seeking the truth, not with superstitious dogma. People should be free to choose any path in conformance with their belief system. Even non-believers have made a choice regarding religion. No choice should be ridiculed because it is different from another
"با پرداخت فقط چند دلار در ماه شما را بيمه عمر خواهيم کرد."
با نگاهى حيرت زده داشت بيرون را نگاه ميکرد. همه چيز اين کشور با جايى که بزرگ شده بود متفاوت بود. خيابان پر از جمعيت بود. هزاران پسر و دختر همسن و سال خودش در دايره هاى کوچک دور هم جمع شده و با شور و هيجان باهم بحث ميکردند. بعضى ها پلاکارد دست گرفته بودند و در هوا تکان ميدادند. سرها بالا پايين ميرفت و دستها مثل خنجر هوا را ميشکافت. در عمرش اين همه آدم عصبانى يکجا نديده بود. فکر کرد،"چه چيزى ميتونه مردم را تا اين حد ناراحت کنه؟" فارسى را با لهجه آمريکايى حرف ميزد ولى خواندن فارسى را بلد نبود هرچند حروف را تشخيص ميداد.
O’ Shoppers
Words are cheap.
If everything else is expensive,
Words are cheap.
I know it out of experience.
I am assigned to write an essay