This Iran strategy looks awfully familiar
A familiar specter is haunting foreign policy circles, hovering in particular over liberal experts and intellectuals, compelling them to re-examine their views on two former ideological adversaries, namely Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. In an exceptional turn of events, the two ex-presidents are being unanimously hailed as a pair of foreign policy visionaries--Nixon for going to China, and Reagan for embracing Mikhail Gorbachev. The specter, of course, is Henry Kissinger. Nowhere is this transformation better evident than in the debate about Iran. These days, the new conventional wisdom in Washington advocates the pursuit of a diplomatic solution with Tehran. The only existing disagreement is not over whether to negotiate but when to negotiate
Ahmadinejad is effortlessly getting all the attention he needs
As Iran nears its presidential elections, Ahmadinejad's team who were so far acting rather low-profile in gathering support for his second-term, are slowly beginning to make public one of the largest and most coordinated media campaigns in Iran's history. Perhaps interestingly not a single private donor will contribute to this campaign. Nor will Ahmadinejad need any local campaign offices, according to himself. Costly bill-board adverts? Why bother when you have the combined resources of the country's largest newspapers, hours and hours of unchallenged airtime on state TV and radio stations, coupled with analysis that often only adds insult to injury
“The Complete and ExtraOrdinary History of the October Surprise"
Two gentlemen, both tall and stooped, both with hairlines thoroughly receded, both wearing the golf wear of the elderly – khaki pants with drawstring waists, untucked golf shirts made of cheap polyester, white tennis shoes, socks once white but darker now due to stains and overuse, socks noticeable due to khakis slightly on the short side – these two men stood on a green in the middle of a warm Ft. Lauderdale winter, determining line and speed. Both men wore oversized eyeglasses. Neither man could read green speed; neither man could putt. Golf wasn’t exactly their chosen career path. Both men were lawyers. Both men catered to the super wealthy. On the side, both men dabbled in Republican politics
سهم زنان در ترازوی عدل اسلام
سیزده سال قبل، برای شيعيان افغانستان شایعات تکوین پروژه های نظامی طالبان و کامیابی های مهیج و بیدرنگ آنان باعث نگرانی و اضطراب بود. بواسطۀ خصومت تاریخی طالبان با شیعه، رهبران اهل تشیع افغانستان از تحلیل نقش سرمایه داران عربستان سعودی در بسیج طالبان و همدستی آمریکا در تجهیز و تسلیح آنان نتیجه گرفتند که بدون تردید، توطئه و دسیسه ای بر علیه اهل تشیع در جریان می باشد. بر این اساس و مبنا، طی مدت کوتاهی، رهبران شیعه افغانی به جمهوری اسلامی ایران پناه برده و طلب حفاظت و حمایت کردند. بعد از تسلط طالبان در افغانستان، مهاجران افغانی در ایران موسسۀ اهل تشیع افغانستان را بنیاد کرده و با کمک دولت ایران به حراست و حفظ حرمت عقاید شیعیان افغانی پرداختند. هدف این گروه از آغاز نه پوشیده بود و نه قابل انکار
این نسل طلبکارترین نسل از زمان آدم ابوالبشر به این طرف است
توی دبستان های سوئد به بچه ها یاد می دهند که پدر و مادر صاحب شما نیستند، شما تنها این سالها را با آنها زند گی می کنید. یعنی که ای گوز! پشم کلاه من و ترا مدتهاس باد برده است. وقتی هم رفت رفته دیگه. بی خودی نشین برای خودت بهار بکار. « درسش که تموم شد برمیگرده میاد همین جا زن میگیره، عید نوروز میاد سر میزنه. میادش بالاخره. خاک وطن آدمو هر کجا که باشه….» همه این حرفها را بدهی یک آدامس خروس نشان هم بهت نمی دهند. بقول آن مرد خدا توی آبادان «… دیگه گوگوش نمی یاد.» حالا برو شکر کن که پیمان خیال استرالیا نداره. ارمنستان که همسایه تان است مومن. توی تبریز بروی پشت بام، نوک کلیساهایشان پیداست! خلاصه خودتو بی خودی سبک نکن. از من گفتن!
Words of love
Perhaps a mystery
Even if open book
Only Nobles understand
When heart is misty with its sorrow
And its light dimmed with fog
In dreams will come clarity
As Gods descend in your heart
This life seems often unfair
I chased life with fast pace
Tried to catch up with the race
Through the darkness of distant space
I saw a flicker – a radiant trace
On a summit, the highest place
So I climbed the mountain of grace
I finally reached its high peak
What was I really trying to seek?