هیو هافنر، نیازهای سرکوب شده جنسی مردان جامعه آمریکا را در برابر تاثیرات محافظهکاران مذهبی جامعه آمریکا قرار داد
این مجله توجهاش را معطوف به میدان دادن هرچه بیشتر به امیال جنسی دختران نجیب و وفادار کرد. پلیبوی تلاش گستردهای کرد تا این واقعیت را در جامعه آمریکا به یک باور عمومی تبدیل کند که دختران نجیب مجرد هم، انسانهای سکسی فعالی هستند. از دهه ۶٠ میلادی، مرام مجله پلیبوی کاملاً لیبرالی شده بود و نظر مساعدی نسبت به مبارزات مدنی سیاهپوستان داشت و از حقوق همجنسگرایان پشتیبانی میکرد
آتش عشق مرا آیندگان باور کنید
فرّ زرتشت است، اینک شعله در مجمر کنید
از دل اسطورهها زادید و از بطن شما
بس حماسه زاد خواهد خود اگر سر بَر کنید
... when its own aims will do just that?
by Vali Nasr
Iran is once again in America’s cross hairs. Even before the allegations of an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington, concerns about Iran were high, with an impending U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq possibly leading to increased Iranian influence there. U.S. opinion and decision makers are expanding their estimate of Iran’s adventurousness and calling for new containment measures. In both exercises, there is room for misjudgment
مصاحبه خانم کلینتون و واکنش اپوزیسیون
صرف نظر از برخورد طبیعی و تند رژیم به اظهارات خانم کلینتون، برخی از نیروهای اپوزیسیون نیز به آن واکنش نشان دادند. اپوزیسیون ایران عموما در برابر اتهام «وابستگی» به قدرتهای خارجی حساسیت نشان میدهد و آن را با «استقلال» خود منافی میداند، و از این رو بسیاری سعی کردند نظرات خانم کلینتون را تخطئه کنند و خود را منزهتر از آن نشان دهند که از چنین «کمکهایی» استقبال کنند
Efforts to isolate Iran will refocus Washington and Europe's attention on Beijing
by Michael Singh & Jacqueline N. Deal
The elections in Tunisia and the dramatic demise of former Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi have pushed the allegations of an Iran-sponsored plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington on U.S. soil from the headlines. But countering Iran's efforts to develop a nuclear weapon and exploit the tumult in the Arab world for its own gain is vital to securing U.S. interests in a rapidly changing Middle East, and remains an urgent priority of U.S. diplomacy around the world
And you thought bananas were just a fun to eat
After the Oil company funded US coup in Iran in 1953, and the successful overthrow of Mossadegh by the CIA, another coup was carried out in Guatemala in 1954. This time under the funding and encouragement of the American United Fruit Company, later named Chiquita, as it became clear that under freely elected President Jacobo Arbenz, land that was unused by Chiquita would be given to peasants and farmers in order to develop additional and alternative agriculture to the dominant single crop banana plantations that Chiquita had built in Guatemala for decades
جواب مُطرب کور ریپورتِر را در نفی حرص
نام او رِی بود وچارلز فامیلی اش
استیلِ او ساده و بی غّل و غش
بود یک مرد سیاهپوست اصیل
از تبار زنگیان، نسل خلیل
شغل او خوانندگی در آمریکا
شهرتش از اینجا تا کُستاریکا
Iranian assassination plot allegations
by Mahmoud Reza Golshanpazhooh
Allegations of an Iranian assassination plot in Washington follows well-calculated objectives when one considers that the allegations have surfaced at a time that the United States is grappling with dire economic conditions and is in deep trouble due to the ongoing developments in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s fragile situation, shaky position of Israel in the region, Iran’s special status, forthcoming US elections and the US plan to withdraw its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan
New excerpt from "The Good Daughter"
Twenty years after she left Iran and knew she would never return, my mother sat alone in her house in California and talked the story of her life into a cassette recorder for me. The first tape arrived in springtime, a few weeks after
No Rooz, the Iranian New Year. Eventually there would ten of them. The tapes always came marked up in Persian, and I couldn’t make out much more than my name when I opened the envelope and found the first one. I’d left home for graduate school on the East Coast the year before
As I tried to pay close attention to both the gossiping women and the head-strong men arguing about Iranian history and politics, I took a
good look around and carefully analyzed the people who filled the host's home with drinks, jokes and roars of laughter. These people had always been my image of the Persian culture and heritage. Thinking further, I had an interesting thought-a question,rather: what makes the Iranian people greatly different and exception in regards to their neighbors? My earliest and most immediate thought was
Reza Shah the Great>>>
بخش بزرگی از مردم به دلیل تربیت اخلاقی و مشکلات شخصیتی نمیتوانند به نیازهای جنسی خود بپردازند
این روزها چشم به هر سو بگردانیم با علائمی روبهرو میشویم که با بوق و کرنا به آدمها گوشزد میکنند که سکس و رابطه جنسی خوب است، مهم است، بشتابید و سهم خود را بگیرید. همه قرار است عاشق باشند و حسودی، خیانت، طلاق و دلشکستگی از اخبار روزانه جراید عمومی است. از نوجوانان تا سالمندان در این موج وسیع کامیابی، با تمام توان تلاش میکنند تا از قافله عقب نمانند
عادت صبح های ما این بود... هم آغوشی ـ رویا بافی
روی پیراهن سفید بلند مارگریتا، عکس ماهی های قرمزی را کشیدم که در لا به لای جلبک های سبز شنا می کردند. نفس می کشیدند و حباب هایی روی سطح آب رودخانه درست می کردند. کمی آن ور تر سوزن بان تنهایی در سکوت مسیر قطارها را عوض می کرد. زندگی در لا به لای پیرهن مارگریتا چقدر زیباست
... from NIAC (or PAAIA) on latest "plot"
Removing ALL the sanctions on Iran allowing everyday Iranians to choke on all the Hot Pockets (owned by an Iranian!) iPhones, iPads, and iKooft they can swallow, might just swing the decision towards standing up, from the current "besheen yeh deygheh, let's wait and see". Maybe if Iranians could get Coke Zero, they would have Zero tolerance for the bullshit they are being fed on Fridays. Maybe if Iranians had a TGI Fridays, they wouldn't put up with the SL Fridays they have to hear now. Maybe if Iran had a Hooters... I think you get my point
In 1979 educated people thought change of regime would bring fairness and equality
After the revolution of 1979, this phrase was heard from many Iranians, “In 1953 a bunch of illiterate under the supervision of Sha’ban Jafari (Bimokh) rebelled, and brought educated people to power, and in 1979 educated people rebelled and brought the most uneducated and fanatic people to power”. I was very young in 1953, and could not understand the atmosphere of rebellion. However, in 1979 I was working, and was quite aware of the situation
ظاهراً امان الله از فرط بی حوصلگی، انگشتی به وحید رسانده بود
"بالغ شدن چه آسون - آدم شدن چه مشکل!" ... همسایه پیرمان در شیراز، وقتی گروه ما پسران ۱۵ ساله را میدید، بلند بلند با خودش تکرار میکرد ... بلکه ما هم بشنویم و پند بگیریم. اما کو گوش شنوا؟ ریش و سبیل مان تازه داشت سبز میشد ... با موی ژولیده، پیرهن یقه خرگوشی و شلوار پاچه گشاد