Broken silence of a daughter of revolutionary Iran
by Mahru Ghashghaei & Susan Snyder
In 1990, two mothers sat in a modest kitchen enjoying a spring day and the usual conversation of getting to know someone new. It would turn out that their common passions of family, children, gardening and heritage became the pathway to deeper stories of women's issues, self-determination, and personal struggle. Sue was an American Jewish educator, writer and entrepreneur. Mahru was an Iranian Muslim nurse and counselor. Mahru's stories were powerful, and screamed for a way into the world
You taunt me...
Your arguments.
All make sense.
but why do I always feel
your scriptwriters' zeal?
بیاینه بیش از 157 نفر از فعالان سیاسی، مدنی ،دانشجویی ، دانشگاهی و روزنامه نگاران
by 157 Signatures
در مخالفت با جنگ باید بحران سازان داخل حکومت را هدف اصلی قرار داد... همکاری کامل و شفاف با آژانس انرژی اتمی و توقف موقت و مشروط غنی سازی اورانیوم هستهای تا اعتماد سازی در چارچوب کنوانسیون منع گسترش سلاح های اتمی و پایان بخشی فوری به تمامی وجوه نظامی مربوط به برنامه هستهای می تواند به عنوان یکی از مطالبات محوری جنبش دموکراسی خواهی مردم ایران در زمینه صلح خواهی مد نظر قرار گیرد
Sanctions against Saddam Hussein were followed by war
by Mohssen Massarrat & Bahman Nirumand
Anyone who ignores the nuclear weapons arsenal in the hands of a state that since its foundation has waged several wars upon its neighboring countries... is blind in one eye. And anyone who... limits itself to the desire of preventing Iranian nuclear weapons, is not only advocating that Israel as the only country of the region retains its nuclear weapons monopoly, but also becomes ultimately responsible for the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region and beyond
Siavash Kasrai's "Scarlet Stone” opening in San Diego and Angeles
by Bibi Kasrai
Mohreye Sorkh or the “Scarlet Stone” was my father - Siavash Kasrai’s last epic poem and one that is less known to Iranians than his first one - Arash Kamangir. He wrote this poem in the darkest days of his bitter separation from the country he loved most- Iran. As harsh as it was, it is this separation however that gave him the perspective needed to ponder upon the meaning of his own aspirations and inspirations; the strength needed to analyze his generation, its heroism and its heights as well as its shortcomings and failures
نوول «من سبز می شوم میوه می دهم انجیر» نوشتۀ پیام فِیلی
یکی از نگرانیهای راوی از آینده است. او نمی داند و نمی تواند از کسی بپرسد – و یا از تجربیات دیگران بهره مند شود – که گرایش جنسی او با پا پیر شدنش به چه سمتی میل می کند یا به کجا می انجامد. روال و مراحل زندگی «طبیعی» روشن است: ازدواج، فرزند، رشد فرزندان، پیر شدن آدمی، نوه، و.... مرگ. اما مراحل زندگی یک همجنسگرا چگونه است؟ و چگونه باید آن مراحل را طی کرد؟
As I was coming
To join your encampment
I saw a young woman
Who wanted to light her cigarette.
A danger the U.S. and the rest of the world can live with
by Jordan Michael Smith
The logic of Mutually Assured Destruction holds that a country with nuclear weapons will not attack another nuclear-armed country because it will itself face retaliation in the form of nuclear destruction. Destroying the enemy becomes a way of destroying oneself. MAD, as the policy came to be known during the Cold War, is unsettling but has proved 100 percent effective in preventing war between nuclear-armed states. Iran is unique, argue the hawks of Washington and Tel Aviv
Iranians reading the corporate media become very anxious about increased chances of war
Regrettably those that orchestrated this most recent anti-Iran campaign largely achieved their objective, which was to further demonize Iran, increase support for harsher sanctions, and lay the groundwork for military action. Most Iranians reading the corporate media of the past several months most likely became very anxious and concerned about the increased chances of war breaking out
Our fatal mistake was relying on the power of clergy to get us to our aim
My first point is one of our most fatal collective mistakes. This mistake was made by each and every one of us including Pahlavis, our intellectuals, our political activists and many others. A mistake that to date all of us refused to acknowledge. A mistake which resulted in defeat and destruction of Mashrooteh, downfall of Dr Mosaddegh and the disaster of 1979. The mistake which brings me to the importance of how we look at our own history and judge our selves rather than how will the history judge Pahlavis, Ghajaars or even mullahs
ساواکیه ترسید و حرفی نزد، ولی ممد آقا ول کن نبود
اون طرف دروازه آهنی، سعید با تسبیح شاه مقصودش بازی میکرد و ممد هم مطابق معمول، مشغول تمیز کردن چاقوی زنجانیش بود. هر روز به چاقوی دسته عاجش روغن میزد، و روی یک سنگ سیاه کوچک، تیزش میکرد. هیچوقت ندیده بودم که ازش استفادهای بکنه، فقط قپی میاومد که؛ "خوش دستترین ضامن دار و پنجه بوکس زنجانه!" ... جلوی ژ-۳، که چی؟
هیچ ایرانی حاضر نیست کمترین خدشه و خراشی بر تمامیّت اندام «مام میهن» وارد آید، امّا...
by Ali Mirfetroos
با افشای طرح ترور سفیر عربستان سعودی و احالهء آن به سازمان ملل متحد، ارائهء گزارش معتدل احمد شهید، گزارشگر ویژهء سازمان ملل متحد دربارهء نقض فاحش و مستمّر حقوق بشر در ایران، گزارش اخیر دبیر کلّ آژانس بین المللی اتمی مبنی بر ماهیّت نظامی فعالیّت های اتمی ایران و... بنظر می رسد که اینک پازل حملهء نظامی به ایران کامل گردیده و این امر -بدرستی- باعث ترس و نگرانی ایرانیان نسبت به سرنوشت میهن شده است
Tehran has done a far better job of painting itself as the enemy of the U.S. than anyone else could have done
Evidence that Iran has been involved in “efforts to master the technology needed for atomic weapons” can’t simply be ignored or dismissed by the international community. Ten different intelligence agencies contributed to the Atomic Energy Agency's carefully vetted findings, which were leaked yesterday. Although the chances of war remain small, the diplomatic and economic consequences of this latest report could be extremely serious for the Islamic Republic
برخورد نهایی و خلأ اپوزیسیون
آقای احمدینژاد گفته «برخورد نهایی نزدیک است». این سخن صرف نظر از اشاره به ظهور قریبالوقوع امام زمان (که احمدینژاد قبلا وعده آن را داده) میتواند به یکی از دو صحنه درگیری این نظام و یا هر دوی آنها مربوط باشد. یکی به نقطه تصادم رسیدن روابط ایران با غرب، و دیگری رویارویی نهایی دو جناح حاکم. آقای احمدینژاد احتمال برخورد نهایی یا عدم آن را پیش نمیکشد