

Close the Strait of Hormuz

I say it's a gamble worth taking

11-Jan-2012 (16 comments)
While it will never happen, nevertheless if not here, and if not now, then where the hell else is this going to be said? Yes, I said it. The US should block the Straits. Not for all oil, just Iran's oil. Not to put pressure on the top elite, that would never happen. That theory is about the same as the effect the Occupy 99% have had on the conscience of the 1%. Or 0%. No, I mean to exactly put pressure on the middle and lower class of Iran with a sanction so deep, it effectively angers the average Iranian into action>>>


انتخابات «پرشور»ی که در راه است

آیا رژیم خواهد توانست به انتخابات بی‌جان اسفندماه روحی بدمد؟

11-Jan-2012 (3 comments)
اختلاف بین احمدی‌نژاد و خامنه‌ای آن قدر جدی است که وابستگان به خامنه‌ای از طرف‌داران احمدی‌نژاد تحت عنوان «جریان انحرافی» یاد می‌کنند و آن را در ردیف «فتنه 88» قرار داده‌اند. آنان به خصوص یادآور شده‌اند که وابستگان به این جریان نیز در روند نظارت استصوابی تصفیه خواهند شد و به آنان اجازه شرکت در نمایش انتخاباتی اسفند داده نمی‌شود>>>


Time to Meet

Prominent Iranians should gather

11-Jan-2012 (4 comments)
Iranians abroad must band together to shape a new narrative distinct from the one blaring from Tehran or emanating from foreign chancelleries in London, Ottawa, Paris, Tel Aviv or Washington. Prominent Iranians should shed their ambiguity and weigh in on such contentious issues as the pros and cons of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, on the efficacy of the current sanctions placed on the Islamic Republic, of proposing smart sanctions>>>


A Revolution On The Page

Finding identity in poetry

An immigrant's arrival in America has a distinct physical beginning marked by the landing of one's plane. But there's another arrival, the cultural one, that's incremental, perpetual. Of these latter sort of arrivals, the most memorable for me occurred nearly 20 years ago. I was still a new refugee, my heart's gaze fixed upon all that I'd left behind — upon Iran and the beloved language which, to the fledgling poet in me, meant everything at the time>>>


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