

Responses to Iran's blockade threat

Top 10

03-Jan-2012 (6 comments)
ANSWER 1: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! ANSWER 2: "Go right ahead boys. We don't import any Iranian oil anyways, but may we remind you that you export ALL of it through the same straits, so if you want to do that, by all means, go right ahead, actually you can consider this as the next US sanction that you impose on yourself.">>>


The other eye

I discovered in Saudi Arabia that I could be an Iranian and an Arab

03-Jan-2012 (5 comments)
This past fall, I spent three weeks traveling across the vast desert terrain of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The desert is powerful and restrained. It captivates the human imagination with the layered sand that lifts and settles in a gentle breeze of silence across the kingdom. The silence humbles you, but speaks volumes to the visitor who wills to endure the desert’s gravity>>>


The Messiah Complex

Deprived of ad revenues and locked out of email

03-Jan-2012 (one comment)
Google plays such an important part of our daily lives that we’ve come to regard it as a near-spiritual entity, the company’s worker bees like so many discreet Gods, obediently watching over our enlightened era. If Google secretly suffered from a Messiah complex, could we really blame it? At the California-based multinational the strategy is think big: how do you make the world’s information readily available to the highest number of people?>>>


روابط روحانیت شیعه و استعمار انگلیس - قسمت چهارم

بسیاری از روحانیون هند به صراحت مسلمانان را به همکاری با انگلیسیها تشویق می نمودند

03-Jan-2012 (8 comments)
قدرت روز افزون بریتانیا در هند شیعیان بلند پایه را بر آن داشته بود که در صدد ایجاد روابط نزدیک با این بازیگر جدید سیاست هندوستان باشند. شکست فرمانروایان شیعی بنگال در سال 1757 و اود در سال 1764 باعث گشته بود که شیعیان دولت انگلیس را به عنوان ولی نعمت حاکمان محلی خود بشناسند و در صدد نزدیکی هر چه بیشتر با این قدرت جدید منطقه باشند>>>


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