

Conceptualizing Gender (7)

Karen Horney and Masculinity Complex

07-Jun-2012 (3 comments)
Despite rejecting the Freudian concept of ‘penis envy,’ Karen Horney agreed that women were often embarrassed by their feminine role and envied men. In fact, in several of her essays, Karen Horney developed and restructured the concept of ‘masculinity complex,’ akin to Adler's ‘masculine protest.’ She described this complex as ‘the entire complex of feelings and fantasies that have for their content the woman's feeling of being discriminated against, her envy of the male, her wish to be a man and to discard the female role’>>>


حقايق پشت پرده تاريخ ايرانزمين

وسيرى در ناشناخته هاى ادبيات فارسى

07-Jun-2012 (3 comments)
اولا ما در زبان فارسى حرف ث را زياد استفاده نميکنيم، ثانيا ميتوان ثابت کرد که نه تنها ثريا خانوم چاق و چله اهل ثواب کردن نيست و از بخشش و کمک به مردم بى بضاعت اکراه دارد بلکه پول و ثروتش را هر ثانيه در دفتر ثبت ميکند مبادا يک ريال جابجا شود>>>


The Sign
07-Jun-2012 (one comment)
During my daughter’s graduation ceremony
I thought nothing of my mother’s tears
of joy, I presumed.


Constructing a Nation-State

Journey to the Republic of Azerbaijan

Forced to build a nation-state in the territory they inherited from the chaos that followed the demise of the Soviet Union, the elite of the Azeri nationality set out to construct a national narrative for their new country. A self-respecting nation, in addition to a territory, needs its own heroes, legends, and glorious tales of military exploits and cultural feats>>>