Awful choices with unpredictable consequences
by Bill Keller
The prevailing view now is that a nuclear Iran cannot be safely contained. On this point both President Obama and Mitt Romney agree. They can hardly say otherwise; to even hint that a nuclear Iran is acceptable would undermine the efforts aimed at preventing that outcome. But I tend to think they mean it. However, there are serious, thoughtful people who are willing to contemplate a nuclear Iran, kept in check by the time-tested assurance of retaliatory destruction
Upcoming visit is an opportunity to highlight continued repression
In late September 2012, the United Nations in New York will host Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his annual visit as president of Iran - the last such occasion, since the election of June 2013 in Iran will see Ahmadinejad's successor take office. Much attention will, understandably, focus on Iran's nuclear ambitions and the danger of an armed attack on Iran. But it is important also to register the current conditions inside Iran, including the condition of human rights in the country
آزاده طبیب
نمونه نسلی که از همه چیزش گذشت
آزاده" فرزند دکتر حسین طبیب یکی از وکلای مجلس شورای ملی دوره شاه بود. او علیرغم زندگی مرفه خانوادگی و امکانات خاصی که داشت نسبت به محیط اجتماعی پیرامونش بی تفاوت و بی توجه نبود و درد و رنج مردم محروم را درک و حس میکرد. بهمین خاطر پس از آن "بهمن" پرامید و پرفریب در حالیکه شانزده سال بیشتر نداشت در صفوف هوادران مجاهدین خلق قرار میگیرد
لیلا فرجامی
کتاب رودخانه ای که از ماه می گذرد
اشعار زیبا و مدرن و زبان مستقل و طنز قوی و یاغی اش را مانند رودخانه ای از شعر در میان کهکشان اینترنت جاری کرد. و چه سرنوشتی حقیقی تر از رهایی و جاری شدن شعر در فضای آزادی و رهایی کهکشان اینترنت؟ و چه شعری دلنشین تر از شعر بی حصار؟
Religion says: “God works in mysterious ways”
Science says: “Some aspects of Gravity are mysterious”
Religion says: “Obey God’s laws and you will be rewarded”
Science says: “Understand laws of gravity and you will benefit”