What's behind threats of military action?
When I switched on the car radio in California on Sept 11, 2001 my first thought was that Noah Adams of Morning Edition was playing a joke, but then his voice stayed very grim, and had long speechless dead air between the tragic news. I drove to where I knew where a TV would be on. A stunned crowd was packed inside the bar at a 24 hour casino and we all gasped when each tower came down
Reasons behind Ottawa’s decision to cut ties with Tehran
On September 8, Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and its Foreign Minister, John Baird, participated in an Asia Pacific Co-operation (APEC) summit. During a news conference Baird unexpectedly announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Iran. Canada’s announcement almost instantaneously topped headlines and resonated throughout the world as many asked, “Why did the Canadian government suddenly cut its relations with Tehran now, and not earlier?”
گزارشی از دادگاه مردمی ایران تریبونال در لندن — قسمت هفتم
تهمینه شهدت داد که هنگامی که در سال ۶۱ دستگیر شد، تب مالت داشت و بشدت بیمار بود. با اینحال بازجو ۳-۴ ساعت تمام او را با دمپایی کتک می زد. تهمینه با اسم اصلی خودش دستگیر شده بود و بازجو حدس می زد که اسم تشکیلاتی او چی است و با فشار می خواست که تهمینه را مجبور به اعتراف و پذیرفتن آن پرونده بکند، اما تهمینه زیر بار نمی رفت
Review: Ghobadi's "Rhino Season"
Under a starry sky, on a typically warm and humid September night in the heart of Toronto, throngs of giddy Iranian filmgoers (with, of course, the odd exception here and there) formed a serpentine queue outside the historic Elgin Theatre, full of hope and great expectations – and understandably so; for they were a privileged few, who would not only witness the world premiere of a film from one of Iran’s most celebrated directors, but also the performance – and presence – of an Iranian icon
Excerpt from MK Alexander's novel
What to do about Iran's nuclear program? The CIA has a clever cyber-war program to shut them down... But things never go according to plan. Meet Aydin Llewelyn, computer genius, deadbeat and accidental spy. Can he and his ex-girlfriend make it to Tehran and save the day? Find out in this fast-paced, amusing, twisty tale of travel and intrigue
کشیش گفت: چه جالب فرزندان من. حالا تو ترکیه چیکار میکنین؟
بابک و من تو خیابون باریک «جمهوریت جادهسی» که یه سرش به میدان تکسیم میخورد دنبال کلیسای کاتولیک میگشتیم. کنسولگری خیلی از کشورها تو این خیابون بود. هوا گرم بود و پیادهرو شلوغ . نمیشد راحت راه رفت. بابک و من عقلامونرو رو هم ریخته بودیم و به این نتیجه رسیده بودیم که اگه بریم بگیم میخوایم مسیحی بشیم شاید بتونن یه کمکی بکنن تا از ترکیه بریم
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زاین عشق چه دیدی که تو را همچو قضا بود؟
گفتم که بلا بود، بلا بود، بلا بود