شاید چون ما در خارج از ایران زندگی میکنیم بیشتر کمبودهای زبان فارسی به چشممان میخورد
Look at Diyala province in Iraq to see the future if Khamenei decides his hardline regime can survice only by fully unleashing the his security forces
....... I logged onto the website and clicked on Omid's video link. Not more than a minute into the song/video I had to hold my vomit!!
Najafi was born in 1980 in Bandar-e_Anzali
Shah of Iran visits children and their nurses at a Nursery in Tabriz Hospital. (circa 1960's)
It is the people, stupid!
A brand new cartoon by yours truly.
We should call instead of OBAMA , call him OMAMA
The future usage of Ayatollah as Dogs in the borders of Iran ..
This American president can not stand tall! he loves to bow. First to Saudi King and now to Japan's King...who's next?hmmm....
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