Jazz Nights of Tehran www.JAZZNOT.com is an organization devoted to Art and Music
جای شوخی و سفسطه و چانه زدن و تعبیرهای گوناگون در این راستا که چه کسی مسلمان است و درجات مختلف مسلمانی باقی نمیماند.
گر انقلاب کنی، آخوند زاده برنجانی
تابلو هایی از شری چکامیان
گوید مهاجرانی این گوی و این میدان است
یا اینکه با ما باشید یا جایتان زندان است
در حکومت ظلم حتی شخص شخیص حکمران ظالم دیکتاتور هم در امان نیست
Since the bitter memories of the coup and hostage crisis continue to haunt both Iranians and Americans, it is important to have an open and honest debate about the full effects of these two incidents
Amidst the Spanish Civil War, a candidate for canonization is investigated by a journalist who discovers his own estranged father had a deep, dark and devastating connection to the saint's life
On the Occasion of Upcoming International Women's Day
With breeze at dawn; twinkling sunshine.
Drunken Swallows, flying in wine
Mousavi/Karoubi followers cherry picking the truth
I had the chance to meet Persian Cook Ali Tavassoli on the set of an Episode of Manoto TV’s
"Beh Zendeghyeh Man Khosh Amadeed" aka "
Welcome to My Life" which I helped produce.
A video of "Mithras Reader: An Academic and Religious Journal of Greek, Romanand Persian Studies, Volume III":