- You are too anal.
> That’s a wild accusation ... I don’t even like anal sex!
My first taste in many years
Cartoon about Iran, Comedy and Media titled "The
jester mocks the
Jester" by Kaveh Adel copyright 2011
A great tv program regarding modernity
Mark Dankof reviews Bahman Nassiri's new movie, "
The Golden Veil."
Candlelight vigil in Izmir Turkey In Remembrance of Prince Ali Reza Pahlavi of Iran to be held on Janurary 8th 2011
ایران در همه جا یافتنی ست
What Iran & Iranians deserve
I have been an avid fan of buddha-bar music ever since of their early collaborations with DJs : Claude Challe and Ravin!
نقل قول از ویلیام شکسپیر در هملت پردهء اول، صحنهء دوم است، جایی که هملت برای اولین بار در این نمایش در بارهء خودکشی فکر می کند.